This is one drawing I wish you could see in person. I scan at a poor resolution, one that can't be duplicated with out loss of detail. I finish paintings using white and this one just pops ;-)
I really enjoyed doing it. It is a gift for a friend. Here we worry about medicine and growing and there now they are worry about the soil under their feet and growing food is more of a concern. I’ve read several times over the years that planting Cannabis can help clean and repair the soil. Why not at least try?! Over politics? I think it’s a bit late for that. What ever it takes at this point is what the Japanese Government owes it’s people. Owes US the rest of the people that share this planet to plant this PLANT. Now. Here is a link to an interesting related article:http://www.cannabisculture.com/content/2013/10/16/Can-Hemp-Marijuana-and-Mushrooms-Fix-Fukushima-Part-1-What-Happened If all you can do is raise awareness than do that, or think about them, send them good vibes and love. No one likes to wonder if what we feed our children is killing them and the Japanese don’t have much of a choice right now. ;-( I just made friends with a few people from Japan - one day I hope to visit. It’s so awesome having FB to see into their daily lives. I’m grateful for that on several levels. The differences... then you start to notice the same. The same crimes worldwide, against people. People standing up for something that is wrong in their country. Protests, punishment and in some cases ‘lack of’. India and rape. I think we should know, and should say - wow, I am lucky that is not happening here. BUT THEN speak up and say “Really, in this day?!! - Should WE (as humans) allow that to be happening anywhere to each other? SPEAK UP! Do you think you are here to live in the shadows without opinion? Then why have a brain. ^ ^^ This is me speaking to myself in my head. ^^^ LOL I find me very hard to ignore. Over a plant... xox <>< It's back to nature. For us anyhow. More fresh veges, reading labels and focusing on what goes in before it comes out, in one way or another. If it can be stored in a box for 6 months we don't want it. Originally, I saw a post with a photo of a horse, it instantly made me smile. this is my version. Is there anyone who claims not to know the benefits of choosing a salad over a cheese burger? Choice. What we put into out bodies. Food and medicine. The choice should always be OUR own. xox <>< Every time I read HOW Health Canada is justifying 'weeding out the growers' - all I see is excuses and lies. Not to mention very unfair to ASSume everyone is a criminal just because they enjoy the passion of gardening. OR never ASSUME that every grow room is a FACTORY/warehouse/Laboratory. Although I’ll admit, hard to do other wise if your only form of cannabis education is via the mainstream media - I will say they are getting better. I think it is more of a case you can’t hide the truth much fu*king longer!! Many times people have a simple out door garden, a closet garden, small tents designed specifically for indoor growing. MUCH LIKE many grow systems that people use in their homes who are concerned about GMO’s. Many have converted rooms, even a basement. How many people brew their own beer/ wine? Worse - how many people have a meth lab set up in their homes? More than you know; after all that is where the true $$ is, with serious addiction come steady clients. It is nice to have control of what goes into ONES body and WHY shouldn’t we?! Not according to Health Canada- it is very dangerous. The biggest danger is keeping it illegal. PROHIBITION, the new changes are JUST a new form of PROHIBITION. You also imagine (thanks to the media) immigrants, stoners and hardened crooks to be growing Cannabis - YOU forget or are not educated much on the others - The parents growing for children who are suffering with cancer or HIV, a husband growing for his wife... who needs it for her nausea and chronic pain. Kids growing it for parents!! BECAUSE it is easier and cheaper! Just like growing it in your back yard! WHO has made it a crime? Well, Health Canada and it’s changes will now make it a crime for thousands who were all growing their own medicine. Thousands who were LEGALLY growing their own medicine. Thousands now that won’t be able to grow or afford their medicine. Thousands of Canadians and their families turned into criminals... why? For wanting to feel better? Not hurting anyone. Not hurting themselves. Where exactly is the crime? The CRIME is letting Health Canada fu*king with peoples lives, physically and mentally causing them added unnecessary stress to already seriously ill Canadians. I would never have believed ‘we’ as a country or people were capable... I guess it is the reason I’m living it. Hard to turn a blind eye to what pokes you in the other! LOL Today I celebrate with banana bread and a clean Bong! Wow - what a criminal I am. Thanks to Cannabis : my twitch tames to the point I can walk better, get out and garden, hang some laundry and make dinner for my family - your everyday stoner mom stuff. Thanks to cannabis my son can go to his job and have a somewhat normal life ;-) ... Don’t ASSume all you ‘read’ is true. Ask someone who is ‘LIVING’ it. xox <><
Google images of Leona - what do you see? Many like this one.... a picture is worth a thousand words.
I have sent letters, e mail and now posted on Leona's FB page but never even an acknowledgement. APPARENTLY several people were consulted - patients, about the changes but everyone I have spoken with said pretty much everything they suggested or said was simply ignored. IMO it was all just for LOOKS. Now to read - Canadians will be 'saving tax' dollars no longer having to grow Cannabis for sick patients! WOW. SUCH BULL it is mind blowing. REALLY!?? Do you think we are idiots? Who's taxes will pay for these people when you send them to jail for growing plants? Many are already on disability... and these peopel will still need medical attention - more $$$ for tax payers.. How much does it cost to keep a Canadian in Jail for 6 years? http://news.nationalpost.com/2011/07/18/prison-costs-soar-86-in-past-five-years/For instance, the cost of keeping a male inmate in prison rose from $88,067 per year in 2006 to $109,699 in 2009, according to the most recent data from Corrections and Conditional Release Statistical Overview. I want to know who's tax dollars will pay for all these people who are determined to continue to grow their medicine! NOT CRIMINALS! What would YOU DO!!! Many have invested in all the necessary equipment and I do say INVESTED - so what are they expected to do - stop? SOMETHING they have been legally permitted to do for years!? Because HEALTH CANADA has decided to make changes? I am really SICK and tired of all patients/growers being ASSUMED criminals. Is that not the same as we should assume all politicians are crooks? Or crack heads? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... I am not alone, I know so many people who are frustraited, angry, depressed, frightened all because of HEALTH CANADA and the proposed changes to the MMAR. On top of that they feel alone and IGNORED. I can relate. Does my opinion not mater? Does my son not matter? If Leona won't help us who will? Is she not the HEALTH MINISTER??? Leona won't help us. WE must help ourselves by bringing attention to this treatment of Canadians as what it is CRUEL. Adding stress to the thousands that are already ill and suffering is shameful. OVER A PLANT. SPREAD the word, make sure people understand what is happening. The next time you read about saving tax payers money, wonder at what cost? This cost will be lives. Will Leona answer questions then? xox <>< Introducing Running with Buddha. Many of you might not be aware of my Hempy Stalkers.... probably because every year I am lucky if I can produce 10. This year only 8. Each Hempy stalker is made with THC & TLC & every year they get better and better. It’s only been 3 and like any other work you get better and fine tune it as you go along. The problem is - NOT a problem for me - I have a few collectors that come back every year, so in essence they are sold before I even display them. NOT this year!’ I did 2 things. I told all, they have to wait until the EXPO is officially one before they can purchase anything and Running with Buddha is NOT for sale. I decided that with my ‘show special’ (More on that Wed.) 100 bags- every bag purchased is the only way you also get a chance to WIN Running with Buddha. 