Have Faith
Lift off! How I feel every morning with my first bong hit & pray it works as fast as can be.
I have been smoking/consuming what's called 'Grape Escape' and I feel outstanding.. out of this world. Thank God & my Grower... who is now on Instagram btw: Dynamic Garden Design. Kindly show him some love as he has me & my medicine the past decade. Spaced out- no.. creative & focused yes. This little bud is just the explorer' - the 'mars rover' of buds for a different painting. I wondered how to put him in space suit, wonder no more. Is this cannabis causing me to think about aliens- no, it's the program - Ancient Aliens, I find it rather fascinating and do believe, simply because of all the unexplained technology/art/culture/architecture from the past. Tasks accomplished THEN we still can not accomplish today without advanced machinery. Alone in Universe, I don't think so. I believe as with all medications from time to time our bodies need a jolt- a switch up from from our regular routine. How wonderful we are able to accomplish this with the switch of a plant strain- unlike medications that take literally months - just to get off of- in order to try another. I am loving this switch up. Painting till 2a.m. most night back a it a 6/7 a.m. yes, I nap in the afternoon- I prefer to say recharge- and sometimes I don't nap - I think of ideas to paint. I am grateful from my daily grape escapes. Dream of other worlds! Let your imagination explore! You might come up with a little bud in a space suit - you might come up with a new cookie recipe! Inspired by cannabis & love- we will not fail. I am painting bears. Love in every stroke. Have Faith <>< xox I painted this little guy/girl/both too... Only in the darkness can you see the stars. ~Martin Luther King Jr. To sit and paint and get lost in each stroke of fur... thank God. I am reminded I was created to create. All else can wait. No opinions matter. No rush. No deadline. No $ pressure... positively paining. I can't escape these starry nights, thankfully they help with all the grey days. 1:30 a.m. & I think... 'I'll just sketch quick...' 2 hours later. Another bear & fox is born. Do what you love. I have no clue what I'll do with them, I was asked to sell one, not at the moment. Have Faith xox <>< Bear & Fox make their first appearance of the year.
Drawn to my desk 3:00 a.m. painting. BTGG <>< xox Give your favourite NUG a HUG today! If you can.
I feel incredibly helpless with this American election, we can't vote. Canadians can only sit and watch in amusement, astonishment & horror as it unfolds. Who would want to vote for either? Talk about a rock and a hard place? Yikes. It does have me thinking about my American friends. It's all I can do - send love to you... as I paint with TLC & THC. What will all this mean for cannabis? Viable business or Violent criminals? What does this mean for America? Not being able to govern events, I govern myself. - Michel de Montaigne - Peace, Love and Good thoughts… prayers coming your way. With Love Georgia Have faith xox <>< The King of the Jungle is complete!
The little kitty purrs peacefully as she meditates, knowing her King has her back.. Kings. See it as 3 cats of the jungle if you wish, it's meant to make you smile, that's all. The meaning for me is beyond words. Countless brushstrokes, thoughts, ideas. As soon as it is framed in the snuggery it goes, where I will see it every day. 41:10 I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn't say any other way -- things that I had no words for. ~ Georgia O'Keefe - Happy Thanks Giving Weekend Canada! Have faith <>< xox This is the biggest painting I've worked on in a long time, it feels good, my arm a little sore today. The idea is, it is mine to hang in a new place... remember what I was feeling & thinking while painting it and ENJOY it.
I enjoy painting it so much, I went to bed with my sketchbook, numbering where I wanted to apply 'what and the colors'. The sky has 40 large white hearts painting in it- only Storm and I saw them. It's all that matters. I'm intentionaly painting love with every stroke! It feels fantastic. I've read some interesting facts about the beautiful bluejay, the meaning of when 'it visits.' I'm still mesmerized on my bluejay visit I had -I can't wait to paint the eye. Those sweet eyes looking at me calmly with trust. Reminding me to do the same. Do what you love. Only a few items of importance in the new nest.... ;) Have faith <>< xox When away, I slept.
