I was watching a documentary recently and they stated, at one point you could be considered a criminal and could face jail time for distributing or promoting anything that showed a interracial couples in a positive light. Even standing together. WOW
I grew up in Toronto - The 'melting pot' of Canada ;) If not the world. We have such a great mix of different cultures from all over the world! I did not grow up thinking we were different. Thank God ;) Only in our 'personalities' perhaps! To breast feed - was prohibited and could land a mother with a hungry baby in jail!? I can't imagine what kind of police officer would follow through with such a task BUT, if you check out some links shared on FB today - you soon learn there ARE many officers that are compassionless & could care less about most humans - never mind the ones THEY perceive to be doing wrong. Now - growing a plant. A simple task many millions of humans have done since the beginning of time. To feed, nourish, medicate & celebrate! A basic way of LIFE. FOR all to share. I can't help but think time and time again - who the FU*K made these rules? I know exactly who! OLD, ignorant men. Now all dead. No longer living in this day and age! No clue of what's happening today. Long gone .. but the rules remained for years until the first two, of this comic were realized in fact for their stupidity and CRUELTY. I also want to remind you that being 'Gay' was considered a crime and prohibited. ??? Who the F*ck made these rules. MEAN, NASTY, OLD, DEAD men. Not letting people grow anything - that helps feed or heal - is CRIMINAL. Another nasty old rule who's time has come. We are expected to grow as we age mentally , physically and spiritually if we are lucky... grow and know... No victim - no crime. xox <>< My friend Todd... I have blogged about Todd before. I believe everything and everyone for a reason. I first met Todd at an EXPO and he 'called me' on something - something I offered in my newsletter- to make a long story short - he got my attention, we struck up a conversation and today I am honored to call him and his family friends. Todd GREW Cannabis legally in the united states. HE DID. By paying for tax stamps! I have one right here on my desk to remind me daily of the injustise my friend faces (in the image above) Tennessee Department of Revenue -UNAUTHORIZED SUBSTANCE STAMP(s).. and guess what friends, they don't come cheap. Todd has been playing by the rules, openly goes & pays for his stamps and they know what he has been growing. Todd even has a website he promotes- In other words... *** IT'S BEEN NO BIG SECRET - BUT not too long ago they still busted his door in and held a gun to his daughters head and arrested Todd. You can research it all yourself or contact Todd, he has nothing to hide. Shortly after being busted, his younger daughter Ariel was rushed to hospital with pain in her abdomen only to find out she had cancer. She has undergone extensive surgeries and cancer treatments. Todd has much going on.. His court date is July 14th. 2014. He does not know if he will go to jail very soon and what his he doing - he is MARCHING! We are close, when this bust happened and I first spoke with Todd, he was frightened (how can one not be), now, I am witnessing a different Todd, one who knows he did nothing wrong and is tired of being pushed around and is tired of watching everyone being pushed around - for what? NOW - A substance only a couple of states away is celebrated. It is ridiculous! I am sure people who know Todd are thinking, why did'nt she draw Todd walking... -one of the reasons why I love my friend Todd, his letter starts off with this: "On June 6, 1966, James Meredith started a solitary March Against Fear for 220 miles from Memphis, Tennessee, to Jackson, Mississippi, to protest against racism. Ordinary people both black and white came from the South and all parts of the country to participate." All I could think is 'that is so Todd'. He does not have a racist bone in his body, he is a good hard working guy who simply wants to do what he does, raise a family and help end some of this Cannabis madness! This walk won't be easy, on Todd or his 'ladies', and what a great way to think! African Americans are the hardest hit by Cannabis prohibition and private USA prisons, - don't believe me - look it up. It's NOT just about Todd & h- and Todd understands that. Todd played by all the rules and STILL he is being punished. PLEASE support him on his walk. Black, white, asian, hispanic.. time to do something and this is a great start! More at: https://www.facebook.com/events/702431709802683/?fref=ts https://www.facebook.com/freedom.fighterswnc?fref=ts When he asked if I'd draw I said yes, of course, I am asked Daily - and it's Todd's suggestion that gave me the idea, If anyone wants to use this drawing - all they have to do is add their information to the space now and they can share, print, post, anything. I hope some do use the template, especially if it helps get out a message. For a better quality image to add your information - e mail me and I will send you a better quality to use. Or try this. Jpeg image ;) xox <>< It's here! Tomorrow is the day!
