Kat & I go way back as you might know (if you read this blog faithfully- lol) she's been framing my art for over 30 years.. we met many moons ago, became friends and still remain. Not nearly as close as we once were - but that's life.. if we only kept 'old friends close' we would never meet new people. We grew.
I wanted to thank her, she'd done a lot of framing & does give me a deal.. ;) perks with 30 years of service, friendship, bitching, crying, laughing.. etc! lol I usually just send her the work and say frame it. I trust her experience. Her ART.
I broke a cardinal rule with Kat recently - it's my own fault. In my excitement I asked her to frame something for someone - 'they would be good for it!' Turns out they might have changed their mind as Kat's not heard anything now that the piece has been ready a few weeks - oh well.
Frig, lesson learned, I apologized, it's not how we work after 30 years. It's all good! I bought the piece off Kat- for a deal - lol! I will hang it in my office as a reminder. Looking forward to it actually. 'Don't fall for it, don't take it personal Georgia. Lesson learned.'
Kat knows actually it was more than not picking the piece up.. I was hurt' I'm so silly sometimes I could smack myself. People change their mind, even about my art. lol
Deal with it, move on and focus on what is important. If I 'quit' every time I had a setback, I would have stopped drawing years ago.
This past few days I've had a few personal set backs.. cry or draw.
I choose to paint.
Recently, I noticed on Johns page (of Skunk Magazine) they asked who is a 'Canadian Activist' who has made a difference.. lol - I didn't see my name. I thought- I've been drawing almost 10 years now about cannabis awareness but can't seem to be 'recognized as contributing'? LOL
If I let that shit stop me I would have given up long ago.
I draw for the love of my son - first and foremost- I don't need any recognition beyond that. I get it. I'm mentioning this because I commented on a few people I thought qualified:
Ted, Gail (R.I.P), Owen, John, Kirk, Kelly, Adam.. then I signed off and thought - that was stupid- you fell into the trap that you don't like yourself!
There are too many to mention! I don't want anyone to feel left out- like I usually do.
To the point, in the future I won't name anyone.
Al Graham, Dori, Patricia, that grumpy old guy- I can't remember his name.. it hit me after I 'hit comment' .. they have been trying for as long as I have been watching and also don't seem to get any recognition. Thankfully they don't stop.
Just one person I might of forgot - made me think 'this is bullshit'.
For everyone out there who feels they are not being 'appreciated' - FUCK it!
Keep going! FORWARD. I appreciate you! Tell them you appreciate all they have done.
I don't need a magazine article/facebook comment to validate what I do.
I draw for Love. That is enough.
On a positive note!
My hair looks great! Holy, it has a lot of silver streaks, I like it short- why do I resist! lol
& I have a new framed artwork to hang! LOL - Still ONE of my personal favourites.
;) & Im drawing a new cannabis cartoon! lol
BRING this day on!
Have Faith!