I did not paint... which is blowing my mind. 3 little sketches, the one I did finish- I learned what 'rain does to Gouache' my meditation frog (below) was washed away.. so was I. Up with he birds- and the birds were AMAZING! I was in bird utopia! Arrrrgh! I forgot to bring some peanuts. From bed to the dock was my first stop each morning as the girls - Daisy & Poppy would need to pee. *thanks to Storm for leaving his dog with me. & I would sit and sip my tea. I'd wander between the cottage and dock, in at 11 to nap... deck, dock, bed nap.. lol! Really. I needed it bad. Holy cow. I was instantly overtaken with the peace and exhaustion- physically & mentally, took hold and said SLEEP. Thankfully, where ever I went, Daisy lay 3 feet away, ever watching me & Poppy. I LOVE my dogs. I love all dogs. I was so relaxed I slept with all the windows and doors open on the hottest few days and absorbed the quiet. Satellite Tv- I turned on and thought REALLY!? REALLY Georgia!? It was in time for the line from Ghost Busters (* which I will watch @ my desk painting) "Do you have any Hobbies?" - "I collect moulds, fungus and spores." It cracked me up, lol - that is Storm. He is anxious for the fall foray season. ;) I could NOT stay awake the first couple of days and hardly ate. My body was screaming and my mind called the shots. SLEEP I even started to feel guilty- you're not painting... oh well, sit back & breath. I thought about a few people in specific on my mind lately all the time. I didn't shed a teaar- also hard for even me to believe - lol, I sat and chilled with Poppy & Daisy. We wandered, I caught a big frog and a tiny one, thew rocks and napped. Now, I'm home for a bit & paint fumes drift up stairs, the kitchen, it'c coming. Norm goes non-stop. Bird is happy I am home. I tell you what... I feel stronger mentally & physically : God has me on the path, I just have to keep walking. I know what needs to be done, there is no confusion in my mind. I know what I want & I will have it. Focus on what I am here to do. Draw. I am drawing - it was an overwhelming desire yesterday - to draw about police abuse in America. Why? SPEAK UP!! FOR EACH OTHER! We are ONE it should not be tolerated. It's getting out of control, no wonder people are shooting cops- who does not think that? Bring attention to it. Yes, there are great police officer out there but the evidence does not lie- thank God for cameras. More on it tomorrow. Understand also- I have a few Americans I'm really fond of - hee hee, seriously, I think about them and it's heart breaking. I want to have a few acres and tell them come on up, put up a tent and hang out. This toon is born of love from my friends and I feel it does speak the truth. Trump or Hillary? .. .Hillary. A Thank YOU Universe & to my good friend Jim, I love that Guy & everyone knows it. I was telling Storm what a wonderful friend he's been all these years, so many laughs. For assisting in providing me with peace & always showing me love. You know, as I do with everyone close to me at one time sooner or later it seems... I put him to the test a few times & he has never left me. XOX Thank God. xox Have Faith <>< What brings you peace?