1 in 100, those are pretty good odds! If you do not win you still get an awesome limited edition bag full of Happy Hippie stuff. This way someone that might not be able to afford a Hempy Stalker can possibly own one. My hubby is right now in the garage building me an awesome display! Just for my Stalkers ;-) Each made with THC & TLC! Here are a couple of photo of Running with Buddha but like everything else ‘she’ is much more beautiful in real life. Of course there will be several available to purchase they are priced from $65.00 Up to $400. for “the Twins” if you are interested you better decide early... Each takes a long time to make, almost a full year, proper drying and prep then painting, bringing to life - most of them guide me as to what they become ;-) I add little details, charms, beads, glass and what ever else seems to want to be part of Hempy Stalker ART. I have had Running with Buddha on display in my own living room and it is going to be hard to part with. Not one person walks by and does not make a comment! What a wonderful way to start a conversation about Cannabis. Ideal for a Compassion CLUB, HOME. OFFICE anywhere! I have a friend with one on order after the EXPO to display in her store front window! EXCITING! To me they are sculpture, art... that is what they are, NOT for Children. They are not toys. They are a little delicate but made to be handled, touched and appreciated for all they are, and all they represent! LIFE - GROWTH and LOVE. Want to see more!? See you at the EXPO and I will have a blog with all the Stalkers after the EXPO - sorry no point even showing them now, I don’t like to tell people “No.” xox <>< About this article... please read before you continue ;) http://www.torontosun.com/2013/05/11/bobby-orr-angered-mactier-arena-could-become-medical-marijuana-facility I have no idea who the Growing company is and clearly everyone knows how I feel about growing medical CANNABIS but... I agree with Bobby. The second I read it - 'I Got it' - smart actually, an empty arena! A great place to grow Cannabis, big, open, cool, truck backs up to doors. Sounds like a perfect location from all I have seen on the huge scale grows - In many magazines & ONLINE - research it. There are many empty factories, warehouses possibly even arenas already shut down. The kids in small towns hardly have enough to occupy them as it is! We need to keep them busy with physical activity, as obesity is the number one killer in the USA and sadly we seem to be falling behind, too close for comfort in my opinion. Shutting down an 'active' arena to grow Cannabis? I am sure it would also be a great investment for the town, wonderful, well paying jobs, too many are out of work and need it. Most importantly - Quality medical cannabis for those who are sick and NEED it! YAY I am sure several members of the community in question, are already benefiting from Medical Cannabis. So imagine my heart, torn over this article. Let me also clarify some ‘fear mongering’ going on - “They are going to haul the marijuana out of the old arena right past the kids in the school across the street and right through the downtown?” PLEASE... This is a huge industry people - WAKE UP! I have no doubts that it would be run professionally with proper ventilation, security and the Cannabis would not even be detected if not for this article. Much like a truck backs up to the doors of every Walmart and drops off boxes - you have no idea what is inside until you open the box or see the product on a shelf. It is the same way with medical Cannabis. So - lets stop that nonsense right now. I also hope Bobby drops the 'I wonder what they were smoking' when they made this decision attitude. That is just a lack of disrespect for those that use Medical Cannabis. Not a very considerate or compassionate opinion for ALL involved. This fear mongering with Cannabis in general has to stop. It is a legally recognized medicine in this beautiful country of ours and it is recognized around the world as a very successful medication helping many. People should be demanding from their Doctors the right to use Cannabis over the more toxic opiates. Our body our choice. If you don't agree with this you better think long and hard. Over 16,000 deaths a year from PRESCRIBED opiates. SIMPLE. No deaths from Cannabis. Please... - Kids have it hard enough. They watch too much TV and deal with social media on a level proving to be turning out a generation of shallow, uneducated beings. http://www.examiner.com/article/too-much-technology-for-kids-is-bad-for-development-says-new-study and... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/dr-jim-taylor/technology-and-kids_b_2232502.html Yikes. Kids need to keep active and no arena should be shut down for any reason. The same goes with Libraries and pools. I'm proud my town opened a complex for kids. The ROC. BUT if it was struggling - I think it would be an awesome idea to boost a local economy & opportunity to educate the town and children on medical cannabis. I am sure this is why they have even considered it in the first place. xox Some will see this toon and think
well.. not quite. Really? You tell me. Why not? When I was little I remember my aunt Ceal, pointing out berries in my nanny’s back yard and saying don’t eat them they will make you sick. O.k. Got it. I didn’t eat them, I still don’t ;-) Problem solved. Instead of telling children - "ohhh it will fry your brain, it is illegal, it is a crime, it will make you crazy." We make it a secret they get curious about. Secret + curious = kid ♥ TELL them the TRUTH. WHEN they are little : “It is a plant that can effect your mood and how you think, it makes some feel tired, some more energetic and creative; most importantly for many people all around the world it helps them with their pain. MENTALLY & Physically. It is not toxic but it does make some feel ‘sick’... and don't touch it because you are too young and it *may effect your brain". *I say 'may' because no one seems to know for sure... but they sure like 'suggesting' it does. I tell kids if you can go though life not using any drug- then you are blessed! I know of many people that also say, Cannabis is what helped them cope as a kid. I believe it. As parent? IS there anything wrong with that statement? It is the truth. I have always been upfront with Storm. IF they are old enough to ask - don't kid yourself they ARE old enough to understand. AT the same time teach them the most common house hold plants that can make them very sick! Also know this information for your animals! My cat Darkie, is always nibbling at my plants!! Here are the top few: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/05/13/9-deadly-house-plants-pho_n_575527.html#s90268&title=Daffodils So, why is Cannabis the problem that it is today?! Morning Glories get us high if we eat the seeds. But you don’t see people going around killing and robbing for morning glories!? THERE are far more deadly and seriously harmful drugs on this beautiful planet other than cannabis. Please do your own research, as to how it all started - Rich corporate greed, (does that shock anyone at this point?) - that’s how. BUT why now... still ? Because it is a HUGE cash COW. Look at the news, the T.V. shows and now the rush to make a 'medicine' based from cannabis. WE all ready have one though and there lies the real problem. KEEP it illegal so only a few may have the CONTROL. <SIMPLE Rich Corporate Greed once again... A PLANT!! ? Who can argue if we just said ENOUGH! It is a plant, enough people have lost their lives, jobs, homes and families. It’s a plant get over it! Guess what .... It would be over!! Oh, there are a few that will grow and sell and make some serious money and it is something people will embrace and celebrate... Some people will still be successful. That too, has nothing to do with Cannabis. It is about the individual. Individual choice. I choose Cannabis for HERB garden & my kitchen & medicine cabinet. xox <>< A guest Blog that I enjoyed reading and thought worth sharing! xox <><