All Cannabis any patients have, must be "destroyed in Kitty litter & put out in the trash." When they recalled OXY and made the new - did Health Canada ask that people put the old in the trash? I think Not. As of tomorrow patients (approximately 40,000), some terminally ill, all over Canada turn into Criminals in the eyes of Health Canada and our corrupt Steven Harper. If they continue to grow their own medicine they can be arrested & face jail time. Medicine that Health Canada did in fact allow them to grow for decades. Now forced to purchase a less quality (in many cases) medicine, with less control and at an escalated price, forcing many to return to prescribed drugs - simply because they can no longer afford the 'safer' alternative, cannabis. There is an injunction of course, from the Supreme Court of Canada saying that patients can still grow their medicine until a court rules otherwise, but Health Canada has already expressed intention to which they wish to ignore. Tomorrow is the day. So be it. No one can and no one will ever, make us feel like criminals. God has us on this path and I'M NOT BUDGING. Would you? What if it is was your child? Tomorrow "let the shit hit the fan", and focus on all that can go right!!! The only criminals here are those in power, hurting already suffering Canadians for the all mighty dollar. FACT. xox <>< This is how so many of us feel I think right now. At fist I was going to draw this cartoons just pertaining to Cannabis, but it is regarding everything it seems lately.
Especially Cannabis. We can't win it seems! Constant road blocks and a government that is to help it's people appears to be crushing them at every turn. do it one way and your wrong, do it the other and they will get you to! The united states is no different with confusion and compassion clubs still being raided. The government has taken out the patent for Cannabis as a medicine that helps with cancer & numerous other ailments! Yet, Gov. officials still rant there is NO proof! Someone should send out a group memo to get them all on the same page. Do people live under rocks? My girlfriend just had this slid under her door. She is a medical patient approved by the Canadian Government and using cannabis under her Dr.s prescription and supervision- DO they not read the paper? Good luck trying to stop her from using Cannabis in her APT! When was the last time you walked down an apartment hall? I grew up in apartments and the smells sometimes would tun my stomach. Back then people also thought nothing about smoking tobacco on the elevators. YUK. It's all just about educating people but there has to be an end to treating patients like criminals. This is the last thing my friend needed. IF they have issues with smoking in the stairwell then address it. So as for the toon, ONE LOVE and ONE people suffering under governments that only appear to have their wallets and personal best interest at heart. Not it's people . ONE LOVE for each other, support each other and speak up for each other - or... who is next? xox <>< According to Health Canada now it will be easier for patients to access medicine (they can no longer afford) via Canada Post. Visit the distributor ONLINE, order and it comes in the mail. Woot Woot! "It's in the mail... " will take on an entirely new meaning.
YUK. We had a family conversation about this the other night and had many interesting thoughts. FIRST of all theft. From Postal workers and others watching postal workers or patients that share information unknowingly, the possibilities are endless. The Postal System does indeed have theft problems. Who does not? To say they don’t would be like saying there is no such thing is a corrupt cop or a pedophile priest. I WISH it was not true in any case. Lead us not into temptation. That is exactly what Health Canada has done. I have had problems with the mail we all have. Let alone returning crappy products. O.k. never mind that - ‘one bad apple don’t spoil the whole bunch’ - more importantly, the safety of these postal workers. Why are we NOT reading anything about this? I wonder how they like the fact that they have all just been turned into legal drug dealers. Ahhh, only in Canada Eh!? Pity. Criminals hold up armored cars and drive away with interact machines - don’t fool yourself - someone is already thinking and plotting. Are Postal workers entitled to carry a weapon? DO WE WANT postal workers to carry a weapon??? No thanks. I am also worried about my friend - she lives alone (in a ‘troubled’ area of Toronto) in a large building and is concerned she will become a target. I understand completely and would feel the same. It is just ONE MORE added stress many patients do not need or WANT. How about a Postal strike? Insurance for “LOST Mail”- Big deal, what will insurance mean to me when I am hurting without my medication? More toons to come..... This is just another set of problems - get ready to start reading about them and then you can thank Health Canada. & Steven Harper. Remember it is your tax dollars paying for this and of course I imagine there was a contract with the postal service & gov. so they made money... Ah, that’s Harper - keepin it in the family. ‘Harpers Canada’ family... Not the rest of us. xox <>< A friend had some plants taken from his back yard. I am hoping it was just some thoughtless kid and NOT someone he knows. He is upset and stressed. I GET IT.