It's painting of me & it's time I caught up. I've had so much on my mind, I think since march.. only now do I feel 'things' starting to come clear, line up.. get ready for the universe to align- ready to shine. No facebook this week, no instagram either.. it's time to paint. A little PIN always. Good things are happening! Change is in the air! I feel it in my heart with every beat. Time to re align.. I am 're hanging' my office! I have some serious work ahead, I've recently been inspired by a Skype call with Ivan, his office is so neat! As in cool. As are the projects he is working on! How blessed I feel to have such good friends all around the world... and with Skype/internet - its as though they are in the next room. It sure helps keep a smile on my face. Pain or not! I have a new assistant! Her name is Jessie and she is assisting with what ever- working, finding, hanging, sorting bouncing off ideas- you see, these two (Norm& Storm- hard to believe I know, lol) get tired of it- as would you, if it was you mom or wife of 24? 25 years. I lost count. Jessie is 22, still in school, funny, quick and talented- and full of ideas of her own! I look forward to her next visit tomorrow, I plan on teaching her a little gauche. It's wonderful to start to feel organized & see lighe at the end of the tooning tunnel. I've 'international bud' to paint and much more- I'm designing a post card for the 'Cannabus' in Scotland for my friend Robert! As planned, if all goes well I will be visiting him (his family) this year and just the thought has me smiling! Im going to consult with another friend in Germany - the same gentleman who -I watched his gauche lessons on youtube! I found him and BUGGED him on FB, lol , until he replied. he is very funny person in my opinion. I'm creating something every day. A side line for today was a hat for my mom- some event she is attending.. below the photos, lol! I like to thank my wonderful patient 'hat model'! I LOVE my son, he is so much fun. Do what you love! Inspired by love you can not fail! I'll be drawing for mini original when my IG account his 200 for anyone interested. must follow to win. Georgia Toons. Put a smile on someone face with the price of a stamp. I do it at least once a week. It's one thing I can do to brighten someone's day. Believe xox <>< We found these foam shapes behind Walmart, garbage tossed from packaging we figure.
A peace sign shouted out! Well we had two, they looked like a Mercedes symbol you can see the piece we added. Follow the photos below - step by step ... pretty easy stuff really! I checked out Leslie The Bird Nerd just after posting this project and read this: Today is also 'International Day of Peace' The theme of this year’s commemoration is “Partnerships for Peace – Dignity for All” which aims to highlight the importance of all segments of society to work together to strive for peace. `Wishing you all a lovely and peace-filled day How cool was that? No wonder this peace sign called to me! Peace be with you! Make your own! If you don't have foam use cardboard! Use your imagination! I made a peace sign out of grapevine! Photos below! A Very happy Birthday to the love of my life.. Storm, who is a young man of 23 years old. I am beyond proud of the man he has become, and I've no doubts will continues to be. Have Faith! <>< xox *The winner of the contest (mini saw blade) was announced on the post and contacted ![]() I'm painting! It's been a few months, I can't help it, in the winter I can sit at my drawing desk for hours on end! In the summer - forget it, I need to be outside. Luckily, I have a covered porch where I can set up my easel, paint and watch the dogs play. I started the painting 'Peace', 2 years ago but for what ever reason, I only just decided it was time to paint it. Painting for me is pure meditation, often someone will yell or sigh "come eat" "put your brush down for a minute" lol - hard to do when painting brings me such peace. Just painting the Trichomes took me about 2 hours, I had so much fun .. many hidden symbols. I am surrounded my my pets as you can see and there is no place I'd rather be. I found painting this so relaxing I have started 2 more. Do what you love. xox <>< The more I read the less I understand.
