Have Faith
It's Christmas Day - clearly, I was naughty all year as I did not get what I wanted.
Oh well... I'm not changing anytime soon Santa, so I guess I won't see you for a while. I love who I am right now. Frankly, I'll be glad when today is over. I love Jesus. I give thanks everyday and I ask for forgiveness, every day.. lol I celebrate him daily. I did get one gift, from Storm and it made me cry. I Thank God for Storm. He said he does not need any gifts: “I need what’s sitting in that chair breathing” he remarked to me while I was at my desk drawing last night. I do hope people enjoy a good Christmas.. for those that get right into it (and can afford it) I hope your day is perfect!! I hope one day to feel the “christmas Spirit” again, I certainly do not feel ‘it’ this year. I also realize how many people feel the same as I do & do not have anyone in their life to even spend today with- that is who my Christmas Wishes go out to today. Feel loved. Love yourself. Jesus loves you, no gifts required. No attending mass required. If you do not believe, that’s fine- enjoy this day of PEACE. Instead - 2017.. I’ll focus on that today. It’s going to be different. Big change. On a positive Note -I have a bulletin board in my office - I put postcards on it *I love snail mail! As you might be aware. lol I put all that people send me during the year- and it becomes full as the year goes on! Postcards Cards from around the world, drawings, stickers, letters people write to thank me. It blows my mind & warms my heart. lol For what? For expressing my love? Trying to help bring an awareness to a injustice - isn’t that why we are here? I wonder sometimes if I make a difference. .. then I glance up- right above my desk and I see your wishes, cards and LOVE. Thank you. I had one letter, putting it all away that brought me to tears, Patrick from Conspiracy Culture wrote me a letter after Jamie died. That gave me the 'Feeling of Christmas' of love. I cleared it of 2016 - all goes into an envelope marked 2016’ & now it is ready to welcome 2017! The first thing on it my gift from my son, a drawing of cannabis from Todd I received this week and a reminder to myself : You did not wake up to be mediocre today. Have a wonderful day. I hope Santa was good to you, if not - join the club. ;) Have faith xox <>< *I already drew '2017 Bud'- & it is super cute!!! lol If I do say so myself... OWN IT! I AM. Tomorrow, a bit of love into the universe. Back to dreaming. www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOX3YQMIkU8 check out this incredible artist! 'Tell me no lies' is complete.
'Don't try to guess what YOU think it represents.. you might be wrong. lol It was fun, I needed it - got me through the 'TRUMP hump'.. I hope. Sorted out some stuff in my mind and now it is DONE. over. time to move on. back to focusing on work, cannabis cartons, painting and having some pleasurable moments in between - moving forward. Thats' how 'I' do it. No wonder I asked for 2 more canvas for the weekend. How do YOU do it? Everyone must have a hobby. ;) I was conversing with a friend who reminded me 'this is not a dress rehearsal..." a cliche coming from most - not in this case, I shall respect and indeed heed the advice. Paint!!! Because that is what I am here to do. I know. I have NEW ideas and want to get into more serious painting, 'Nude even! ;) Seriously! Dream (paint my new slogan) hee hee & get back to this cute little 'lady bud'! Enjoy "Tell me no lies.." if you do, I will know and I have no time for bull. ;D I read a quote yesterday by Georgia O'keefe that has resonated with my soul btw.. “I do not wish to try to live among many people – they tire me more than anything...” Georgia O'Keefe *for any that are reading I am closing my 'alias' Fb. If I want news I will go to the source- trying to figure out FB bullshit is too time consuming. I will continue the Georgia Toons page. In recent days - the level of hatred, negative remarks and so forth also has convinced me- I don't need to read others 'anger' others with nothing 'better' to do. I have better control of what I am viewing on IG. believe it or not - this DRAMA in the USA right now IS what the political powers want. More of the poor will be thrown in jail. ;( Anyone who wants to read 'me' can still message me via- 'Georgia Toons'... or here. ***ABOUT the 'kids & medicine' cartoon, its really 'hit a nerve researching this terrible, EVIL fucking PILL PUSHING, greedy Arrrrrrggghh!!!!! Must calm down, breath, think of being in caves... looking at art. Back to my 'happy place' so I may focus. Thank you God. Time to medicate & paint my 'Miss CannaBud!!! Have Faith <>< xox Lies.. please, tell me no lies. Even little ones.