Catch-422 By John Dvorak, Hempologist See more @ : http://www.hempology.org/CANNABISCURRICULUM.html With a tip of my hempen chapeau to Joseph Heller, our government has created a phenomena that I call Catch-422. They put up as many roadblocks as possible in an effort to stifle our progress and to demonize Cannabis Sativa, a safe and effective natural herbal remedy. A Kafkaesque melangé of federal agencies and bloated bureaucracies justify their existence at the expense of the sick and dying, while the beer-bellied, vodka saturated, over-pharmaceuticalized sheeple continue to gulp down oxycontin, viagra and anything else peddled by their kowtowed doctors. Thousands die EACH YEAR overdosing on alcohol and prescribed drugs, while there isno lethal dose for Cannabis. Hundreds of thousands of Americans are arrested each year merely for possessing marijuana because Reefer Madness has infected Congress and rotted the judicial system to its core. Marijuana’s illegality is justified by calling it a gateway drug that will lead to harder drugs and/or a decaying of a person’s moral fabric: Catch-422. In fact, cannabis is proving to be a gateway AWAY from illegal narcotics and debilitating pharmaceuticals. The DEA classifies marijuana as a Schedule I narcotic which, by definition, means there is no currently acceptable medical use. Everyone knows this is total bullshit, but when researchers ask for cannabis to perform studies, they're told they can't have it because, of course, marijuana has no medical use, leaving patients burning in Dante’s inferno of mock compassion: Catch-422. Their circular logic jerks people around to no end. Even some states with medical marijuana laws on the books are imposing outrageous restrictions on the ailments that qualify: Catch-422. One of the most egregious examples of this is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), which several states refuse to recognize Cannabis for despite its obvious benefits. And, the Federal government never misses a chance to “pile on” by preventing the Veteran’s Administration from providing Cannabis to the many vets with PTSD. A classic Catch-422 is how states delay the implementation of medical marijuana laws, oftentimes parroting the old canard: “think of the children.” New Jersey’s Compassionate Use Medical Marijuana Act was signed into law in January, 2010. However, bureaucratic foot dragging by that state’s Gutless Wonder Governor, Chris Christie, delayed the opening of their first dispensary for almost 3 years. Consider this: A card carrying medical marijuana patient working for a big box store had a minor accident, failed a drug test and was subsequently fired. His dismissal was upheld by Michigan's supreme court: Catch-422. Tragically, a medical marijuana patient who was denied a liver transplant because of his Cannabis use recently passed away: Catch-422. We need to fight for people’s basic right to medicate without discrimination. Another Catch-422 is the “institutional hypocrisy” that prevents people from coming out of the cannabis closet. Consider this: Despite many states passing various Cannabis laws, mere possession of marijuana continues to be a violation of federal law! It is very difficult for someone to promote an illegal activity. You expose yourself to public ridicule or worse. For many, testing positive for Cannabis could result in the loss of their job, government benefits or custody of their children. Students that are arrested for Cannabis could lose their student loans: Catch-422. Similarly, the IRS has ruled that medical marijuana dispensaries cannot deduct business expenses because possessing and distributing Cannabis violates federal law: Catch-422. Banks and credit card companies are refusing to do business with dispensaries for the same reason: Catch-422. The sad part about this is that dispensaries are proving to be economic engines, hiring people and paying taxes in an otherwise depressed economy. The DEA says that hemp is the same as marijuana. They have tied a Gordian knot of hemp rope, claiming that hemp will confuse the police even though this is not an issue in Canada or Europe where it is legal to grow hemp: Catch-422. United States Department of Agriculture studies call hemp a niche crop without fully investigating its myriad uses: Catch-422. Farmers will not grow hemp unless there is a market for it and you can’t sell products unless you can produce them which means you need farmers to grow hemp: Catch-422. This chicken or the egg situation is a real “pair o’ ducks.” Thanks to prohibition, we are re-inventing the ENTIRE hemp industry from the ground up. The sky is limit (think Trillion Dollar Crop!) but it is going to be a long, hard fight for those willing to join the battle. We need to recognize these efforts for what they are: a blatant and callous effort to impede our progress. Only by identifying and understanding these barriers will we be able to get around or over the obstacles that stand in the way of realizing the full benefits of the humble plant scientifically known as Cannabis Sativa. Fortunately in the privacy of the voting booth, people are electing to choose cannabis hemp and give a collective middle finger to the powers that be. Music for your blog reading enjoyment: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dzs1K3caXJk Wow, this cartoon smacked me right in the head ;-) Awesome. It started with a joke from my best bud Cathy.♥ I was stressed wondering what to draw for 4/20?! The universal day of Celebration for Cannabis!!! A Plant. Grown from a seed. Made by *GOD. (*original patent holder) Medical, Recreational, Hemp, Food, Fuel.. It's the day and I want to say THANK YOU! I have said it so many times, I thank God daily for this Plant! Give us this Day our daily Bud... <3 Wow. YES, I read recently how powerful that prayer is; Give us this dayour daily bread, -not thanks for yesterday, or make sure I have it tomorrow. Give us THIS day. Focus on today. .. and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and that ^ ^ ^ That simply put means ^ ^ ^ : PEACE, PEOPLE! Religion aside... who can argue with those lines? How else are we going to get ahead, clearly WAR is not the answer! Thank you Marvin, now in my head for the rest of the day. People all around the world who suffer over a plant. A plant less toxic than many others, proven helpful to ease pain, yet illegal and lives destroyed because of it. WTF? O.M.God. How disappointing. A PLANT. While others rape, kill, abuse, terrorize, suffer & starve needlessly... enough with the bullshit distraction. FOCUS on the REAL problems at hand. Rise Up people! Speak up! <3 Celebrate this Plant! Let it be a symbol of change. It all starts with a SEED!!! Life. So.. Yes! Give us this Day our daily bud, and thank you Lord for it! I do! Everyday! Keeping the Love of my life happy - How could I not give thanks? Celebrate 4/20, Spread Peace and Love !!! - there are already enough assholes doing the opposite;-) xox <>< April fool! Too bad it is no joke.. This is not an original idea. I was inspired by an image I saw, and of course this is what came to mind. It is how I feel. Apparently people even now, are still getting permission to grow. Is Health Canada lining up all it's ducks in a row for when they want to TAKE away licenses? Are we all just sitting ducks? How can this still be happening, when they claim the entire reason they will be removing is for criminal activity, yet more permits are issued... I know, I am NOT the only one confused. Health Canada is probably hoping we are all 'dazed and confused'. That is not happening. I see less confused and dazed every day, all around. DO NOT become a sitting duck or An April FOOL! Pay attention, take notes and stand up for what you believe in. xox <>< The only criminal activity I see happening is on the part of Health Canada and the MMAR Program. We are talking and planning garden! We are thinking, healing herbs and healthy vegetables! I have been searching PIN - ton's of fantastic gardening ideas. Tips and tricks! How to attract butterflies! I plan on spending as much time as possible in my garden this year I have even researched plants for by the pool. Grow! Live and eat off your own land if you can. It is not easy - nothing in life is. It is HEALTHIER!!! I am so excited! My project for this Easter weekend! Tomorrow is Good Friday and I am taking the day off to think, reflect on life! New life and hope in a seed... Tomato and Mustard. :-) xox <>< We watched an interesting doc. the other night, I was watching it and the guys joined me at some point. It was called: Food Matters http://www.foodmatters.tv/ We watched it on netflix and it was awesome. We are juicing most mornings and they don't always taste so great - especially the kale BUT - They taste better than medicine, they taste better then sick! I will say I made kale chips and LOVED them - 250 in the oven for 30-35 min.s Rubbed in olive oil and a bit of lemon seasoning - YUM! Must get more Kale tomorrow. Watch the documentary. It is informative. Do you want to be healthy? I WISHED I had seen it an listened years ago! I will admit I have had an exhausting week leaving me thinking... is this as good as it gets? Is the slow to heal excuse just that ... I have decided to do what I love best draw and paint. xox <>< I watched a great Ted Talk the other day! It was about a gardener. A man who is making a difference, feeding the poor as well as making the world more beautiful. L.A. Green Ground - completely volunteer and free. Need I say more? AWESOME. You can watch it here: http://www.ted.com/talks/ron_finley_a_guerilla_gardener_in_south_central_la.html Hopefully you too shall be inspired! xox <>< One of the main claims to ban 'home grow rooms' is fire hazards according to Minister of Health Leona Aglukkaq. This got me thinking. I don't really hear/read of many specific 'Grow Room fires' which is strange when according to The Union - Documentary - 1 in 10 homes is Growing (In B.C.) Many are here as well. Wih those odds - if it was that bad, I think I would hear/read more about it. So I decided to research and found out that the (according to Readers Digest) Top 10 reasons for House fires in Canada are: 1. Cooking - getting distracted, forgetting or leaving stuff too close to the stove. 