Actually the more I read the more I really understand... It's not about us, or care for our health it is about $$$ Facts ca not be ignored for much longer. People are tired of being sick, and sick of being tired. ;-) I had to start a paper mache project just to give me a break - although occasionally I find myself drifting on how I want to draw a specific toon.. Have hope! Believe in the power of people to end the insanity. I was reminded of this one I drew a couple of years ago. Looks like I was right. xox <>< ![]() Music for your blog reading enjoyment: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dzs1K3caXJk Wow, this cartoon smacked me right in the head ;-) Awesome. It started with a joke from my best bud Cathy.♥ I was stressed wondering what to draw for 4/20?! The universal day of Celebration for Cannabis!!! A Plant. Grown from a seed. Made by *GOD. (*original patent holder) Medical, Recreational, Hemp, Food, Fuel.. It's the day and I want to say THANK YOU! I have said it so many times, I thank God daily for this Plant! Give us this Day our daily Bud... <3 Wow. YES, I read recently how powerful that prayer is; Give us this dayour daily bread, -not thanks for yesterday, or make sure I have it tomorrow. Give us THIS day. Focus on today. .. and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and that ^ ^ ^ That simply put means ^ ^ ^ : PEACE, PEOPLE! Religion aside... who can argue with those lines? How else are we going to get ahead, clearly WAR is not the answer! Thank you Marvin, now in my head for the rest of the day. People all around the world who suffer over a plant. A plant less toxic than many others, proven helpful to ease pain, yet illegal and lives destroyed because of it. WTF? O.M.God. How disappointing. A PLANT. While others rape, kill, abuse, terrorize, suffer & starve needlessly... enough with the bullshit distraction. FOCUS on the REAL problems at hand. Rise Up people! Speak up! <3 Celebrate this Plant! Let it be a symbol of change. It all starts with a SEED!!! Life. So.. Yes! Give us this Day our daily bud, and thank you Lord for it! I do! Everyday! Keeping the Love of my life happy - How could I not give thanks? Celebrate 4/20, Spread Peace and Love !!! - there are already enough assholes doing the opposite;-) xox <>< ![]() I know today's hero personally. Asked to remain as "D" for fear of backlash from others in the industry. This is a shame, I completely understand it. I have witnessed it over and over again and it must stop. Who is this petty arguing hurting? It is hurting those who rely on their medicine the most. Suddenly about drama and $$$, not medicine. While those who rely on Cannabis just to function, have a hard enough time putting food on the table never mind medicine and th D is special and will go places. I am proud to call "D" friend and look forward to see the difference they will continue to make - I know it will be a positive one! The Culture shift It has occurred to a lot of people within the MJ medical community that there has been a culture shift, along time ago; sounding as if I am a grandpa sitting by the fire with some youngsters… This plant for centuries has been used as a medicine that was once legal and free. It was never a way to boost fame or fortune. It is a shame that we live in an age when people feel obligated or see it as a necessity to educate fellow members within the MJ community about how the plant isn’t a magnet of fame, or financial aid. We all need to stay banned together and remember that this medicine is a fight that we participate in for the sick people that need it the most. These people cannot fight for themselves and they quite frankly shouldn’t have to, so the next time you spend money to see the next pot crazed movie that showcases cannabis smokers as dimwitted slow plagues on society. Please re think about what you would like to support. Some where along the way of social media we have lost our interest in educating the public about the respect & medical value this plant deserves. It’s an interesting age when there is so much positive change happening for this plant but we are still stuck in a rut. We could also argue any attention is good attention but if shed in the right light you will always turn more heads and make more believers if you stick with the educational facts, teach that this plant has healthy, life saving principles and you might not get as many followers and fans as your favorite medicated celeb but you will definitely leave more of a everlasting impression, that will carry on to our youngsters and hopefully we can generate a culture shift so we can remain back on track fighting for a medicine that has no write being condemned in the first place. "D" ![]() If I said thinking about surgery I was not frightened, I'd be a LIAR . Every now and then it hits me, as the day goes on and I have several twitch attacks and a head ACHE since the moment my brain registers it is awake.. the fear disappears and I know this has to be done. I am getting my Zen Den ready! Determined to surround myself with all things I love and keep it simple I have a few key essentials: - my ipod with meditation music - lots of Om mani padme hum going to be happening ;D. -T.V. & DVD player and of course my box sets of Warner Brother cartoons! Watched a few of my favs. last night! Has made me feel good since I was a kid! -I made a 'positive vibes board' & complimentary pins (can't tell you too much about it, as it is a very cool and up coming craft)!! I hope to stick it with ideas, photos and more to keep me inspired & focused. -A book that I have read before (I'm not