We all have lies which surround us, read the paper. I have reached a new pinnacle in my life and it has me wanting to SOAR every time I feel it surge through me. Bullshit - you have met your match. I simply am going to 'call people' on it. From now on... lol Tell me the truth. I recently did just that, after decades of confusion - I picked up the phone. The caller knew instantly 'who' I was, which was reassuring.. I asked a few questions and came away no longer confused, clearer than ever before as a matter of FACT. Problem solved! Forever! & now I can lay that one to rest. Understanding more, forgiving more and forgetting finally. It feels fucking fantastic & gave me a new found sense of strength & power & a great conversation with a "you can call me anytime - which was really nice." I'll move on. Then there are 'little lies'.. kinda fun at times- but then too, with my imagination- they can escalate into 'a frenzy' sometimes good and sometimes bad. So please, don't. Know I'll check - from now on - I'll ask- whom ever I think might know the answer. Simple. Wow. Just ask. As soon as possible - so you do not over think/stress. When someone is in front of you - you can tell sometimes if they are just being cheeky- 'pulling my leg'- that's different from lying- or is it? I ask: are you pulling my leg? Ivan pulls my leg from time to time.. my pal Jim is also good at it. With e mail- it's not so easy to tell. No wonder Pinocchio comes to mind! I just needed to paint! TRUMP has me stumped. I respect Americans have anew president - but I don't like him.. most women don't. HE has triggered something - I'll be the first to admit- I have fucking had it with 'men like him' making remarks like they do & I personally have been forced to deal with them MY ENTIRE LIFE. No more. We had one such fucking remark not long ago: We had to renew our personal insurance, Norm & Storm met with the "broker" at a coffee shop a few months back. He wanted to come to our home- but Norm explained I was not well and we don't have people over. When 'he' met them one of his first remarks was: "Going to renew the policy Norm? More money for Hookers and cocaine.." Storm was shocked- he told me first - then Norm confirmed. Storm was disgusted. Storm rarely says anything negative about anyone, not this time & he said he was 'like that' the entire meeting and told his dad to 'drop that asshole'. He knew I was at home ill, Norms wife, Storms mom and he says this shit?? I was LIVID.. but I was sick.. it's been months. Friday, I called head office... I explained (very calmly- thank God - it's been a few months) what happened and "IF they do not get our policy off that pigs hands I will call the papers." I won't name him, the company formerly Penncorp Canada has recently changed names, HE KNOWS - he called after their visit- and I answered the phone- he knew and I knew instantly- I could hear it in his demeanor - I confronted him, he admitted the remark his response: "oh .. I was just joking" FUCK that. Every time we allow these 'Jokes' to go on- YOU know they will- it disrespects women- Mothers, wives, sisters & daughters. THE OTHER half of the population.. Norm is in the dog house - I told him to change it after the incident and just found out last week - we are still paying this disrespectful asshole MONEY. No more. The company has assure me they will handle the problem & the policy will be turned over to a more professional, respectful broker. I will hear back this week. 'Just joking..' fine. I'm not joking & I'm NOT giving you a cent/nickel ;) more. There you go. That is how to do it. Pay attention and do it with your dollar. I'm back painting Pinicchio today- and guess what- I also painted a MINI study.. I think I'll give one away. He makes me smile. Not nearly finished.. a bird haven I think I need to add 'several' more... we'll see. Have Faith ...in each other. <>< xox I've talked about this fear mongering before.
If you are worried about a fire, know the facts. Candles, smoking, curious children... all likely to start a fire before a patients 'grow room' would. Heaven forbid it did, it would truly be an accident - not one I imagine many would 'wish' to endure. A Lose of home, medicine, memories and more many would never recover from. http://www.vancouversun.com/news/marijuana+fires+total+years/9688008/story.html To read more. I had a friend help me with this cartoon, she is a FB friend. Another Canadian sharing, trying to help educate on Canadian criminals... like our current PM. We get by with a little help from our friends ;) & the seeds will be planted a lot faster! <3 It's here! Tomorrow is the day!