2. Heaters. Old heaters. or too close to items that get hot and start on fire. A problem with hoarders as homes are cold because vents are covered. Add a heater with all that stuff and you have a recipe for disaster. 3. Careless Smoking! Make a rule today! NO smoking in the bedroom! BUTT OUT. 4. Electrical appliances. Being left on, unattended. 5. Candles - left unattended. 6. Kids & curiosity - matches, magnifying glass. Kids are curious - EDUCATE THEM! 7. Old wiring in homes and apt. buildings. 8. Flammables - Paint. cleaners - PUT them in a safe place. Just fumes from some product can become flammable! 9.Christmas Trees! Dry, fire hazards ;-( Presents are fuel. BE careful!! 10. B.B.Q's Do you know what is NOT on that list? Grow Rooms. What most people do not realize, Grow rooms are an investment. Many are in homes with families and children and great care has been taken. If Grow room goes up in flames - It is rare. No one wants to lose time, money or medicine! How can they possible claim that is the main reason for stopping grow licenses? If that was the case, they best be going into every home and removing the stove. Bullshit... Common sense! ** While writing this I realized, several have already touched us first hand... 1. Cooking. In prep for a Halloween party we were having, I had something on the stove and placed a big funky plastic serving tray too close to the stove- I went outside and came in to see the tray and BLACK - plastic flames reaching up over my stove! Thank God we have a fire extinguisher. ** I can not forget - I lost someone very close to me (an uncle & friend) in an apartment fire a few years back. Apparently he put something on the stove and fell asleep. ;-( 3. Matches, careless smoking (bong). Once some matches were used and put down, left the room and the match continued to smolder burning a hole in my bedroom end table. I have not let Norm fix it, so I am reminded of the simple stupidity. 5. Candle... during a Halloween party our mantle display caught fire! Thank Goodness we were in the house at the time and not in the display. 10. B.B.Q Just this last summer Norm had his eyebrows singed off the BBQ. by a burst of flames! ... We are lucky that more damage did not occur. I hear of mishaps all the time. Please take time to educate your children and ourself! It might save a life. Do not let Health Canada continue to mislead us with lies. <3 Click here for your copy! by:Jane Grey Cannabis. To some, it’s medicine, or a drug, or a way to relax. To others, they are indifferent, skeptical about it’s use, or choose not to believe a natural plant that does no harm could do so much good. I used to be one of the skeptics. Two years ago, my husband was diagnosed with a terminal form of cancer called Merkel Cell Carcinoma found at Stage 4 in his lymph nodes. Merkel Cell Carcinoma is a rare and fast-growing form of skin cancer that only 1000 people get diagnosed with in North America per year. Doctors know very little about this form of cancer. Normally, a patient's prognosis is grim because 90% of people diagnosed with Merkel Cell Carcinoma are over the age of 60 and are too ill or old to go through extensive chemotherapy or radiation treatment to slow down the rapid growth of Merkel Cell Carcinoma. My husband at the time was only 35 when he received his diagnosis and was expected to only live 3 months. After several chemotherapy treatments his condition worsened, I suggested he try cannabis in hopes it would help him. He was skeptical it would be beneficial, but knew it was no worse than his monthly chemotherapy and medications since I did not have to wear a haz-mat suit to hand him a joint. He found cannabis not only helped pre-existing back pain, but eliminated nausea for up to 4 hours, gave him energy, appetite, helped his depression caused by his diagnosis and was able to re-gain some independence again. I saw cannabis take a man off his death bed quicker than he was put there. Though, cannabis could not help him with recovering between chemotherapy treatments but made life more bearable while going through it. Even years after his chemotherapy is over (and he’s still alive) he is left with a chronic ‘bone ache‘ common with people who have been through chemo, and a loss of energy and appetite he once had prior to his treatments. Adam found no supportive doctor who would sign his MMAR. Even his oncologist, the doctor that told him he only had 3 months to live suggested he “buy off the street” because what cop would arrest a man with cancer? Well, this doctor was mis-informed. Because they do, violently. Sure, we found some doctors who wanted $500 for a signature, but it was far beyond what we could afford. It made us wonder who exactly could afford $500 a year to have their paperwork signed? Doctors don’t even get paid $500 a visit by Health Canada when you see them. Health Canada’s wages for doctors are posted publicly. Depending on the doctor or circumstance, they receive $60-$120 per visit. Something along these lines are more fair and affordable to someone on a reduced income from CPP Disability, ODSP or a pension. Most people looking to obtain a MMAR are usually on a fixed income, because they’re ill! It shouldn’t be held against them. Also, I think it would be illogical for a doctor to risk their practice and license over $100, even $200. The risk far outweighs the gain, regardless of how much they would make annually from it. However, a doctor that charges $500 up to $1000 to fill out paperwork- which doctor would be more likely to turn a blind eye to someone who is.. not so sick? And, who would be more likely to have this kind of money readily available to pay said doctor? Health Canada is considering making changes to the MMAR to take away a patient's right to grow because of criminals. But, how exactly did these criminals obtain a MMAR? I think some of the statistics could be falsified. In Canada, our Charter of Rights and Freedoms gives us freedom of association. And, regardless of what a person does or who they know, because they are a ‘criminal‘ doesn’t make them immune to illnesses, diseases, and getting common conditions associated with age. So if they did actual research, how many would be left out of 20,000 exemptions that are actually using and abusing the system. That paid a doctor to turn a blind eye only to take advantage of the system. And how come, because of so few taking advantage- why are thousands left to suffer? The average monthly income for someone on assistance from disability or retirement ranges from $700-$1500 per month depending on the province, circumstances and where the income is coming from. Cannabis can currently be grown outdoors for essentially free less the costs of some nutrients. It can also be grown indoors very inexpensively. However, Health Canada wants to take away this affordability and charge patients $8/g [$500-$2480 per month based on the average prescription of 2g-10g/day]. Most indoor growers will find that they are paying no more than $200/mo additional hydro for a larger indoors grow operation- and someone with a 2g/day prescription and only 10 plants will not generate $500 worth of hydro or nutrients per month. Health Canada’s proposal is not only inconsiderate, but goes against some basic human rights. If I need medicine- Most have benefit plans or can purchase third party health plan. Depending on the province, if you have low income and would qualify for a provincial disability plan- you can get free health coverage from your own government. If you choose to use holistic remedies, many can be grown in your backyard, or a window ledge for free. But Health Canada has no intention of issuing a BIN number for cannabis, and they are taking away a patients right to grow their own holistic and beneficial medicine for free. Implementing these new regulations will only cost our government more money, because those who receive a lower income will be arrested for continuing to grow because they cannot afford to buy their medication. Daily, cannabis related charges are being withdrawn because many qualifying patients cannot afford or find a supportive doctor and the government does recognize this and does withdraw charges based on health conditions. Should new laws be implemented, the courts would have to recognize and provide the same respect and consideration since a person should not be arrested for being poor. I think these new