going to strain my brain in any way) Our Lady of the Lost and Found < click to read more. It is inspiring, fun, interesting and I find the entire concept pretty cool. I love a good book and have found that reading this one - I am easily drifting off on inspired ideas.. I also have The Pot Book and am expecting Hempology 101 in the mail by Ted Smith any day ! So I will have some material for CC Cartoons - Not that I ever seem to be a at a lack for material;-) Also the Bible ♥ -OF course - I have my supply of pencils, paper, note pads and ink! Ready to rock! Buddha & beside him my hemp ball, my mini ROOR, my Plenty by my bedside and a dish of healing herb - without it I do not know how I'd have got through these past few years! So I'm ready! Storm has been -as always fantastic, from helping mop to more <3 The only think I'm 'upset' about is I have to keep the girls locked out of my bedroom for 2 weeks. Should be interesting. I am so ready for this healing process to begin. * after a difficult day yesterday - this toon came to me last night and made me giggle so I drew it to give to my Dr. before surgery - Note* Right side please! LOL I hope he has a sense of humor. Last Post tomorrow for 2 weeks peeps. I am shutting down. <3 ![]() The making of a mayor! We had to make something to put out this year to say there is NO Halloween! I thought the mayor when he says "Jack!? No Halloween? I'm only an elected official! I can't do it on my own!" Perfect! I drew a sketch on what I would like the prop to do and then My hubby works his magic. I really do get all the easy stuff - he does the body, figuring and mechanics if any. Wood, foam a lathe, nails, glue and staples, paint, plaster and more paint and many hours of TLC and you have a Terrific Halloween Prop! It goes from the garage to the kitchen back to the garage too many times to count! Tequila has loved to watch me craft for years as you can see. ❤ She finds it relaxing to watch me because I believe she feels my peace. I am at peace when I create. Norm is already trying to figure out how to place him so no one steals him. We have decided he will sit just in front of the garage with some candy. He will come when it's over and then where will he go - I've already lost 2 rooms in my home to Halloween Props! Norm said - In the living room! ... I don't think so. ;-) The more I think about Halloween it really makes me sad. I am going to miss all the kids "Hey Miss Peschel! I still have that fish you drew for me!" "What's new this year?" "Will I be scared!!?" " Hey remember me!? Last year I was batman!" Hee hee hee. Now with the all the terrible weather- it is really a good thing the display did not go up- it would have been hard on it - with no dry days in between- not to mention not so many trick or treaters! Oh well, somethings can't be helped. Just imagine how amazing NEXT year will be! If you do venture out Have a Safe Halloween! Here is a link to our Mayor - video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2rPH7AtNUvs&feature=youtu.be To see more you can visit my Hubby's page! P.s The coffins are all sold out! http://www.normansworkshop.com/halloween.html ![]() My craft! Craft night! I don't get out much - lol So instead I decided to invite over 2 friends to visit, chat and craft! All three of us paint. Linda is an amazing painter as well as makes beautiful jewelry, which I offer at the EXPO (LOVE her pants!) Ellen is also an incredible painter & works with kids! But each of us is so different I love it! Every time we are together - someone will say something inspiring! Tonight the crafts were MINDLESS - well for us three anyhow. The idea is NOT to stress but to just go with the flow, relax, have fun and as you can see we did, each completely different! We did not have to sketch or plan we just did. We sat and chatted and painted, laughed, listened to music, talked about our kids and husbands. Our art and passion. Neither of these two smoke Cannabis - medically or recreationally - neither have the desire - nor are they big drinkers! They both understand where I am coming from, understand Cannabis is our medicine and have no problems with it. As Ellen said (hee hee hee)- come on - we are all artists who grew up in the 70's! Nuff said. We came together to create! I have known both these ladies for a few years but it is only recently that I have come to enjoy their company as friends, I promised myself to only surround myself with people who have good hearts ;-) are creative and want to make this place a better place ;-) It is nice to socialize - no alcohol needed - I did have to medicate when my twitch started to become painful but just continued on after like nothing - cause thats what it is NOTHING! You take advil, I smoke cannabis. You prefer to go chemical - I prefer to go natural. I really like these two, tonight we have decided instead of a book club we shall have a craft club! Every two weeks. I am already