All Cannabis any patients have, must be "destroyed in Kitty litter & put out in the trash." When they recalled OXY and made the new - did Health Canada ask that people put the old in the trash? I think Not. As of tomorrow patients (approximately 40,000), some terminally ill, all over Canada turn into Criminals in the eyes of Health Canada and our corrupt Steven Harper. If they continue to grow their own medicine they can be arrested & face jail time. Medicine that Health Canada did in fact allow them to grow for decades. Now forced to purchase a less quality (in many cases) medicine, with less control and at an escalated price, forcing many to return to prescribed drugs - simply because they can no longer afford the 'safer' alternative, cannabis. There is an injunction of course, from the Supreme Court of Canada saying that patients can still grow their medicine until a court rules otherwise, but Health Canada has already expressed intention to which they wish to ignore. Tomorrow is the day. So be it. No one can and no one will ever, make us feel like criminals. God has us on this path and I'M NOT BUDGING. Would you? What if it is was your child? Tomorrow "let the shit hit the fan", and focus on all that can go right!!! The only criminals here are those in power, hurting already suffering Canadians for the all mighty dollar. FACT. xox <>< ![]() Good Morning! And a good one it appears to be so far, thank God. I have had a terrible past few days, almost as bad as just after surgery. My twitch waking me up at 4 a.m., so powerful it has me crying before I'm out of bed. And it does not stop. It takes on average 3/5 bong hits JUST to get it under control this past few mornings. JUST to get it to start to give me a break. When it is as bad as it is.. I can not walk properly, I can not read, I can not use the computer, I can not function. The shots of pain I get instantly stop you in your tracks! Right from the top of my head down now to my chest. The several days, I've hardly been able to function past 3 in the afternoon. Exhausted, mentally and physically. What do I worry about - seeing my son and husband watch this. I know it breaks their heart every time. My days consist of moving from one seat to another - thank GOD, I can draw, or I don't know what I'd do :( I pray a lot too. I have to go and see my Dr. I have decided NOT to renew my license to use cannabis. I am DONE. I would not tolerate this treatment from anyone else why should we from a Government said to protect its citizens? Health Canada! HEALTH Canada is killing me. The past few months we have been bullied, lied to, outed, insulted and threatened. ALL BY HEALTH CANADA. I AM DONE! Until HEALTH Canada shows its patients, Canadian Citizens some respect, I wont be showing them any! I will continue to use my medicine. Our son was born with a terminal bone disease. Cannabis - prescribed by a Dr. at 14 has allowed him to finally gain SOME control over his life and pain. At 14, Storm was told he "could not grow his own medicine because he was too young, but a 'Designated Grower' could!" Imagine if it was your child? We have invested blood, sweat and tears and $$$. Because we were told we could - yes, even encouraged. Now even with the court cases, still they can not provide proof - of all these 'dangers'. I have yet to read about them. If it is as dangerous as they say - we would be reading about it every day, in neighborhoods everywhere. We are NOT. ALSO this BULLSHIT from Health Canada and Doctors has GOT to end: They don't know enough about cannabis to approve or sign for patients.... BULLSHIT! What about the drugs they do approve - posted today - read this: http://www.thestar.com/opinion/commentary/2014/03/24/health_canada_dangerously_opaque_when_it_comes_to_pharmaceuticals.html "Take the Vioxx (rofecoxib) scandal, for example, where tens of thousands of people died from taking a Health Canada approved painkiller. It should serve as a vivid reminder that policies that thwart data transparency pose a very real threat to the health of patients." It is all lies! Excuses and putting patients in harms way. If your Dr. refuses to even think about it send him a copy of WEEDS and suggest he educate himself on the subject. I have no problems doing this. Free to watch here: http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/weed/ Cannabis has ever been responsible for a death. Cannabis is HELPING children ! THANK GOD! Watch the documentary!!! YOU might be saying someone's life! By simply sharing information. Fact are facts. I am done. FUCK you Health Canada, you are killing me and I refuse to be bullied by you any further. Your criminal actiI won't get angry I'll get busy! xox <>< Clearly, I was not alone and news has it Health Canada is already trying to make up excuses for the latest fuck up.
http://www.prairiedogmag.com/health-canada-breaches-privacy-of-medical-marijuana-users/ I am exhausted physically and mentally, this is all very upsetting, degrading and it's NOT over. Today I share a post from another ( a stranger really- I just saw this comment and asked If I could share) so you have an idea. Until you live this HELLTH Canada - you have no idea. I'm done. Bring it on and yes Health Canada - Should I have a home invasion, I too will hold Health Canada responsible. She has asked I don't share her name.. Unlike Health canada I will RESPECT her wishes: Health Canada has sent out notices to medical marijuana patients with "Medical Marijuana Program- Health Canada" in bold print on the front of the envelope. Up to this point all correspondence from Health Canada has been sent from "Health Canada" by registered mail. This was obviously a letter to a person who is part of the program. Some patients have had their postal workers comment about the program. I live in a small gossipy community, I know the post office gossips. My mail carrier is a close neighbour who can not be trusted with private information. I feel that Myself and my family as well as my neighbours have been put at risk. It would seem like an easy hit for a criminal, a secluded house, only an ill woman home during the day. In addition there is our reputation in this small community, my husband and myself are active in the church and the community. Many would not look fondly on us if it were known that I grew and used Marijuana, even as a medicine. My children and grand children are at risk of embarrassment. I could lose friends. My husband could have problems at work. I feel this is a serious issue and I copied these point off your privacy list. They are all relevant to my and other patients situation. 1- information relating to the education or the medical, criminal or employment history of the individual or information relating to financial transactions in which the individual has been involved, 2- the address, fingerprints or blood type of the individual, 3- correspondence sent to a government institution by the individual that is implicitly or explicitly of a private or confidential nature, and replies to such correspondence that would reveal the contents of the original correspondence, 4- information relating to any discretionary benefit of a financial nature, including the granting of a licence or permit, conferred on an individual, including the name of the individual and the exact nature of the benefit, It would seem that this was done purposely, with malice, perhaps it was stupidity or it could be that the Minister and her dept are just incompetent. Whatever the reason, steps must be taken to satisfy the the anger and unease that patients now feel. I am personally very much afraid that the wrong person will find out about my license. Thank you for your prompt attention. I look forward to your timely response. More tomorrow - You bet! It's far from over. xox <>< Fear Mongering. I see it daily in the paper - still. Hanging on to the reefer madness threads that have has us all believing a tangled web of lies for decades! But the only fear mongering it seems possible is for ' the children'. Of course.
