Dad told me they call him 'Alexander Salamander'! That's enough.
;-) Boys, toads, bugs, all I wanted to draw was happy, at the same time keeping the mood very boy. ;-) What an awesome little boy he is . That photo - wow ❤ look at that smile!!!
*and promise me you will watch the link below.
I have known about Alex for a while - I have already talked about him in a blog.
I am so thrilled that Axel is finally getting some media attention.
Imagine how frustrated you are that you can not use cannabis - recreationally because you want to enjoy and relax- I see nothing wrong with it. But...
O.k. Now imagine that your child is seriously ill and Cannabis eases his/her pain and
they can not use it medically. Imagine that level of frustration.
YOU can't.
This is Alex ❤:
I am really getting tired of hearing a Dr. say that "the long term use..."
Look around. There is already a lot of long term use proof. Centuries of it.
Do they forget the long term use of Prescribed medications!? I looked into that when I thought that my son was going to live a life on pain killers & Morphine from the age of 4. The long term use of all of the medications I was looking at was pretty much the same- and to be honest with you - I'm not going there.
Cannabis - Thank God is Storm's medicine and thank God for Alex too, who looks like he is at PEACE when medicated! Imagine how his parents feel to watch him, see the difference and then -know they have to stress over political bullshit! I won't even pretend to imagine what they deal with. All I can do is draw and pray for their continued strength, send good vibes!!
They live with this heart ache of watching Alex suffer as it is.
I really think these decisions should be strictly between a Dr. and patient and parent.
The final call parent.
Unless you suffer from the disease you will never completely understand the symptoms.
Cannabis is the safer alternative- but you now what, don't believe me,
Please - PROVE me wrong.
PLEASE visit Alex's parents facebook page & show them & ALEX some support!
- If we only all started to really support each other .. do what ever it if you can't draw then say HELLO and we are thinking of you!! Anything - Strengh in numbers.
xox <><