regulations would have very little legal standing when brought to court. This does not stop violent police arresting sickly people, and crown attorneys dragging cases out in hopes of finding ‘something’ because they don’t want to lose. But when the decision comes to a judge or jury, no human being could ever send a sick person to jail for not having enough money, even if it was brought as far as a trial. These new regulations would also cost the government more money. I have no doubts people would still continue to grow- and eventually be arrested by police, and have a case dragged out by a crown attorney, and be represented by a legal-aid funded lawyer. All this excess time, efforts and money so a small percentage out of 20,000 people would not be able to sell cannabis. Wouldn’t that same money be better spent on funding efforts on stopping meth and crack dealers, illegal gun sellers, or heck.. Education? I have personally been using medicinal cannabis for a year. I had an unsuccessful knee surgery leaving me with chronic pain and difficulty walking; leaving me to rely on the assistance of others just to live. I also have a nerve disorder causing tremors and chronic nerve pain in my hands, legs and face. Simply typing out this blog post sharing my ideas, experience and opinions is a struggle- without cannabis. I have to use a walker or cane to get around. I also have a digestive disorder that causes sensitivity to almost all medication, and a year prior to using cannabis, I was chronically ill just from taking medications to help some symptoms and in turn would create new ones or worsen pre-existing conditions. Cannabis is the only medicine I have ever taken that helps all my health conditions, and does not make me sick. There was a me before I was disabled. Everyone had a them before they landed where they are. I had a great job, happy and comfortable lifestyle and just thinking back to when I was able to walk easily where ever I wanted is something I truly miss. One of the last freedoms I have, that I am still physically able to do is grow my own medicine. Do not take away our freedom to grow and access affordable medicine. Jane Grey is the author of My Criminal Cure detailing her husband's struggle with cancer, using cannabis as medicine and their legal battle. Georgia : Well said Jane! Jane is a friend of FB , I can not wait to read this book. So sad that so many people are suffering and dealing with this crap. I am sure it is just the beginning of a POTlitical nightmare to come, thanks to The MMAR program. Stay tuned and tooned.. xox <>< Man it is good to be alive! The past couple of days have been good. The week started off bad, with a real bad day of twitching, but the past few- so good in fact I have wanted to clean my house! Now, you know that’s good ;-) I had a friend admit to me that she really thought that the last time she saw me, was going to be the last time she saw me.. and that she was worried I would even make it to surgery, let alone come through it. Wow That is a couple of people now... To hear the words said out loud that I have thought too many times myself, as I know Norman and Storm have also wondered these past few months. Whew... Thank you, I whisper at least 20 times a day. So let me tell you ` I feel Lucky to be alive! No - Let me correct that... I am BLESSED to be here today! Thank you. As I type this Norm came in the door - we both shout - “Friday!!!” I thought of this toon today while doing dishes and it made me giggle. One symptom I have had get much worse before surgery was speech - I believe it is getting better - but you know its always words that people catch and laugh at. For example instead of saying google the other day I say Gooble.. “ I goobled it! “ Norm almost spat out diner! “You Goobled it!?” He shouts back, laughing. Not able to resist YET AGAIN and he knows he is going to get the evil eye for it! When I stop giggling. Sigh .. hee hee hee, you have to laugh... & let it go. ALSO embarrassing when speaking with strangers - nice ice breaker it appears as most people find this quite amusing - including me. ;-) Well usually people don't laugh but they smirk or smile. Time to turn off and go spend some time with my family 2 legs and 4! I am so happy to be still here doing it. Have an awesome weekend! Don’t drink and drive.’ If you must & IF you can, choose a healthier alternative. ❤ xox <>< I read that on a post regarding the new MMAR - Who in their right mind would expects anyone to stop growing... and I thought- It's true when you look at this all! It's INSANE!! It is appalling. But then again so is Steven Harper - I can't even read about him - what a shitty representative of Canada. IMO. People on hunger strikes - because they we feel we are not being heard, sick people losing the right to provided themselves with medicine after they were told they could! Selling off Canada one snow covered rock at a a time Eh? I cannot remember a time in history when people were as disappointed - no, that is not even the word - it's more like ashamed of our illustrious leader 'Steven Harper'. EVEN if you do NOT use Cannabis - How can the government tell people that they have to stop growing their medicine - when it has been legal for them to do so... AND They gave them permission! It is NOT easy, It is NOT cheap and it has become a passion for many of these people. All I can think in my cartoonist mind is two little kids - here you can have this this and this .. oh changed my mind! Take backs! Someone is going to be crying. ONLY the problem is in many cases these people need this medicine just to function daily lives! It has me really worried about the expected price increases and my son's health! ;-( Growing your own or a Designated grower is a sure way to keep the quality and strain that is best for you. It will keep prices reasonable or better yet - KEEP PEOPLE PROVIDING FOR THEM SELVES!!! Self worth right there should mean more than anything. No one likes to depend on others. What if your child has such a food allergy to pesticides you decided to grow his own vegetables.. but was told you could not. People SHOULD be thinking about this on several levels. WE are not talking METH labs we are talking garden rooms. http://hempology.ca/protest/index.html is just one of the many petitions. Please take the time to sign. Educate yourself and if you grow your own medicine get ready to defend your right. xox <>< How simple.. plant seeds. Have you seen seed bombs? I think they are cool! I also like the business cards with seeds in them! They usually come with a sling shot - seed bombs- added fun.;-) I plan on making some this spring! It is a wonderful idea and an important one. Keeping this world green for our health and sanity. Seeds are what keeps us alive. Stop and think about that for one second. SEEDs I've also added seeds into our diet; Chia and HEMP Daily- 2013 is going to be healthier around here. Imagine telling humans we can not plant seeds or grow plants, imagine someone telling you - no more vegetable gardens! No MORE FRESH herbs! Something our parents and their parents and so on have been doing since the beginning of time to survive. Growing Plants. Vegetables and herbs and medicines. Obesity is at an all time high and many kids do not even know what vegetables look like. I think it should be mandatory in high school (elementary would be great too!) to grow something! I can imagine the popular choice of most high school students - good - teach them to do it RIGHT. IMAGINE! Now imagine you grow that plant - just to feel better, and suddenly you are told you can not - and in fact you can go to jail just for growing that plant. Imagine. Hopefully you will never have to. xox <>< Everyday it is most important to continue to plant the seeds: My tribute trees.. One of my favorite things to draw and think about. So much to think about now that Health Canada wants to change the rules; toon's on the way. When I was drawing this I told myself, draw it as a gift for someone - draw it thinking how blessed I am to have this plant in our life. Draw it to show love and what I think is important. Peace and the Planet. With each seed planted we grow Peace, Love for each other and HOPE for a better future where people are not treated like criminals. Celebrate a plant put on this earth by our maker to ease ones mind & body. Decriminalize. Make it what it is a plant. Do not ruin lives over a plant. It is never going away. Too many seeds in the world - just like us humans ;-) So do the right thing and end needless suffering. Jail & Pain. Educate others. Stand up for your rights! Plant the seed of Cannabis education where ever you go! To You -that can be who every you want it to be! From Me! That too can be from you! Give thanks for the healing herb and help end the insanity! I wish