If we make Cannabis legal more children will use it. <Is what the conservatives want you to believe. Keeping Cannabis illegal thinking your kid won't try it - well good luck. We all have been there, have we not? I remember one of Storms friend when younger, telling me 'cannabis will fry your brain', he now smokes. Kids ARE finding out the truth with the power of the internet and are learning Cannabis is NOT as bad as we have been led to believe. Chances are they are going to try it! Frankly, good! IF they must I 'd rather it be with something not as harmful as the many other options out there! BUT keeping it legal will mean that eventually when Little Johnny does toke up - he might get caught and get slapped with a criminal record. I have learned from people over the years the true devastation a criminal record causes for simple possession of a plant! Something that DOES not harm as much as alcohol for example... It is shameful. It WILL haunt them for the rest of their lives unless THEY pay $$$$ to try to have it erased. More $$ scam. It can effect them from getting the job they desire later in life, from working with children, volunteering, traveling, family and friends - relationships can suffer. People made to feel and LIVE like Criminals for something many do daily and brag about. LETs NOT forget the private prison, what a great way to fill them up. Are we on our way to becoming another USA? They have more people in prison than anyplace else, many for victimless crimes. How's that working for them? The bottomless pit called the war on drugs $$$$$ The failed war on Drugs. < FACT. I believe it is better for the children for numerous reasons WHEN Cannabis become legal - or even better decriminalized.. - Parents won't go to jail for a victimless crime, leaving their children in foster care -Parents wont lose jobs and will stil be able to feed kids over a victimless crime. - Making it legal will make it easier to get from a reputable source - NOT from a serious DRUG dealer. (Easier for adults) Children would have to show I.D. - If cannabis were legal - hopefully kids will STOP using FAKE/synthetic cannabis - that kills: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synthetic_cannabis -They won't overdoes on Cannabis when they try it and hopefully will not become dependent - although your chances of becoming addicted to cannabis are much lower than the many options out there. RESEARCH and decide what is best for your kids before someone else does. KEEPING Cannabis ILL Not worried now - so keep it illegal- in a blink of an eye is a common phrase for a reason- don't wait for a blink of an eye or a phone call from jail before you give this some thought. xox <>< ![]() Answer this: What is the number one health concern in the United States & Canada regarding children (and adults)!? Obesity. Not only causing death but untold medical related diseases like diabetes. You know what comes a close second to killing more people now than car accidents? Prescription drugs, but thats another toon. Knowing this - now wonder how can we tolerate such a waste of time and resources with the following: The Ontario Safety League, http://ontariosafetyleague.com had a media conference urging people to 'report local convenience store owners if they sell bongs'. etc. What a joke. Walk into any convenience store and there are thousands of items all seriously more harmful than a bong. Are we that stupid? Let’s start with Junk food, the number one cause of obesity in children JUNK FOOD. > not a piece of glass. How many has it killed? UNTOLD amounts. and GROWING - pun intended. How about Energy drinks! < Numerous deaths - google it. Cigarettes? Really, IS IT JUST ME? Are we really that stupid? Candy? I remember reading a story about some girls that died after playing a marshmallows game - they got stuck in their throat! SERIOUSLY? Pop, candy, anything you need to make meth it’s all available at your local convenience store. This is just a Waste of TIME and taxpayers money! Not to mention the aggravation to store owners, and the possible animosity it could cause among neighbors. IF you don’t want it don’t buy it. Enough with the stupidity - especially at a time when we are being convinced convenient stores should also sell BOOZE. ALSO - I am VERY tired of reading Cannabis is an illegal drug. CANNABIS IS A LEGAL medicine in this country the last time I checked! It is discrimination at its best. The Ontario Safety league IMO has too much time on their hands and too much of our $$ to promote such bullshit. How sad they would not rather use the time and $ and energy to EDUCATE to keep Ontario's SAFE. Not continue reefer madness. What genius came up with this plan? What a waste of time considering that in fact, Cannabis just might be legal in a couple of years. God willing, this insanity will be over soon. IF the OSL really cared they would educate those ‘over weight’ walking out with a bag of chips and