How do you think I feel when I worry about he proposed future of medical Cannabis in Canada today? Not being able to afford medicine that Storm needs. Medicine I need. I get it. Someone stole the plants - to get high. Not thinking much about anything other than themselves and getting a BUZZ. The real buzz is the BUZZ kill a patient now is dealign with over a plant. Suffering - a few months supply of medicine gone. Thief. If this PLANT were decriminalized and be as IT SHOULD - a seed to plant for all human kind - no one would need to go around and STEAL it! What other weeds do people do around and steal!? Not my dandelions. Prohibition is turning people into criminals over plants. Not the Plant and not the person - that is HUMAN NATURE, to want to feel good. Please THINK before you consider lifting a plant you might see that does NOT belong to you. It could mean a lot more than getting high to someone - I could mean them being able to keep their job, or function with their family.. it could mean life or death. A Thief is a Thief. If they steal from one with no guilt, they will steal from another. It is sad. I don’t think anyone ever trusts a thief again. Including themselves. I also feel there is an entire beautiful energy surrounding this plant - bad karma if you ask me. Not a high I would enjoy. Not one someone who truly appreciates cannabis would do. VOTE & GROW it. xox <>< Fear
It is so easy for many of us to think the worst. Many not even aware that the pattern of worry perhaps even established for us, by those around us. Aways thinking what if and that what if - the worst case scenario. I GET it. If you think I have not thought my own ‘What if’s’, especially lately - I have, The best what if... What if I die. We all think about it, but for some it becomes almost a reality as we deal with health issues that are unavoidable or there’s nothing like surviving a life altering accident.. why do I say it is the best ‘what if’? Because it is the one that can make many finally snap and say: WOW! What if! What If I just started to live my life and not give a shit what anyone thinks! What if I fight for what I believe in and people see the honesty instead of the lies! What if I do what makes me happy and enjoy LIFE. What if I just do the best I can.. What If I can make changes! What if I Do succeed! It is 1/2 the battle, many times the what if’s don’t come true and all we have done is exhausted ourselves with the process. EVEN when many ‘What if’s’ do come true - they are not as bad as we first perceive. So many people are worried about the upcoming changes and 'what if’s' surrounding cannabis - what if I cant get my medicine, what if I cant afford it, what if we get raided, what if we go to jail. What if I lose my home, what if.. WHAT if we all FOCUS on what can go right! What if we all said enough is enough! WE ARE NOT criminals! What if we stand together and make our own changes? WHAT IF!? I for one am tired of the negative 'What ifs...' What if, I do what I believe is right and try to do the best I can to make this stay enjoyable and be a better person. How could the world not be a better place if we tried to do a little more of the positive “What if’s”. Too many negative already seeing themselves behind bars. I’m not naive, I consider myself hopeful. You can call it what ever you want. I have read over and over many time people are getting off, cases dismissed and changed made. Cannabis education IS spreading all around the world as IS the demand for legalization, so instead of thinking the worst - think ‘what if this is it & the tides are finally turning! A few years ago I thought: What if I do some medical marijuana cartoons to try to bring attention to the problems. What if! Back then I did not think - what if my comics are seen all over the world? No, admittedly, I was PROBABLY thinking... What if no one likes them... What If I never get published.. So glad I was wrong. :) Thank you. WHAT if!!? FOCUS! xox <>< We are:
Accountants, administrative people, farmers, architects, sales representatives, Dr.s & nurses, dentists, florists, health workers, child care workers, bakers, cooks, mechanics, carpenters, brick layers, construction workers, lawyers, parents, teachers, software designers, actors, butchers, assemblers, cleaners, vets, fire fighters, police, real estate agents, dietitians, gardeners, hair dressers, hotel managers, secretaries, technicians, meteorologists, musicians, house painters, pipe fitters, plumbers, roofers, seamen, photographers, surgeons, taxi drivers, travel agents, web designers... Please feel free to add to the list! If you think the only one smoking cannabis are stoners. Think again. Here is a list of the 10 most successful cannabis consumers: http://coed.com/2009/02/06/the-10-most-successful-potheads-on-the-planet-cool-enough-to-admit-it/ Enough is enough. WE are NOT criminals. We are making a choice, that does not harm anyone. In many chases a choice that makes us BETTER. Better people, better health and better members of society. We choose to use a plant, a natural substance to ease our pain, mentally and physically. Making us criminals is an UNJUST system, used in the past to send Cannabis consumers to jail. The true crime is there are far more dangerous substance abuse daily. Instead of locking people up - we should be educating and informing on better decision making. Instead they are forcing us to USE dangerous, deadly opiates for pain in many cases especially. That is the CRIME! <prove me wrong! I REFUSE. I refuse to be trapped into a $$$ making scheme instigated by Health Canada because of their lack of professionalism and education and understanding. In Canada, many were given the right to produce their own medicine/cannabis or obtain a designated grower - by our own government. Many invested time and knowledge and finances to do this and be successful at it. Now our government has decided against this.... To which I say: Too bad. Who the F*ck do they think they are, to play with peoples lives like they do? To turn people into criminals over growing a plant? *NEVER forget that is all you are doing! Growing plants! It is WRONG to send someone to jail for growing plants. ESPECIALLY if at one point they had permission to do so. We are not criminals. The criminals are in suits (working for Steven Harper) making decisions that affect the lives of seriously sick and suffering, mind games is exactly what they are playing at now, and it is shameful. We are not criminals. xox <>< American Drug War 2. http://americandrugwar2.com/ We rented it via Apple T.V., Apparently it can be found on youtube. We watched the first of these documentaries a few times, I did, it is very educational and the producers story very honest. IMO. BUT the second documentary shares also the story of Cashy Hyde. & his beautiful family. The bullshit that family had to endure on top of everything else. From medicine to police abuse. That is exactly what it was . OVER A FUCKING PLANT. Does anyone deserve this over a plant that has never been responsible for a death? Parents who only want to do everything they possibly can to help their child? I really do think when they said for Storm no treatment, no cure was a blessing in disguise some days. Well, I might think that now, I did NOT then. What Cashy endured... my one fricken surgery (miniscule in comparison) and I am still reeling ;-( Cashy died the day after my surgery - I did not find out until a few days later.. maybe even a week I don’t remember, I just remember no one wanted to tell me. Which I am now thankful for. It was a direct blow to my heart. How could it not be? It was for MILLIONS. Cashy was a miracle, you have no idea and yes he was here for a reason. We are all blessed because of him. Yes, he was a ‘weed warrior,’ sadly we now have a few. A few little warriors who are suffering with pain, disease as their parents stand and watch helplessly.. and then to fear for your life because a plant you give your child and eases their pain is ILLEGAL? Alcohol, pills and tobacco are all easily attainable and all deadly? Is there any wonder I feel I am going mad? How crazy is all of this? Innocent children are being punished and made to suffer over $$$ We all are. OVER the next big money maker! Imagine if it was YOUR child. Google Children on Cannabis I dare you. I KNOW. I have living proof and I love him very much. I am doing this for more than my own son. Imagine if it were your child and you knew you could not get him enough medicine, MEDICINE that you KNOW has helped him, eased his pain and could possibly be what is saving his life and although it is something you should be able to GROW in your back yard. THEY COULD NOT. IT needs to be acknowledged for what it is A VEGETABLE. A MIRACLE plant! Prohibition is not the problem any longer, it is lack of education. Once more people become educated on the subject, and get away from reefer madness it will only be a matter of time. My son says I am naive. ;( I’d like to say I STILL believe in US. ❤ Please take the time to watch something that will educate you. The American government is educated on the subject of cannabis don’t forget - that’s why they took out the patent on it. FOR its medicinal values. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ xox <>< Mike & Kalli Hyde.
Rest in Peace Cashy. xox http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rK-5ELuMg5Qhttp://www.cashhydefoundation.com/ Dr. confirms Cannabis cures tumor. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6iba3sEUIg The more I read the less I understand.