everyone has a wonderful Christmas - what ever it takes to make them happy. Click on the image below to see them better. xox ♥☮✞☯☦☧☨☩☪☫☬☭ ONE Love. J.D is another friend I have made via FB, every now and then you 'click' with someone, the way J.D. writes and speaks is music to my ears. I get it. I am entertained by him and he often makes me laugh. He is in the U.S.A and very passionate about Hemp! I often listen to his youtube video's for material. I am so excited that he will be traveling to Toronto with his lovely companion Pam this summer to attend Toronto's Treating Yourself Expo! He will educate no mater where he is - as it is his passion and from the looks of his students, friends and from what I have learned he is an awesome teacher - with a good heart & enthusiasm that is contagious. You can't beat that. Enjoy: Potheads are lazy! -- Weed ruins your memory! -- Just say no! -- Studies prove that marijuana smoke kills brain cells! -- Reefer is a gateway drug! -- Smoking the chronic will give you lung cancer! -- Women, if you smoke that blunt, you will lose your honor! -- The police can’t tell the difference between hemp and marijuana! -- This is your brain on drugs! -- The Devil’s Lettuce causes low sperm count and will give you “man boobs!” -- Legalization sends the wrong message to children! -- Smoking that Mary Jane makes you violent! -- Hemp is a niche crop! -- Buying weed funds the terrorists! -- Wacky Tobaccy makes you crazy AND schizophrenic! If you’re like me, these statements really angry up your blood. For more than 70 years, these absurd “facts” and slogans have been force fed to the public without any opposing arguments or rational discussion whatsoever. The government makes up the lies and the mainstream media all too happily parrots the message over and over until the vast majority of people actually start believing this tripe. The sheer number of lies repeated for so many years has left a seemingly indelible mark on society’s psyche. Many people just can not fathom the fact that cannabis sativa is a relatively harmless herb. Most are members of the older generation, but many are young. Reefer Madness is a rampant disease that has infected the halls of justice. Hundreds of billions of dollars have been wasted demonizing, harassing, stigmatizing, arresting and incarcerating millions of non-violent individuals (disproportionately minorities). Unbrainwashing society is a very tall order and that's why I’m doing what I'm doing. Even if prohibition ended today, we still have so much more to do to fully utilize the amazing therapeutic properties of cannabis as well as the numerous environmental and economic benefits of industrial hemp. We need to reintegrate prisoners back into society. We need to turn Reefer Madness into Reefer Gladness! The age of enlightenment is upon us. Thanks to the mass communication capabilities of the internet, people are finally able to openly discuss the benefits of cannabis hemp and better document the devastating effects that its prohibition has on society. We need to take the debate to the media. They have owned the issue for far too long and it is time for the hyperbolic hysteria to be replaced by rational discussion. This goes for the pro-canna side too. Cannabis by itself will not solve all of our problems and we have to make sure our statements are verifiable. We don't want to be dismissed out of hand for making unfounded claims. This is a tall order especially considering that its illegality prevents many things from being verified (see Catch-422 below). Fortunately, despite government's best efforts, more and more positive medical marijuana studies are coming out and lots of really great new hemp products are hitting the market all the time. People could care less about apathy. We need to make people care. Tens of thousands killed fighting over drug profits. Hundreds of thousands arrested each year. Where's the moral outrage? It seems like society has been desensitized to the rampant violence (think Grand Theft Auto on steroids). Where did the "peace, love and bell-bottoms" ethos of our hippy forefathers go? One person can't everything, but we can all do something. That's the key. I'm not a full time activist. I've got a "square" job. I do research and write in my spare time. The important thing is to determine what you can do. Try not to overextend yourself or over-commit yourself because then you may disappoint others and/or burn yourself out. We all want to do so many things, but we just don’t have the time or resources. It is important to build credibility. Don’t commit to things you can’t do. And try as hard as possible to fulfill the commitments that you do make. This is going to be a long battle and we need each and every one of you for the long haul. Society wasn’t brainwashed overnight and unfortunately, we can’t just flip a switch and enlighten everyone all at once. But we can all educate ourselves and others. Facebook is a great tool to learn about what's going on all over the world. I've got "friends" in Australia, South Africa, Europe and even Canada, eh? You can also receive a daily listing of news articles by setting a Google News alert or visit the Media Awareness Project’s Drug News Archive. We need to rebut Reefer Madness. Write letters to the editor, call in to talk radio, talk to your friends, parents and doctors. Work with an activist group like NORML, SSDP, ASA or Vote Hemp. Or, start your own group! Each is a part of the church of cannabis. But I don’t want to be preaching to the choir here. I want to preach to the preachers! I want YOU to become a cannabis ambassador and let others know about this ancient plant with so many modern uses. Reefer Madness dies hard. Such an entrenched narrative is very difficult to overcome. That's why every word, picture and thought is a baby step toward a better society. Are we close to the time when society finally has its "aha!" moment and sees cannabis prohibition for the absurdly cruel and unusual punishment that it is? The house of cards that prohibition is built on is about to fall. Will there be a watershed event that acts as a big gust of wind that blows their house of cards away or will we need billions of baby steps? Just reading this blog is a big baby step because it shows that you give an aeronautical intercourse about cannabis, hemp and humanity. Kudos to Colorado and Washington state for legalizing cannabis and striking a huge blow against prohibition. A big "atta boy" to the states that have passed laws allowing medicinal marijuana or industrial hemp. The curtain of Oz is being pulled back. The camel is getting its nose under the tent. But, we are still being persecuted. Even in Canada, patients are made to jump through numerous bureaucratic hoops EACH YEAR showing that they “need” medicinal cannabis. I call myself a "Hempologist" because I study cannabis hemp. I was a typical “hemp friendly” young man doing a lot of the typical things. Attending a Mass Cann/NORML meeting over 20 years ago, I was inspired by the phrase: “If not you, who? If not now, when?” I decided that it was the time for me to do something. But what? I started out tabling at events, helped organize a few of the annual Freedom Rallies on the Boston Common and even started giving speeches about hemp even though I am deathly afraid of public speaking. I figured that if I make a mistake, so what, at least I’m trying. I saw that most of the activists wanted to legalize marijuana and free the prisoners which is great. Others were interested in helping patients get their medical marijuana, which is awesome. After becoming aware of all the great “green” things that hemp could do, my environmental side took over. Biodegradable plastic, tree free paper, concrete, insulation, lightweight and strong composite materials, ethanol, diesel fuel. These are just some of the things that can be made out of hemp. It’s also a freakin’ super food! High in Omega 3 & 6 essential fatty acids, high in protein & fiber, no cholesterol and no known allergies. What’s not to like about that? Living in New England, I was also lucky enough to be somewhere where hemp has a very rich and deep history, so I started documenting and writing about it and about "modern hemp history" in various publications and on my website, Hempology.Org. A friend of mine is in prison right now. He was sentenced to 5 years and during his trial, the prosecution could not even produce the drugs that he was alleged to have sold! Talk about being railroaded. And yes, my friend is black. Sadly, minorities are arrested and imprisoned at a disproportionate rate. An excellent book about this subject is called the New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander. Everyone should think about how much money is being wasted and how many lives are being