chocolate bar on the dangers of rising obesity. - But no, - that would be discrimination. If they are going to continue this ‘fiasco’ then they better also go to every grocery store where I have seen numerous bongs made out of everything from apples to pineapple's to old pop cans! Do you see how ridiculous this is? For the record. IF you want a proper bong - go to a head shop. They can answer your questions, and the selection is much better. If you don’t want or desire - don’t shop. As for your corner store. Have we not more serious issues to deal with? Shame on you OSL, get with the times and educate yourself. <>< xox ![]() I read all the time. Every now and then I come across an article and think - wow I did not know that! That is what happened when I read about kids drinking low fat milk - the healthier choice. IT is NOT a healthier choice.. I read that they remove the fat - using it for other products ($$$) and all that's left really is sugars in the milk - making it harder for your body and actually making it fatter. I am trying to find that exact article but It was a few weeks back - no matter just GOOGLE. http://butterbeliever.com/fat-free-dairy-skim-milk-secrets/ <Just one of many! I am not - nor have I ever been a fan of milk unless I have a warm brownie fresh baked and want a glas to wash it down. I am also not a fan of Ice cream. I want the good stuff if i DO and that means CREAM. Why do we let them play with out stuff? Our food our nutrition and our life? I am even less a fan of milk after I did research on hormones. Please pay attention, I really would never wish my twitch on anyone. Dr.s DO not know what caused it or still do not know what is causing it. WHO knows? I am learning to try to live with it. BUT why take any chances?? This is our children. Please look at some of the links below to read more on LOW fat garbage. If it's low fat don't buy - learn to make healthier choices. xox <>< ![]() Music for your blog reading enjoyment: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dzs1K3caXJk Wow, this cartoon smacked me right in the head ;-) Awesome. It started with a joke from my best bud Cathy.♥ I was stressed wondering what to draw for 4/20?! The universal day of Celebration for Cannabis!!! A Plant. Grown from a seed. Made by *GOD. (*original patent holder) Medical, Recreational, Hemp, Food, Fuel.. It's the day and I want to say THANK YOU! I have said it so many times, I thank God daily for this Plant! Give us this Day our daily Bud... <3 Wow. YES, I read recently how powerful that prayer is; Give us this dayour daily bread, -not thanks for yesterday, or make sure I have it tomorrow. Give us THIS day. Focus on today. .. and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and that ^ ^ ^ That simply put means ^ ^ ^ : PEACE, PEOPLE! Religion aside... who can argue with those lines? How else are we going to get ahead, clearly WAR is not the answer! Thank you Marvin, now in my head for the rest of the day. People all around the world who suffer over a plant. A plant less toxic than many others, proven helpful to ease pain, yet illegal and lives destroyed because of it. WTF? O.M.God. How disappointing. A PLANT. While others rape, kill, abuse, terrorize, suffer & starve needlessly... enough with the bullshit distraction. FOCUS on the REAL problems at hand. Rise Up people! Speak up! <3 Celebrate this Plant! Let it be a symbol of change. It all starts with a SEED!!! Life. So.. Yes! Give us this Day our daily bud, and thank you Lord for it! I do! Everyday! Keeping the Love of my life happy - How could I not give thanks? Celebrate 4/20, Spread Peace and Love !!! - there are already enough assholes doing the opposite;-) xox <>< ![]() I was mentioning to a friend recently how glad I am a ‘Head Shop’ for lack of a better word has opened in my town! YIPPIE! It is terrific! I no longer have to drive to 30 mins or more for supplies - or even further Toronto! The shop is really nice, well stocked and the couple that owns it are equally friendly and always pleasant. It is NOT a XXX, sex shop, they don’t have porn (well there is that glass penis bong). Go check it out you might find it really interesting! They have water pipes and smoking supplies, hats, incense - stuff - MUCH like a cigar shop in many towns. Only - Cannabis won’t hurt you like a cigar does. - Never mind that - hopefully you are AWARE of that fact by now. The store is always busy and I believe it is actually bringing business into our town. It is the nicest store around, nicer than any I have seen in Newmarket. I welcome all new business to town! I have seen a few empty stores and THAT is NOT a good sign in any town. That conversation started another... I said “I look forward to the day when we have a Compassion club/dispensary...” WHAT??!! The look of shock on my friends face - this was another story - “A place where you can buy Cannabis?” “YES, Of course.” I state. Well - that she did not totally agree