Actually the more I read the more I really understand... It's not about us, or care for our health it is about $$$ Facts ca not be ignored for much longer. People are tired of being sick, and sick of being tired. ;-) I had to start a paper mache project just to give me a break - although occasionally I find myself drifting on how I want to draw a specific toon.. Have hope! Believe in the power of people to end the insanity. I was reminded of this one I drew a couple of years ago. Looks like I was right. xox <>< While working on the Cartoon regarding not being able to consumer products, and thinking how insane it was... I was told I better be careful about selling my Hempy Stalkers out of the country! REALLY! I have a couple that did not sell at the EXPO - I had enquires from many people, but several were from the USA and we were concerned about them being Cannabis stalks, as to wether they might get confiscated at the border. Since home I have had 3 e mail from people that want to purchase a Hempy Stalker - all are from out of the country. I have been seriously warned to be careful - me thinking come on .. are you fucking kidding me? My painted sticks? My favorite - and now, I have decided never to part with him (he was for sale at the EXPO - glad he did not go) I call him “Budda” Like Buddha ;) Every-time I look at him I smile, to the point I swear he has started to talk to me ;) Not all talking is done with words. I might make him a regular in the strip. I did a bit of research and I am concerned about mailing them across the border. So I guess I won’t be. Hempy Stalkers - Only in Canada you say? Pity... AS insane as it seems that I could be charged with trafficking for this painted Hempy Stalker stick!!? The media would be awesome! Perhaps if I was physically feeling a bit better I'd even be up to the challenge... - Let us not forget Mr. Marc Emery still in jail for selling seeds. A fellow Canadian and Cannabis activist - He gets out next year I think. It is a crime he is in jail at all in my opinion. http://www.freemarc.ca/group/freemarcca/who-marc-emery-0 Mr. Tommy Chong! Who went to jail for BONGS. http://www.imdb.com/media/rm669487616/tt0478090?ref_=tt_ov_i http://www.cheechandchong.com Countless people have gone to jail for ridicules reasons surrounding cannabis. It made me realize I just might! I can see us now... Me & Hempy in our small cell, someone would be pulling out someone's roots! LOL The only positive note I can think is Jack Herer said did his best work in Jail. That he did!! AND you can read it ONLINE for FREE (we have a copy signed by Jack) : http://www.jackherer.com/ Still over a painted stick - Trafficking? When countless HUMANS of all ages are being bought and sold ILLEGALLY every day? THAT is criminal. As much as it makes me shake my head ... I better not. I’ll still make them - I have to - I love them, but they will be special gifts, for sale at the EXPO to Canadians only Eh! Pity... ;-) xox <>< If I can go to jail for this - what next?! You tell me. How crazy is all of this? JUST think about it. We all know someone who or knows directly a police officer who does not agree with Cannabis laws. I have met a few "I don't agree with it, it's my job" Tough call. Yes, we need our jobs, we need to pay bills and provide for our families but what happens when it becomes one of your kids who is up on Cannabis charges? Will your tune then change or if you are a politician (who is a complete hypocrite) will you have the charges dropped: http://gothamist.com/2013/04/26/medical_marijuana-hating_assemblyma_1.php Educate yourself. Many police are admitting - finally- that they too should be doing more important things! L.E.A.P = http://www.leap.cc/ is a fantastic organization that promotes education on drug prohibition and it's failing history. There are Judges, police officers and politicians that, when they feel they can - when their job is no longer on the line, will admit to Cannabis being a waste of time and money. Listen to the former police captain: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8yYJ_oV6xk I for one look forward to the day when they can return to serving and protecting instead of bulling and beating over Cannabis, a plant. xox <>< Music for your blog reading enjoyment: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dzs1K3caXJk Wow, this cartoon smacked me right in the head ;-) Awesome. It started with a joke from my best bud Cathy.