I understand not everyone likes the same thing. I like what makes me happy. I paint to make myself happy, to use my gift, as a way to say Thank you! Of course It's just a bonus if other like it.
;-) <><
It is such a beautiful day, I posted a new painting I call Laughing Buddha 6
I understand not everyone likes the same thing. I like what makes me happy. I paint to make myself happy, to use my gift, as a way to say Thank you! Of course It's just a bonus if other like it. ;-) <><
I had fun today. With my son. You know normal stuff - the mall, lunch.. trying stuff on having a laugh or two and my special TEA. I love TeaOpia
The new store in the mall. Comfortable shoes and good conversation. All simple things. Thy do I paint Laughing Buddha. Because when I look at it it makes me smile. Feeling good like anything else has to worked on before it becomes a habit. So I guess I am truly painting it for me. From God ;) Cannabis: I read about a woman commenting on a mom who gives her disabled child brownies instead of Medicinal Cannabis for his anger and pain.. asking her "have you tried this," "did you try this .. did you think to try this.. How about this.." I want to ask her , "Do you think?" To ask a mom who watches her flesh and blood , love or her life suffer in in pain.. have you tried this? I guess that is where the term "walk a mile in his shoes.." comes from. Off to paint! ;-) xox <>< I got to do one thing that I love to do today - Teach kids cartooning!
With a simple warm up, drawing exercise- the laughter grew each time we "pass it left" (funny how you see so many, not sure of the left! LIKE me to this day!) Kids have great imaginations. Although our drawings do not look exactly a like, they are pretty close! Imagine with continued encouragement what could happen! They would be better then me in no time. GASP!! I'm putting myself out of business.. To have a kid come up and tell me at the end of the class - 'you're better then the book I got from the Library.' LOL They thank me... I thank them. I can't wait to relax and draw tonight. <>< xox Georgia I have prayed for a miracle for years. My understanding is - we are here to use our gift, we all have one. To make this world a better place.
How dare I not draw. I realized once agin that GOD has placed me exactly where I am to be. Someone asked me today - "when did you become an activist?" I said "Who?" Activist? YIKES how did that happen? As a old friend of mine would say "ZOINKS"!!! Here I AM. Drawing, thinking about the issues at hand on this beautiful EARTH day. Remembering we are EARTHLINGS all of us. I am drawing and hoping to make a difference. Aren't we all? I am a Medicinal Cannabis Activist. I am a MOM. I am a child of God doing what I am here do! Back to work. xox <>< Today I woke feeling stronger. More confident about choices I have made recently and hopeful. AS hard as they might be- you have to listen to your own heart, head and do what is right for you. No one lives my life but me so how could they think they can make crucial decisions?
And time.. I know I need time to absorb. Think and process. Each day is a gift - a new day- BREATH. S Luckily for me one of my best friend own a gallery. Every now and then I go up and work for her to look at all the art and relax. I am reminded of so much Beauty and TALENT. How blessed is an artist. To be able to put it down on paper. A cartoonist -That is the coolest job in the world. Draw and make people smile..
Perhaps even make someone laugh with an image. Or for that matter be at peace when looking at an image. I feel so blessed that I can draw. How dare I waste one day by not. Back to drawing... xox <>< I sat outside today in the sunshine with the birds and the wind chimes and had a friend visit for a while. I am reminder that better days are ahead.
With faith I will continue. Pull up my boot straps! Sharpen my pencils! And draw! xox peace Today there is a story in the Toronto star about our son Storm.
It is one thing to read it ...It is another to live it. To read it is a bit like getting a smack in the face. Some times I try to live a very normal life. Pain manages to creep in. It is not easy to watch anyone suffer day after day, never mind your own child. MY child teaches me.. Move on. Stand up for what we believe in And try to live in the now. Not worry about tomorrow. All that said. There are times I feel my heart breaking. Storm always manage to make me smile. My son truly is a gift to me, us. Love your kids and do what you must. xox Peace Today a tribute cartoon or two for jack Herer. A man who informed the world of HEMP. Made it easy for me to understand!! HIs book link is on my Happy Hippie Page. Thanks you Jack and R.I.P
Well, I managed all winter without a cold so it is only fair that I should get one now. So it is back to bed for me with some nice honey , lemon tea..
If you have not heard : This weekend there will be an article in the Toronto Star Newspaper. Brining the awareness to medicinal Cannabis. If you have not heard it is a very important issue in our lives. I hope all who read it do so with an open mind. Back to bed for me.. Peace and love. xox The truth shall set you free.
Telling it and seeing it and believing it. If you don't believe it you can't tell it. Time to draw. Thanks For my fish Kat! <>< xox Today was a great day to protest. The sun was shining, people were smiling a there was a familiar scent in the air-everywhere! Hopefully more people became aware of how important Cannabis is as a medicine and how many people rely on it.
It was great to see all our friend from C.A.L.M and we made some new friend today too! Thank you to all my friend who so patiently helped me with the corrections on this web site. Mark and Jane what would I do without you? Now to rest my voice with a nice cup of tea and a cookie or two.. I've never chanted so much in my life! RESTORE CALM! xox What a way to start the day. HELP! Do you have any brown sugar?
An emergency was at hand, so Off I went to deliver the goods. Coffee with Cathy -what a way to start my day. I bet she has brown sugar.. it was her trickery! I loved the visit so all was well. I am looking forward to attending a protest if any of you wish to join me! It is : Sunday at 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. outside Toronto police headquarters at 40 College Street. I hope to see you there. You all know how important this is to me and my family. Now it's off the computer and on to the drawing board!xox Hello! Finally a new website. Simple and to the point. I plan on uploading new cartoons daily so keep coming back to check them out. All my work is available to purchase.
I am currently working on a book Have Faith - a series of Happy Hippie cartoons that also (hopefully) will educate the 'newbie' I will be at the TY EXPO http://medicalmarijuana-hempexpo.com July 16th -18th 2010. I will have some framed originals to purchase as well as some neat creative stuff! I have re-opened my studio and love teaching kids to draw! It is my idea of fun. Kids can be so creative. That's it for now! Back to the drawing board. Thanks for visiting. Have Faith... |
Georgia (me)Georgia... On My Mind. Archives
March 2017
*All images and content Copyright ©2018 Georgia Peschel and GeorgiaToons.com All Rights Reserved |