I look at all the beautiful nature around me and think Cannabis will never be wiped out as long as there are seeds to sow.
Trust me THERE are seeds to sow.
As long as tress grow and HUMANITY leaves them alone they will continue to grow. My backyard when we moved into our home was a big patch of SOD. Each tree we (my husband, Storm in his wagon, and our pets) dug out of a field that we knew would soon be a stretch of new homes. Most tress were no more than 2 feet high. I am PROUD to say we have trees all over our yard, front and back. They provide us with shade, privacy, food for the birds and entertainment now as they have become a leafy highway for our furry squirrely friends! It brings a sense of peace to see all the trees and even weeds that pop up everywhere! They won't be stopped! A bit of soil, rain and sunshine and they will grow to reach for the heavens! There is HOPE.!! Not just for Cannabis but for all trees & all seeds! Seeds should remain Free to all! No one should be able to patent nature.
God made it for all to use, enjoy and help ourselves, mentally and physically.
Go out today and pick some seeds!
Put them away for next spring to sow everywhere you go!
There is always rooms for one more TREE!
xox <><