with... “I’ll HAVE to have the drug talk then, I’ll be forced too...” "Excuse me? Your kid is 11! I’d say you better have that drug talk NOW!" "AND why, just because of a Cannabis dispensary- OUR medicine? Geeze!!" I wanted to say - But that clinic for the heroine addicts that you walk past daily - that was not a cause for conversation? The fact that kid are more prone to first experience a drug from their own parents medicine/alcohol cabinet - that is no reason to have the DRUG talk? NO wonder kids have problems! TALK to them. EXPLAIN what happens when people abuse Drugs. EDUCATE them so they can then make informed educated choices! When we were little it was easier for parents to keep stuff from up, but with the internet and kids being what they are today - you can not afford to wait! I did remind my friend that now children all over are using Cannabis as a medicine! For cancer, autism, pain and more! Millions of adults all over the world use it recreationally and medicinally. Get over it. I was angry- again, someone does not ‘get it’. They won’t until it is their child or themselves. I took a deep breath, remembered in my heart how grateful I am for Cannabis! This amazing healing plant! I moved past it. Your ignorance is not my problem. I thought to myself. *When I say ignorant, I do mean lack of education on the topic... nothing more. AT 11 years old, if you think your kid does not know anything about drugs with all you see on television alone -you are wrong. If you do not educate them their friends will. Friends that might not be raised, the way you choose to raise your child. NOTE: I don’t say LIE to them I say EDUCATE them. *While discussing this toon, my hubby admitted to me -when he was a kid he sniffed model glue! Glue! It was the classic - the older boy they hung around told them it was cool and safe. ;-( Kowabunga! Good thing it did not damage that smart brain of his. PLEASE, talk to your children about all drugs. Good and bad and about drug abuse Today - not tomorrow. xox <>< ![]() Weight loss is one of the biggest magic bullets around. Take this pill and you'll be thin. IF only. WAKE up Sheeple!!! If that was the case would there be any obese people? No I am sick and tired of advertising that in very small print says results NOT typical - well you know what show us what is TYPICAL so we can make an honest, educated decision ourselves. These pills that are hurting and even killing people - because of advertising that is ''false" should be banned. Stopped. Hold accountable any business that uses such false advertising. Next time you see an add that says results are not typical - MOVE on. That is a way for them to protect their ass- when you don't get the results you saw in the magazine! Stop buying the magazine, WRITE to magazines and ask them to tell you the truth if you are going to be spending your money on them.. The best thing you can do is educate yourself & your kids! Teach them about photoshop (some neat examples below), false advertising and to research ANY medication- pills- herbal or synthetic that they plan on putting into their one beautiful body! xox From the photos below - even the beautiful they touch up! No such thing as perfection so why lie? Teach love comes in all shapes, colors and moles! ☮❤☝ ![]() The price we pay is not always revealed till much later. WHY!? Steroids are so dangerous - for the sake of a muscular appearance? How about just a normal muscular body brought about from exercise and eating healthy. I personally do NOT 'go' for the body builders that are so big they look deformed. I'm quite visually satisfied with a natural toned body. I believe it is true - if steroids are not legal then why should it be legal to modify your body in photos - to be marketed to the general public? IT is a lie. Women especially are lied to constantly! Young girls learn that often the hard way they will never reach the 'image' portrayed -because that image is false! Pimples are removed, teeth are straightened and curves are cleaned for a skinnier shape! Boobs enhanced, skin tones changed, pounds removed and even hair removed and added!!! It should be illegal - It is misleading and very harmful for the minds of those that believe it is the reality we live in. No one is perfect. It is time we embraced our pimples, wrinkles, sags and split ends and shades of people! LOVE sees no imperfections. Below are photos of famous people WITHOUT touch ups and make up. Have a peek - some of these people with out he makeup and clothing would not get a second glance. It is time to see each other as we all - all beautiful - ON the inside - I hope! REALITY. If you have a daughter especially share.. also please share the steroid information! BEFORE they figure out the REAL long term cost. xox <>< Not sure if it is because I am tired, physically or mentally but the past few days I'm having trouble shaking this feeling of "...this is just absurd." Cannabis & the crap I read.