looking forward to the next! We are also planning an art show. The details in the new year! I will tell you one thing EVERY time we are together we inspire each other to be better artists - if not better people. Imagine what were coming up with for our show!!! ❤ In everyone's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit. Albert Schweitzer xox <>< ![]() Trees- leave them alone and they pop up everywhere! It is witnessing nature that calms me right down. When I read about plants - GMO's, patent, wiped out- lumber, bugs etc... (sadly it can be a long list) I go out and see seeds that have sprouted fallen on an old tree stump, left alone - ta-da another tree! I look at all the beautiful nature around me and think Cannabis will never be wiped out as long as there are seeds to sow. Trust me THERE are seeds to sow. As long as tress grow and HUMANITY leaves them alone they will continue to grow. My backyard when we moved into our home was a big patch of SOD. Each tree we (my husband, Storm in his wagon, and our pets) dug out of a field that we knew would soon be a stretch of new homes. Most tress were no more than 2 feet high. I am PROUD to say we have trees all over our yard, front and back. They provide us with shade, privacy, food for the birds and entertainment now as they have become a leafy highway for our furry squirrely friends! It brings a sense of peace to see all the trees and even weeds that pop up everywhere! They won't be stopped! A bit of soil, rain and sunshine and they will grow to reach for the heavens! There is HOPE.!! Not just for Cannabis but for all trees & all seeds! Seeds should remain Free to all! No one should be able to patent nature. God made it for all to use, enjoy and help ourselves, mentally and physically. Where would we be without them - I don't dare to imagine - it is NOT a place I want t Go out today and pick some seeds! Put them away for next spring to sow everywhere you go! There is always rooms for one more TREE! I realized I am not a cannabis activist - I am a plant activist. There is a bigger picture. xox <>< I saw this cute stick figure drawing on line and was inspired to re-draw. I like the message.
My mind is full these days. Looking forward to meeting with the surgeon (although -no lies- a little nervous), and of course there is always other stuff. LIFE. Up and DOWN Last week Storms hearing aid broke - but when he told me, for once it did not stress us out as he had purchased an extra years warranty at his last visit for almost $400.oo! So we thought- I was called this week (so much for client patient privledge also- Storm being the client who paid for everything himself - yet I was called) was informed - "oh, that was just for one hearing aid" ... clearly WE miss understood. And when I called to question I was verbally yelled at, was told (meaning Storm) "perhaps he should learn to read". Adding insult to injury. Storm finally called him as he still had not bothered to call Storm - only to be just as offended by this "professional". He also denied (lied) to Storm and said he did not yell at me or say anything. I was literally shaking after our phone conversation - which was in fact BULLYING on an adult level. I had to let it go I don't need the stress. BUT I can't not let it go . This man is in my community and most of his clients are older disabled clients. IS this how he will treat them - when something is not explained clearly? Will he yell at them when they ask for an explanation? I have many elderly friends in this community - many who I met through church and care for very much- the thought of one of them experiencing this - is concerning. If one other person is spared this treatment - GOOD! YES, I realize it is his word against mine. We have no reason to lie. It is the last thing we need to worry about. I was so upset I was going to post it on FB - but I have too many people - disabled that would be disgusted. That's it - we wrote it off. At least the seed has been planted - people made aware- they might not believe me - I don't care, HE will NOW have to PROVE otherwise - and EXPLAIN properly to patients, provide CLEAR, professional paperwork and God wiling - be a better person. Unfortunately Storm is out almost $400. and still has no hearing in the one ear. ;-( Today I have spent time with the dogs, Daisy especially with a ball being forced into my ribs as I TRY to draw- is teaching me to be mindful. The toon is with Tequila - as she is getting old she just likes to sit beside me and look. I look at her and I see Peace. I pat her and I feel peace. I wish everyone could have a dog. I also better understand the phrase the more I know people (like this hearing aid guy) the more I like my dogs. Now back to work on Snoop lion. xox <>< Not sure if it is because I am tired, physically or mentally but the past few days I'm having trouble shaking this feeling of "...this is just absurd." Cannabis & the crap I read.