ruined because of the war on (some) drugs. I have a disabled relative that lives in America’s deep south who must spend each day either in bed, in a chair or electric scooter. Talk about being confined and depressed! I used to take the simple act of walking for granted but I now appreciate what I have and try to keep that in mind with every step I take. Since he lives in such a close minded, bass-ackwards state, medical marijuana is not even close to being legal. So, he “gets” to take all sort of super powerful pain drugs that “eff” him up nice and good. They make him groggy and nauseous. He enjoys having a little puff every now and again because it makes him feel better and helps reduce the number of numbing pain pills he takes. But he is so afraid of getting arrested and possibly going to jail that he errs on the side of caution. This makes me so mad I could spit. If you ever wanted to get in on the ground floor of anything, the hemp industry is it! The possibilities for growth are absolutely staggering. Almost 30,000 acres of hemp were grown in Canada in 2012. This may seem like a lot, but when compared to 300 MILLION acres of corn, wheat, cotton and soy grown annually in North America, it is 10,000 times less! That is a lot of room for growth if you ask me. Thanks to Reefer Madness, the entire American hemp industry has been decimated. We are literally building an industry from the ground up. The challenges are enormous, but the potential payout boggles the mind (think trillion dollar crop). Hemp really is the Green Buffalo! In order to survive, Native Americans used the entire buffalo: hair, snoot, balls ‘n all! And, like the buffalo, you can make many essentials out of hemp: food, clothing, shelter, fuel and medicine. We need people to invent new hemp products. We need people to start new hemp companies. But keep in mind that until American farmers can grow hemp, the deck is stacked against you. One thing that everyone can do is support Vote Hemp, a non-profit organization that lobbies congress and educates the public about the beneficial uses of hemp. And, the more hemp products we buy, the more pressure we’ll be able to put on our legislators to let American farmers once again grow hemp. We all need to work to de-stigmatize the humble hemp seed. If you are in school or just a “student of life,” the Cannabis Curriculum is for you. It doesn’t matter what class you are taking or what really piques your interest, you can apply it to cannabis hemp and its prohibition. Topics such as History, Biology, Chemistry, Engineering, Nursing, Nutrition, Sociology, Political Science, Architecture, Economics, Environmentalism, Theatre/Arts, Geography and Legal Studies all have components related to cannabis hemp that need additional study. There is so much research that needs to be done documenting all of the beneficial aspects of hemp. Hopefully, one day I can give my Cannabis Curriculum presentation at your school or at one of your group’s events. Why don't patients have access to a safe, effective, natural and inexpensive medicine? Why can't American farmers grow an environmentally friendly and economically beneficial crop? Why are thousands killed each year in gang violence? Why are our prisons overflowing with non-violent offenders? The resounding answer to these and many related questions is: It's the prohibition, stupid!! Prohibition is the key concept that I want to drive home. The prohibition of cannabis, the stigmatizing of its users, the way that the entire cannabis culture is derided. In order to fight against this, we need to learn as much as possible and we need to share our knowledge far and wide. Sow the (hemp) seeds of education, enlightenment and empowerment. Our government has created a phenomenon that I call Catch-422 (tip of the hempen chapeau to Joseph Heller). They put up as many roadblocks as possible in an effort to stifle our progress. For instance, the DEA classifies marijuana as a Schedule I narcotic which, by definition, means there is no currently acceptable medical use. Everyone knows this is total bullshit, but when researchers ask for cannabis to perform studies, they're told they can't have it because, of course, marijuana has no medical use: Catch-422. This circular logic jerks patients around to no end. Our government says that hemp is the same as marijuana. They claim that growing hemp will confuse the police even though this is not an issue in Canada or Europe where it is legal to grow industrial hemp: Catch-422. United States Department of Agriculture studies call hemp a niche crop without fully investigating its myriad uses: Catch-422. Another Catch-422 is the institutional hypocrisy that prevents people from coming out of the cannabis closet. Consider this: Mere possession of marijuana is a violation of federal law! It is very difficult for someone to promote an illegal activity. You expose yourself to public ridicule or worse. For many, testing positive could result in the loss of their job, children or government benefits. Similarly, the IRS has ruled that medical marijuana dispensaries cannot deduct business expenses because possessing and distributing cannabis is against federal law: Catch-422. Banks and credit card companies are refusing to do business with dispensaries for the same reason: Catch-422. We need to recognize this for what it is: a blatant and callous effort to impede our progress. Fortunately in the privacy of the voting booth, people are electing to choose cannabis and give a collective middle finger to the powers that be. Do you want to be a pioneer? A trendsetter? A visionary? A leader that seeks only fairness and opportunity? You have a unique opportunity to become a member of a small (but growing!) vanguard that is working peacefully against a vicious opposition that thinks nothing of imprisoning our brothers, poisoning our sisters and killing our offspring. We know that prohibition is immoral. We know we are right. The truth is on our side. It's not very often that one has an opportunity to become part of a movement and actually make history, but that's what we're doing. Other epic social revolutions also involved individual rights: slavery, women, LGBT. There are many similarities between these struggles and the fight for cannabis rights. Constant vigilance is needed to ensure that the advances we have made are not eroded and that we continue to move in the “right” direction. Positive changes are happening at a frenetic pace on all fronts. We are at a tipping point. This is great! We can and will win. However, fully removing the stigma associated with cannabis will take time. The derisive pothead references will remain long after marijuana is legalized. We need to keep the historical perspective of Reefer Madness in mind as we move into the future. It’s time to make cannabis prohibition history! Many thanks to GeorgiaToons for the opportunity to share my story with you on her blog. Her cannabis cartoons are drawn with love and dedication and I draw strength from her and her drawings. Keep up the fight, peace and all the bast! I am, JD Articles written by JD: 1996 Cannabis Cup http://hempology.org/JD%27S%20ARTICLES/96CANNCUP.html 1997 Bioresource Hemp Conference http://www.druglibrary.org/olsen/hemp/IHA/jiha4118.html Hemp's Harried History http://www.hemphasis.net/History/harriedhemp.htm Hemp Food Article https://www.facebook.com/notes/john-dvo%C5%99%C3%A1k/helping-hemp-foods-help-humanity/425796981452 Hemp, A Concrete Solution https://www.facebook.com/notes/john-dvo%C5%99%C3%A1k/hemp-a-concrete-solution-to-humanitys-pollution/10150110993421453 Hemp, The Green Buffalo https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ISTShMN1lKnARTDj_PbD1Dy0wU7Lt_K--cmOM1ldggs/edit 2010 National Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics Report https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fWZDa-Ubl1r_Y6H7GdGrsNgbyYIWQEAqkvAcqP-VeSA/edit It’s the Prohibition, Stupid! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1b59R66GnTLofVAAEfEfoYRRYAGvzWEx5PCPTF_L6Ee8/edit Cannabis Curriculum @ Harry’s Hill in Maine - August 2012 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TWDJjZn2xuiQ4AblUqw5jAvE0nGHdHs0QqUnvsAqv9A/edit A Day in the Life of a True Hempster https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Oz0tAglf9HW6dUL3aTp2QLW6f0i0JEatEHUOSi8rZUs/edit Videos: Cannabis Curriculum @ 2012 CannaMaineia Expo (21 mins) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJJnajm4Tsk&list=UUd-CbPPfF3N6uemm57UiLog&index=4 Cannabis Curriculum @ 2011 Maine Homegrown (Medicinal emphasis - 20 minutes) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nzr0qxjBcfQ&list=UUd-CbPPfF3N6uemm57UiLog&index=9 Cannabis Curriculum @ 2011 Boston Freedom Rally (5 mins) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iyYrn6mb35U&feature=youtu.be It’s the Prohibition Stupid @ 2010 Live Free or Die Rally in New Hempshire (17 mins) http://blip.tv/the-weekly-show/hempology-with-john-dvorak-4085899 Let’s Talk Hemp @ the 2009 Live Free or Die Rally in New Hempshire (11 mins) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=az0Qmq16sec Boston's Hemp History (10 mins) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=usoMCyfEanA&list=UUd-CbPPfF3N6uemm57UiLog&index=22 Hemp Interview (11 short parts) with Susie Codie of hempirestate.org http://vimeo.com/48269645 2012 Hemp Video Shorts with Francis Fu of Northwestern SSDP Hemp Ice Cream: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eixoqNLh4xk Hemp Houses: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vM0SrMixql0 Websites: Hemp History: http://hempology.org/ Cannabis Curriculum: http://hempology.org/CANNABISCURRICULUM.html Please “like” my Cannabis Curriculum Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Cannabis-Curriculum/299727610052925 I am drawing daily in bed, but that's as far as it goes.. I can't ink properly with a paint brush, black india INK and Daisy and Scruffy jumping on the bed to say hello! It's just not happening - I tried. First I think it - in bed then I sketch it - in bed, fine toon it (clean it up, erase. Pencil in and letter -in bed. I've even coloured and painted in bed - not easy or worth the stress of it not being 'better' so that is it.. no more painting. I need to paint in with black ink, colour, wash, scan resize, organize and mail out and post. If I'm up for too long I am dizzy so..this is the best I can do for a few. It is giving/forcing me more time to read, research and as always be inspired. I've done several drawings I call 'Chances are..' I can't seem to get that song out of my head, and it's before my time.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QAqkGHD4Q8 My hope is that these toons hit home with those a bit younger. If you do this Chances are..this will happen. I never listened when anyone lectured me- but I did pay attention to cartoons... chances are it might work! ;)It might sink in! I'll take those chances! A few on the gateway theory -it continues to blow my mind people think Cannabis is a gateway drug. ONLY the un-educated on the topic - so thats's good. There is hope. Usually with one question I can 'shut' them up - they just have to - stop and think about it for one second... and it makes COMMON sense. I NEED visual, they sink in faster and last longer! A picture is worth a thousand words and I enjoy that challenge. I must saw today I feel GOOD mentally! My twitch still here but no where what it was and for the first time in a long time I no longer feel like I am dying! YEHAW! Storm told me I was being selfish not seeing those who I care about and visa versa because of my face- he is right. I can't hide. I will be very truthful and say that I know I look like I've aged 10 years in just the past year alone. I have photos to prove it- BUT I have been ill- It took me a while to get like this and it will take a me a while to get better. We are so hard on ourselves- BEAUTY is only skin deep. We all learn this sooner or later - some because of time, other because of illness or an operation. So I shall embrace the new me because I am still here! That is all that matters. Below some fun on the laptop.. I am surrounded by love. Storm and I also played with a new program! hee hee hee! I will try to be a patient patient and hope you can be patient for new cartoons ... I was asked recently do draw for The WorldWide Cannabis Tribe - of which I am proud to say I am a member! I loved drawing this cartoon for several reasons. I had complete freedom. The owner asked that I do what ever I wanted with the paragraph he provided.
The Hemp leaf turned into hemp twine keeping us all connected. Medically, recreationally for religious reasons - what ever the reason, Cannabis is widely used all around the world and I agree- not until we all stand up and ask, express & in some cases even demand the right to use this healing herb. This toon is now on it's way to Scotland! My toons travel more than I do! LOL I am honored to say the least that this toon will be displayed in another part of the world. Planting the seed of Cannabis education all around the world! I feel blessed! Now back to plastering my honey's prop for the front lawn! Then perhaps I can sneak in a drawing today or two! xox ☮❤☯ More and more older people are turning back to cannabis! Why? Because although old they are far from stupid! As we age we go to the Dr. and are given pills for our aches and pains.. they come with age for most of us. That is life, happy to still be a part of it. Unfortunately, as we continue to age we are prescribed more pills for each ache and pain, sleep problems, stress, tired-- the list is endless. Chemical cocktails, add to this already deadly mix- the fact that we forget! Accidental overdoes is a common problem with the aged. That does not just happen to older people- it can happen to us all when not feeling well or distracted. It is not a problem with cannabis. There is a 'home' in Isreal where Cannabis is handed out to patients who need it and benefit from it and because of -LIVING proof- it is becoming even more common. The next generation under the boomers - I was born in 64 are watching our parents being drugged for this and that. No wonder so many are turning back to something they KNOW makes them feel better- Still gives them a desire to live! Watch this short vid. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0VG3prgCDc *if you click the CC box on the bottom you will get subtitles! It is just one of many examples! It is NEVER too late to try and feel better and that is our right! Share this with your parents! *Moderation. As much as I talk about anti booze- I do know several people who have always been able to have 'a drink'. A drink after a long day - to take the edge off.. relax, unwind with a glass of wine. A (ONE) drink. EVERYTHING in moderation! My husbands dad was well into his 80's and said a shot of rum- kept his blood flowing. One shot - that was it. Usually in his evening coffee. He died because of complications due to a car accident, it was not the rum - and he was by far one of the 'SHARPEST' pencils in the box. KEEP IN MIND, studies show that alcohol is more damaging to the body and brain than marijuana. *the bong- Storm and I went to a great little new store - http://www.thekockydog.ca/ nice to not have to drive to TO. for stuff.. any how I spotted this bong (a giant penis) and had to giggle! I said "who buys this..." and Storm said -"NOT YOU!" LOL so I thought I'd have fun with this toon! Of course I thought of the sippy cup* my friend Sue has a photo on FB with her and this cup and it makes me crack up every time I see it. Life is about having fun and feeling good. Not work, work till you die. So have a laugh and educate your elders about Cannabis! <>< XOX Trees- leave them alone and they pop up everywhere! It is witnessing nature that calms me right down. When I read about plants - GMO's, patent, wiped out- lumber, bugs etc... (sadly it can be a long list) I go out and see seeds that have sprouted fallen on an old tree stump, left alone - ta-da another tree! I look at all the beautiful nature around me and think Cannabis will never be wiped out as long as there are seeds to sow. Trust me THERE are seeds to sow. As long as tress grow and HUMANITY leaves them alone they will continue to grow. My backyard when we moved into our home was a big patch of SOD. Each tree we (my husband, Storm in his wagon, and our pets) dug out of a field that we knew would soon be a stretch of new homes. Most tress were no more than 2 feet high. I am PROUD to say we have trees all over our yard, front and back. They provide us with shade, privacy, food for the birds and entertainment now as they have become a leafy highway for our furry squirrely friends! It brings a sense of peace to see all the trees and even weeds that pop up everywhere! They won't be stopped! A bit of soil, rain and sunshine and they will grow to reach for the heavens! There is HOPE.!! Not just for Cannabis but for all trees & all seeds! Seeds should remain Free to all! No one should be able to patent nature. God made it for all to use, enjoy and help ourselves, mentally and physically. Where would we be without them - I don't dare to imagine - it is NOT a place I want t Go out today and pick some seeds! Put them away for next spring to sow everywhere you go! There is always rooms for one more TREE! I realized I am not a cannabis activist - I am a plant activist. There is a bigger picture. xox <>< |
Georgia (me)Georgia... On My Mind. Archives
March 2017
*All images and content Copyright ©2018 Georgia Peschel and GeorgiaToons.com All Rights Reserved |