HOW do people still think it kills you? As for saying we need more scientific research - 'o' deaths in over 5,000 years - Uummmmm - IS THAT not scientific research enough? Changing rules, telling lies, arresting sick humans, Telling MILLIONS around the world what they can and cannot do with a plant or our own bodies is just insane. It is malicious. It will never be controlled, people will continue to suffer and other problems that are more serious go by the wayside. Like the fact that some nut can legally buy GUNS and ammo, walk into a theatre and kill people. World Hunger, poverty, child abuse, Human trafficking, DEADLY drug abuse and animal abuse are all very important - just to name a few! More important than the distraction that we are all dealing with - Cannabis. We are forced to deal with it because some see it as a MONEY MAKER - and want to be in control of that money. They do not want us to grow our own - they cannot make any MONEY that way. Instead of just letting us be happy and heal with what God put on this earth for ALL of us, we are FORCED to live this stress, fight this battle. So I ask myself.. How many are we? Why are we still putting up with this ? Watched a great documentary yesterday I am Fishead. http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/i-am-fishead-are-corporate-leaders-psychopaths/ And they end that doc. by asking - HOW many are we? We forget that. xox <>< If everyone that smoked it admitted to it..
If you smoke cannabis recreationally or medicinally and don't take action to help promote legalization or even better Decriminalization they you don't deserve to smoke Cannabis. If you are not helping then you ARE hurting. Your worried what others will think, worried about losing your job, worried about losing your kids. FEAR is a powerful tool. All these thing we are all afraid of. If you believe are doing nothing wrong then why lie? WHY? Why are we afraid to stand up for a PLANT, that eases pain and brings comfort and relaxation and (HELL YES) some fun and laughter from time to time. IF Alcohol is legal then we should be demanding Cannabis be made legal for all to use. No deaths from it EVER. * YES I have to keep saying that - as it amazes me HOW many people I meet who just don't know that! How many deaths from Alcohol- you tell me. ARE we not HUMANS - children of God ? All deserving a happy life? We get one shot and I for one will not live my life in shame when I have nothing to be ashamed of. Not for smoking, eating, vaporizing Cannabis. There are so many more dangerous things that are all legal - owning a boa constrictor, bungee jumping, ordering puffer fish at a restaurant, bath salts are legal to buy (the kind that Mess you up and eat your dog bath salts) so WHY? IT's ludicrous! There are enough of us - all around the world. Many who do NOT use Cannabis but still admit & understand it's value and importance to medicine and LIFE in general. So just admit it and move on there are far worse crimes in this world. Perhaps you will educate someone in the process- I'm not saying go to your kids school and announce at show and tell - I am saying, enough ! Cannabis is a safer option than alcohol and if YOU do use it for medicine be LOUD and Proud! This is how change will happen. * If you are a parent - YOUR children must always come first - If you burn and then burnout - you are not a good parent. Kids need positive examples. If you smoke and sit on the sofa all day - you ARE NOT a setting a GOOD example. EDUCATE your children and teaching by example is one of the best ways to help your children make the best choices for them when they are old enough to decide to try cannabis themselves. Time to WAKE up! Time to Stand UP!!! Before we are shut up... then, we will no one to blame but ourselves. xox <>< Questions are being asked. I've been reading how Obama knows he just might win IF he legalizes Cannabis, although you have to wonder - once bitten, twice shy? It is in the news,
not just FOX. People are asking questions! Will you know the answers? I do!!! IF your children ask - tell them the truth! Educate them properly - not with lies that they will only end up resenting you for in the future - because it is in fact their FUTURE! Educate them on Cannabis AND HEMP! Help them make their world a better place for their children. As it says above... BECAUSE it works!! That is why this little plant (weed if you prefer) IS STILL HERE. People are willing to fight for it. I know I am. Cannabis is medicine. xox <>< Yep, it's reefer madness all over again. When "they" first tried to tell us cannabis was bad for us they would make statements like: Marijuana will make white women like black men! It will make you crazy and go on killing rampages! It will destroy your brain!! Some of the quotes past presidents have made are unbelievable, Ronald Regan actually said:
"I now have absolute proof that smoking even one marijuana cigarette is equal in brain damage to being on Bikini Island during an H-bomb blast." Tell that to Obama, who inhaled frequently. The journey on Cannabis education for me opened my eyes to many things, some of which I would like to say I was happily ignorant and beautifully blissful; this is not the case anymore. So when I read NOW- Cannabis causes schizophrenia- I looked into it. This to me was the biggest joke to date. I wondered how they knew this and after reading time and time again - it appears it is NOT fact - far from it! It is a 'HUNCH' - a guess and a poor one at that. Well for any rational thinking human! Turns out that the ONLY way to PROVE - scientifically* that Cannabis causes Schizophrenia is to follow each person studied for over 20 years. ??? So I wondered- how the heck do they do that? THEY don't ! They follow up with them from time to time with a few questions - ARE you kidding me!? How can anyone make such a claim! It would be just as easy for me to claim about milk! REALLY! They also note (in the fine print most times) that there are other factors. SO the FACT is: NO they CANNOT prove Cannabis causes Schizophrenia- as a matter of FACT there is strong argument that young adolescence who DO have pre-existing schizophrenia often learn early that Cannabis actually helps them control their condition. Don't believe me - Research it! PLEASE! I did. Anyhow, I know there are many things, events, life lessons that have made me the person I am today - somewhat crazy - probably - but Cannabis was NOT one of them. *One little note to leave you with - Alcohol on the other hand is increasingly being tied (scientifically) with the rise of dementia in people. You sure don't see those headlines everyday!! more on the subject: Study: Administration Of Non-Psychotropic Cannabinoid Mitigates Psychotic Symptoms In SchizophrenicsMannheim, Germany: The administration of the non-psychotropic plant constituent cannabidiol (CBD) is associated with a significant reduction in psychotic symptoms in patients with schizophrenia, according to clinical trial data published in the journal Translational Psychiatry. An international team of researchers from Germany and the United States performed a four week, double-blind, randomized clinical trial assessing the clinical relevance of cannabidiol versus amisulpride, a potent antipsychotic agent, in patients with acute schizophrenia. Researchers reported that the administration of either substance was associated with significant clinical improvement, but they acknowledged, "[C]annabidiol displayed a markedly superior side-effect profile." Amisulpride is categorized as "one of the most effective drugs currently in use for the treatment of schizophrenia." Investigators concluded, "Our results provide evidence that the non-cannabimimetic constituent of marijuana, cannabidiol, exerts clinically relevant antipsychotic effects that are associated with marked tolerability and safety, when compared with current medications. ... The results ... potentially represent a completely new mechanism in the treatment of schizophrenia." A review of CBD's safety profile in humans, published online in 2011 in the scientific journal Current Drug Safety, concluded that the cannabinoid is non-toxic, safe, and well tolerated in humans, even in high doses. Separate investigations of CBD have documented the cannabinoid to possess a variety of therapeutic properties, including anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, anti-epileptic, anti-cancer, and bone-stimulating properties. I've decided to start right away with what is important to me! What I plan on continuing to focus on. I read that helium kills more people that most drugs combined- I never thought of that. I mean, I know Peanuts kill people and Cannabis has never killed anyone (*you will note in the article below it says for example..) But Helium! COME on admit it, how many of you have tried Helium! LOL It makes me giggle even to ask that. I did Helium so many times! BUT I did not know it could kill you!! I am one of those who when I breath in Helium I sound like a true munchkin and would sing the song.. "I wish to welcome you to Munchkin land... tra la la la la la la la" - People crack up and say 'oh come on, one more time!" Usually I would. WHO KNEW!? Not me. Not aware that I was taking my life in my hands for a few giggles. I knew I would feel a bit light headed- even dizzy and then would normally stop. I am sure my parents and family that witnessed this also not aware.
THAT is what this is all about! Become aware! Educate yourself. Cannabis is a very safe drug. MUCH safer than Alcohol and Tobacco and Coffee! *Yes you all forget that that too is a drug !! I believe IMO there are a few categories of Cannabis users: Hippies - harmless, peaceful just want to mellow out - most older and who are they harming? No one. To each his own. Stoners - just want to get high - roll a doobie! Who are they hurting ?- Mostly themselves and not physically - but with lack of motivation - other than for getting high, they will go nowhere fast but that usually is more about the person than the pot. Their loss Recreational users. People who want to relax - take the edge off - only partake from time to time much like a casual drinker. Who are they hurting - no one. Medicinal users. People suffering from pain, depression, cancer, PTSD, arthritis, crohns, nausea, M.S., Migraine, Glaucoma... and MORE! To many to for me to mention.. Who are they hurting? THEY are helping! Themselves. Easing pain. Bringing peace. All in all IT IS time to end the lies and stop the insanity against people for using something that is less harmful than a BALLOON! Happy New year! http://www.forbes.com/sites/timworstall/2011/12/23/helium-is-more-dangerous-than-cannabis-ecstasy-and-mephedrone-put-together/ |
Georgia (me)Georgia... On My Mind. Archives
March 2017
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