HOW do people still think it kills you? As for saying we need more scientific research - 'o' deaths in over 5,000 years - Uummmmm - IS THAT not scientific research enough? Changing rules, telling lies, arresting sick humans, Telling MILLIONS around the world what they can and cannot do with a plant or our own bodies is just insane. It is malicious. It will never be controlled, people will continue to suffer and other problems that are more serious go by the wayside. Like the fact that some nut can legally buy GUNS and ammo, walk into a theatre and kill people. World Hunger, poverty, child abuse, Human trafficking, DEADLY drug abuse and animal abuse are all very important - just to name a few! More important than the distraction that we are all dealing with - Cannabis. We are forced to deal with it because some see it as a MONEY MAKER - and want to be in control of that money. They do not want us to grow our own - they cannot make any MONEY that way. Instead of just letting us be happy and heal with what God put on this earth for ALL of us, we are FORCED to live this stress, fight this battle. So I ask myself.. How many are we? Why are we still putting up with this ? Watched a great documentary yesterday I am Fishead. http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/i-am-fishead-are-corporate-leaders-psychopaths/ And they end that doc. by asking - HOW many are we? We forget that. xox <>< ![]() My mom returned from vacation and brought me a gift she thought I might enjoy. She was right. Buddha Board: http://www.buddhaboard.com/ Let Go! The buddha board is not about detail it is about creation, fun and letting go. When I tried to do a detailed drawing ... well by the time I was at one side the other was drying! LOL - It forced me to KEEP it simple. It is also hard to resist. I have mine on my back deck and all who see must try. You do NOT have to be an artist! Yet everything you draw has that oriental flair to it! I try daily to get rid of Stuff. I have enough stuff but I can say I love this gift, I use it all the time and it is just as much fun to watch your drawing magically disappear as it was drawing it. It forces me to relax as I watch it fade - turning into other ideas as it goes. Below are my photos of my Buddha board as it faded. It is a gift for all ages IMO, I will keep it with a camera so guests can take a photo of their creation. So perhaps you know someone who needs to relax with a little zen.. xox <>< ![]() Time for fishing and if you check out my page last year you see that we fished from the dock. Well Storm has purchased himself a bass boat! We took it out on the lake last sunday Norm, Storm and I and have to say we laughed the entire time! I enjoy fishing with Storm anyway but it takes it to a new level! Sitting on the water (the boat is big- if need be I could lie down comfortably) is so peaceful - not to mention the quality time and amazing conversations. It only has two seats - it IS a fishing boat. and the rest just room to stand, Storm and his dad have already made several improvements! Norm is as excited as Storm! I have been informed that the boat is like a man cave on the water, and there are rules. When asked how I pee without falling over the side- I was informed "through your dick" Smart Ass... but did make me giggle. I guess I will deal with that hurdle when I get there. I already have my back pack packed! Sketchbook of course! Pencil case, ipod, book - currently reading ( and loving) Life of Pi, and wondering what to pack in the picnic lunch! I forgot my camera the first day out - was too excited! I won't forget next time. It is also nice that Storm is able to medicate - so it really turns into a great way to just DE STRESS and relax. So I am looking forward to an entire new set of toons!!! All around fishing! Yesterday we had to visit Bass pro of course! Storm bought me my own BRIGHT yellow ( I liked pink but - that is a boat cave rule - no pink) fishing pole! Today I go out to dig up worms. I don't really care if I catch anything. I just love hanging out with my son and surrounded by all the beauty. So you will soon see 'Gone fishing' I hope many times on our door. Below - the girls and I do some inspecting! xox <>< ![]() I spent the morning in the garden - my mom bought me this great