♥ I was stressed wondering what to draw for 4/20?! The universal day of Celebration for Cannabis!!! A Plant. Grown from a seed. Made by *GOD. (*original patent holder) Medical, Recreational, Hemp, Food, Fuel.. It's the day and I want to say THANK YOU! I have said it so many times, I thank God daily for this Plant! Give us this Day our daily Bud... <3 Wow. YES, I read recently how powerful that prayer is; Give us this dayour daily bread, -not thanks for yesterday, or make sure I have it tomorrow. Give us THIS day. Focus on today. .. and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and that ^ ^ ^ That simply put means ^ ^ ^ : PEACE, PEOPLE! Religion aside... who can argue with those lines? How else are we going to get ahead, clearly WAR is not the answer! Thank you Marvin, now in my head for the rest of the day. People all around the world who suffer over a plant. A plant less toxic than many others, proven helpful to ease pain, yet illegal and lives destroyed because of it. WTF? O.M.God. How disappointing. A PLANT. While others rape, kill, abuse, terrorize, suffer & starve needlessly... enough with the bullshit distraction. FOCUS on the REAL problems at hand. Rise Up people! Speak up! <3 Celebrate this Plant! Let it be a symbol of change. It all starts with a SEED!!! Life. So.. Yes! Give us this Day our daily bud, and thank you Lord for it! I do! Everyday! Keeping the Love of my life happy - How could I not give thanks? Celebrate 4/20, Spread Peace and Love !!! - there are already enough assholes doing the opposite;-) xox <>< I read that on a post regarding the new MMAR - Who in their right mind would expects anyone to stop growing... and I thought- It's true when you look at this all! It's INSANE!! It is appalling. But then again so is Steven Harper - I can't even read about him - what a shitty representative of Canada. IMO. People on hunger strikes - because they we feel we are not being heard, sick people losing the right to provided themselves with medicine after they were told they could! Selling off Canada one snow covered rock at a a time Eh? I cannot remember a time in history when people were as disappointed - no, that is not even the word - it's more like ashamed of our illustrious leader 'Steven Harper'. EVEN if you do NOT use Cannabis - How can the government tell people that they have to stop growing their medicine - when it has been legal for them to do so... AND They gave them permission! It is NOT easy, It is NOT cheap and it has become a passion for many of these people. All I can think in my cartoonist mind is two little kids - here you can have this this and this .. oh changed my mind! Take backs! Someone is going to be crying. ONLY the problem is in many cases these people need this medicine just to function daily lives! It has me really worried about the expected price increases and my son's health! ;-( Growing your own or a Designated grower is a sure way to keep the quality and strain that is best for you. It will keep prices reasonable or better yet - KEEP PEOPLE PROVIDING FOR THEM SELVES!!! Self worth right there should mean more than anything. No one likes to depend on others. What if your child has such a food allergy to pesticides you decided to grow his own vegetables.. but was told you could not. People SHOULD be thinking about this on several levels. WE are not talking METH labs we are talking garden rooms. http://hempology.ca/protest/index.html is just one of the many petitions. Please take the time to sign. Educate yourself and if you grow your own medicine get ready to defend your right. xox <>< It always amazes me to read about Cannabis and Dr.s. You see Dr.s over the years have supported Cannabis and Cannabis research. Years ago it was prescribed by Dr.s for everything from Colic to cramps. When the U.S government 'took it off shelves' to say - Dr.s did not agree and were often public about it. I just read once again The American Medical Association and the The American College of Physicians and the American Public Health Association and the American Nurses Association are strong supporters for Medical Cannabis and want research encouraged. They know people who suffer and cannabis helps, I read about it all the time, Dr.s who get Cannabis for their family members. Some just to make the end of life more enjoyable & pain free (controlled). So time and time again - I wonder - then why not stand up for what is right? Why are we letting those who are motivated by money and lies continue to stop the human race from doing what we believe is best for our own lives. It is NOT about getting high - trust me - I know many medical patients and they wish they could get 'high' most just are able to function. So since this war on Drugs is the failure that it is, the lies about cannabis hard to further contain... speak up. Remind your Dr.s about the facts. Share the opinions of their peers on Cannabis research and medical value. Perhaps they just don't know. Either way it's time. Time to let those who truly want to help us - do just that. Leave the police to deal with CRIMINALS and the politicians to - what ever it is they 'claim' to do. *Note- I am a Canadian. I am reading an American book about Cannabis (and enjoying) My cartoons can "sadly" easily have different words replaced the Canadian Medical Association - (but we already do recognize Cannabis and it's medicinal value) or replace the DEA with the Mounties and our own FAT CAT - S.H. The facts are - we are all fighting this insane battle. ALL OVER the world. How many are we? Educate your Dr.s, Educate your kids, parents, friends and family. Plant the seed ;-) xox <>< The money that is wasted every day on the war on drugs. Check this out,
