Unfortunately, as we continue to age we are prescribed more pills for each ache and pain, sleep problems, stress, tired-- the list is endless. Chemical cocktails, add to this already deadly mix- the fact that we forget! Accidental overdoes is a common problem with the aged.
That does not just happen to older people- it can happen to us all when not feeling well or distracted. It is not a problem with cannabis. There is a 'home' in Isreal where Cannabis is handed out to patients who need it and benefit from it and because of -LIVING proof- it is becoming even more common. The next generation under the boomers - I was born in 64
are watching our parents being drugged for this and that. No wonder so many are turning back to something they KNOW makes them feel better- Still gives them a desire to live! Watch this short vid.
*if you click the CC box on the bottom you will get subtitles!
It is just one of many examples! It is NEVER too late to try and feel better and that is our right! Share this with your parents!
*Moderation. As much as I talk about anti booze- I do know several people who have always been able to have 'a drink'. A drink after a long day - to take the edge off.. relax, unwind with a glass of wine. A (ONE) drink. EVERYTHING in moderation! My husbands dad was well into his 80's and said a shot of rum- kept his blood flowing. One shot - that was it. Usually in his evening coffee. He died because of complications due to a car accident, it was not the rum - and he was by far one of the 'SHARPEST' pencils in the box. KEEP IN MIND, studies show that alcohol is more damaging to the body and brain than marijuana.
*the bong- Storm and I went to a great little new store - http://www.thekockydog.ca/
nice to not have to drive to TO. for stuff.. any how I spotted this bong (a giant penis) and had to giggle! I said "who buys this..." and Storm said -"NOT YOU!" LOL so I thought I'd have fun with this toon! Of course I thought of the sippy cup* my friend Sue has a photo on FB with her and this cup and it makes me crack up every time I see it. Life is about having fun and feeling good. Not work, work till you die. So have a laugh and educate your elders about Cannabis! <>< XOX