little guy! I call him OmBoy HomeBoy! He has the slightest little smile and I have moved him all over the back yard - finally resting in my gazebo where I meditate/pray the most in the summer. He looks like he was meant to be in my garden. Just the sight of him makes me feel more at peace. What a beautiful day! I don't have a car and it was so nice I decided to take the dogs for a walk! As always it turned out to be somewhat of an adventure- surrounded by beauty (that almost didn't happen). Scruffy! Little power house that she is was so excited she tugged me as I was putting on her leash and my glasses fell and I stepped on them! ARRRRGGGGGGH! Oh well, I was already on my way and was not going to let that stop me! So off we went! Wild flowers everywhere! Daisy's!! Tomorrow I am going back to pick myself a bouquet of Daisy's! The girls loved it of course and we know Daisy LOVES water from the pool but I had no idea! ONLY in Keswick you say! - Behind the Walmart plaza is a pond with a boat launch! LOL!! DAISY found a little slice of heaven! The second she spotted it she was in! Chasing dragon flies, butterflies - all in the water! I LOVE dogs. They remind us to LIVE in the moment! I sat for a while - even though I could not see much in the distance! It was wonderful. I think tomorrow I'll pack a little picnic;-) My girls below and my little Om Boy.. Today! LIVE in the moment! xox <>< The other night I was tired - one of those days, sore and grumpy, a day my twitch did NOT quit and felt in much need of some real time out. TUB TIME. Time to soak & think, or soak and NOT think! BUT mostly to RELAX. In the past have a nice glass of wine to drink (a couple even)! All this very acceptable - even encouraged - un-wind mom - have a glass of wine! MOMs of planet unite! WHO doesn't love a tub? I do.
* I keep it to a minimum - I do have hard time soaking in that much water when I know some don't have any to drink, I do cave from time to time I am only human damn it!! Tub time ? Norm knows- he usually runs it for me - it is a bit of a production: candles, sketch pad and 3 pencils, dry wash cloth so I don't wet sketch pad, wet wash cloth to - wash, speakers, ipod, more candles, bath bomb from LUSH, cup of tea (Teaopia - sleep well) and a JOINT rolled by my son - I am not joint roller. For the number of times I take a bath - to calm my nerves, try to figure stuff out, soak, 1 hour! I DESERVE IT! WE DESERVE IT!!! We are in our own homes. We are not harming anyone. We NEED A BREAK! Quite frankly - Better a joint than a glass of wine! YOU could spill, break the glass - into the tub (been there done that) I'm not joking. I was beyond grumpy - I was borderline miserable. I needed that tub. After only a few moments I could feel the stress release up into the smoke that filled the tiny room. My thoughts once again returned to come up with ideas, thinking about all I have to be thankful for LIKE the amazing, warm, clean, beautiful water I soak in. I thank God for it. Drawing this I thought some might object .. to what? The joint? The candles are more of a danger than the Cannabis!!! You have your wine (moderation) or have your joint. RELAX There is absolutely nothing wrong with Cannabis. Other than the fact that it is illegal. I am glad I had the joint and don't need the wine. I believe if I did not have the joint I feel I would have to have the wine. That seems to be the plan.... VOTE. NEVER PLEAD GUILTY EVER AGAIN to enjoying a joint. IF YOU LOVE A TUB- SHARE! Moms I've been there, LOL - still there some days - it might be the only break we get from time to time. It is all about telling the truth. Putting the lies to bed and getting rid of this STUPID stigma attached to Cannabis. WHICH ALSO happens to be our medicine. <>< (Have Faith!) XOX Note; I posted last night on FB - Are you a HOTBOX HOUSEWIFE!? (OMG- still giggling) HOT BOX! what the F&^%$ was I thinking? LOL - and then the only guy that 'liked' it was Dank Sac. LOL!!! I am still BLUSHING!!! And laughing, one friend did catch it and said he almost spit out his water. Ahhhhhhhh.. Time to draw! ;-D Thank you God. I enjoyed that giggle. |
Georgia (me)Georgia... On My Mind. Archives
March 2017
*All images and content Copyright ©2018 Georgia Peschel and GeorgiaToons.com All Rights Reserved |