Drug War clock : http://www.drugsense.org/cms/wodclock And this is after 40 YEARS -- COME on ! Time tested obvious results. Put some of that money to better use! EDUCATION show kids what will happen when they make poor choices. Teach them about how what they do now will affect them when they are older. MAKE them aware so that they just might make the right choice. TEACH them to read! So they can educate themselves, the sooner the better. Schools are suffering, children are hungry and the law keeps throwing people in jail instead of being helped & treated - they are released only to fall into the same pattern as before. Worse , they go to jail for a crime like smoking cannabis and come out criminals. Find out how some other places in the world have treated the problem and are SUCCESSFUL! "Ten Years After Decriminalization, Drug Abuse Down by Half in Portugal Drug warriors often contend that drug use would skyrocket if we were to legalize or decriminalize drugs in the United States. Fortunately, we have a real-world example of the actual effects of ending the violent, expensive War on Drugs and replacing it with a system of treatment for problem users and addicts." http://www.forbes.com/sites/erikkain/2011/07/05/ten-years-after-decriminalization-drug-abuse-down-by-half-in-portugal/ Ten Years After Decriminalization, Drug Abuse Down by Half in Portugal. Fact are facts. So WHY if anything is Canada following in the footsteps of the American Government and it's failed war. Hmmmmm?? I wish I knew. What I do know is we should be investing in our future, our children. Not kill them with fast food and lies. xox <>< If everyone that smoked it admitted to it..
If you smoke cannabis recreationally or medicinally and don't take action to help promote legalization or even better Decriminalization they you don't deserve to smoke Cannabis. If you are not helping then you ARE hurting. Your worried what others will think, worried about losing your job, worried about losing your kids. FEAR is a powerful tool. All these thing we are all afraid of. If you believe are doing nothing wrong then why lie? WHY? Why are we afraid to stand up for a PLANT, that eases pain and brings comfort and relaxation and (HELL YES) some fun and laughter from time to time. IF Alcohol is legal then we should be demanding Cannabis be made legal for all to use. No deaths from it EVER. * YES I have to keep saying that - as it amazes me HOW many people I meet who just don't know that! How many deaths from Alcohol- you tell me. ARE we not HUMANS - children of God ? All deserving a happy life? We get one shot and I for one will not live my life in shame when I have nothing to be ashamed of. Not for smoking, eating, vaporizing Cannabis. There are so many more dangerous things that are all legal - owning a boa constrictor, bungee jumping, ordering puffer fish at a restaurant, bath salts are legal to buy (the kind that Mess you up and eat your dog bath salts) so WHY? IT's ludicrous! There are enough of us - all around the world. Many who do NOT use Cannabis but still admit & understand it's value and importance to medicine and LIFE in general. So just admit it and move on there are far worse crimes in this world. Perhaps you will educate someone in the process- I'm not saying go to your kids school and announce at show and tell - I am saying, enough ! Cannabis is a safer option than alcohol and if YOU do use it for medicine be LOUD and Proud! This is how change will happen. * If you are a parent - YOUR children must always come first - If you burn and then burnout - you are not a good parent. Kids need positive examples. If you smoke and sit on the sofa all day - you ARE NOT a setting a GOOD example. EDUCATE your children and teaching by example is one of the best ways to help your children make the best choices for them when they are old enough to decide to try cannabis themselves. Time to WAKE up! Time to Stand UP!!! Before we are shut up... then, we will no one to blame but ourselves. xox <>< Today I feel hopeful. Well yes and no. I feel Cannabis is being recognized all around the world for what it is - MEDICINE. A plant. Many are talking Legalizing! EVEN better Decriminalizing! Of course there are now many that are saying - fine but let the government do it - put it in a pharmacy - ALL this will still have the problems - as with any prohibition. People will and should always be able to grow any plant on this planet that they use for food or medicine! It is our God given right.
I understand the importance of the Cannabis Medicine. Thank God. BUT I have also learned on this journey just in FACT how safe Cannabis is compared to legal drugs like Alcohol and Tobacco and MUCH more - including Bath Salts! This has convinced me too many people are suffering - being teated as criminals for something that is NOT HARMING anyone. So Today I'm going to DREAM BIG! Decriminalization! Really - Look how long it has been - and this fight wages on. What's the longest war in History? The WAR ON DRUGS! The failed war on drugs... xox <>< I have come to the conclusion this is the only way, re-educate and get rid of the reefer madness lies. The facts are there like a puzzle and you start to see why Cannabis is REALLY illegal and it is sad, very sad. It is all about $$ much like everything else. The difference is - people are suffering physically and mentally. Patience, farmers, Dr.s - everyone! Hopefully you can break the ice with a cartoon - Hopefully one of mine! ;-)
Start a conversation. Share some facts and if you don't know encourage people to research. Statistics alone should be ending this war on Cannabis - How can a government tell us they are keeping it illegal for our best interest when 100's, 1000's are affected daily - by a much more harmful - many times deadly, LEGAL substance like Alcohol - or tobacco!? It is not in our best interest - it is in theirs. Time to look after ourselves, look after each other and stand up for what is right. I posted this cartoon and saw that it was over 200 shares and I was crying. I can't explain. At least 200 people shared it and then hopefully from their friends more will share it - It will get people thinking and that has me FEELING FANTASTIC! The day that I don't have to worry about my son being judged, discriminated, busted for his medicine - will be a very happy day in this moms life! Today I am NOT drawing a Legalize cartoon - I am drawing a DECRIMINALIZE cartoon. Time to put his plant where it belongs back in the garden! Let the police do their jobs - arrest real criminals - you know the kind that HURT, steal, rape, murder... not the ones growing plants. xox <>< IF you use Cannabis ADMIT IT! Especially for medical reasons. If not, you are part of the problem enforcing the negative stigma attached to Cannabis. Medically or recreationally - ADMIT it! Do your research - Alcohol or Cannabis - read the statistics. AS for the government trying to control cannabis for us.. think about this one thing : ***443,000 deaths annually -More deaths are caused each year by tobacco use than by all deaths from human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), illegal drug use, alcohol use, motor vehicle injuries, suicides, and murders combined.1,2 ***-Alcohol abuse kills some 75,000 Americans each year and shortens the lives of these people by an average of 30 years, a U.S. government study suggested.
***If they really cared you think they would be banning Cigarettes. OR Alcohol . No - they make $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ And the government CAN NOT make money from a plant that anyone can grow in your own backyard! IT IS that simple. THINK ABOUT IT!!! Then, please admit it. Simple to you, but to me and a few other mom's and dad I personally know now - IT IS OUR children's life saving medicine! That is surrounded by all this bullshit. No wonder I'm tired ;-( I am tired, could be the head cold, life, stress, worry... Why am I worried about my son's medicine.. You tell me. What if it was your child? I wish I could personally ask that to Mr. Steven Harper or President Obama. Have them look me in the eye and give me an honest answer. One more thing... Got an e mail this a.m. asking me to boycott "someone" .. I get angry when this happens.. BOYCOTT someone because they do not share the same opinion as yours? Boycott someone that is trying to educate the masses on Cannabis.. THIS madness will never end UNLESS WE ALL work together!Do not ask me to boycott someone, I am trying to look at the greater picture, not be involved with 'petty name calling' because really - that is all it is.. If you want to pick a side, PICK the side of legalizing Cannabis-HELP everyone. All the rest is a distraction. This is a sad but true comic, true because the two dummies (and yes that is what they were, you should not be trying to smoke plants that you are not educated on! Just as bad as the two idiots that decided to snort fire ants!) had no pot - because it is illegal, so they tried to smoke some other plant and died. They were two young kids.
They died because of prohibition. If Cannabis were legal and easily obtainable it would be a win, win situation all around. ESPECIALLY for people who need & use it medicinally. Instead people are forced to buy illegal drugs - being forced into a 'gateway' or harsher substance and crime from some NOT so nice people. The prices are kept high, we are not educated on it properly, it can not be researched properly because of prohibition. The united States of America can NOT even grow it! Becuase of prohibition they are suffering, it could make billions of legal dollars. Here is a great simple video to check out, It's only a few moments and I feel exactly the same way. Only he said it better.. I'll try to draw it. check it out:: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MN9h5Arul2c&sns=fb |
Georgia (me)Georgia... On My Mind. Archives
March 2017
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