Need I say more?
Have Faith
Follow me into the garden of love...
Chances are you have seen the photos of Murad Osmann on Instagram. He is 1/2 of the famous couple, a photographer who is being led around the world by his girlfriend - now wife. The shots stunning - every corner of the world in all it's glory. Her wardrobe is equally as impressive. You can't help but be drawn into each possibility of adventure with them. Last night my bears took over and asked me to follow them. I'm glad I did... I needed an adventure , if only with my paint for a few hours. A mental escape down the garden path. Where would you go? Who would you lead? What would you do? Follow me. Perhaps... I'll follow you. Have faith xox <>< Hello Sunshine! Rise up!
I have seen the sun... spring is only weeks away. I needed my bear to see some sunshine. Up early to meet the sun. To be embraced. "I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination." Albert Einstein Im an early bird and LOVE IT!!! It is my preferred time of day- lol - as I type this I think - but you love to paint at 2:00 a.m. - that is your favourite time! Any time I get to do what I love is a preferred time. Right? Mornings are filled with wonder - in most cases as I am NOW wondering WTF up in the USA, again. 'Cannabis in the USA today 2017. A simple one panel illustration - it can't just be me that is thinking this way. I've been reading about the HighTimes cup happening this weekend - there are threats of it being busted by the DEA as Trumps Top dog cracks down on cannabis. WTF? I do NOT pretend to understand ... more on this tomorrow - I have to get back to the drawing! *** PLEASE read & SIGN. *************************************************** Bassam Al-Rawi, 40 year old man< CRIMINAL - he was found sexually assaulting a drunk, passed out 20 year old woman in the back of his taxi. READ about it here: This could be your daughter, granddaughter, sister, wife - WE all over indulge at times, a mistake of too many drinks should not lead to RAPE by an establishment trusted to 'get us home safely'. The judge said bluntly: “A drunk can consent.” PLEASE take a moment to sign this petition: Thank you. Have Faith xox <>< I was told to paint "more of what you feel..."
I was concerned monsters might appear. Have Faith <>< xox Third Eye kiss. Try it! You can even try it on your dog - I do, daily. You kiss them on the forehead between the eyes. It's said to have special healing powers. If I could kiss you and heal you I would. Read More: Third eye center is situated between the eyebrows. It is generally dormant spiritual center but it’s activation gives you insight , intuition and connection to your higher centers. If you genuinely love someone and care for , Third eye kiss can be a great uplifting experience for both of you. Kiss the center of the forehead between eyebrows but slightly up a little bit with a thought of compassion and genuine love for that person. It activates the pineal and pituitary glands of that person which lie underneath in this area . It will bring a sense of security and well being to the person. You have to try it with your friends and family members you love and care for. Healing power that it brings is immense. It’s really a divine touch. It has been mentioned in many ancient scriptures, but you don’t have to take their word for it. Do it when you find an opportunity . The more you do it, the more you will see results. Try and find out! Sometimes when I'm painting, Storm visits me in my office - he will say 'hi, check out my work and kiss me on the head before he leaves ;) How fortunate am I. I can't always physically kiss people- obviously, but it does not stop me from thinking about them, sending them love... and praying (truly) they feel better, blessed & loved. All Miracles are inspired by love. Who will you kiss better? Have Faith <>< XOX ![]() Have Faith <>< xox Have Faith
<>< xox Below is a comment that came into my www shortly after I posted this blog. It made me laugh out loud. Thank you Dr. G I admire your poetry skills.. With Love G. Thinking of Fungi...
Anxious for a Foray? This is one of a series... I call him 'Bryon. He is reading: The Human Mind. Mushrooms are proving to be beneficial for health & the brain: Interested in a Print? Send me a message. Stay tooned for more FunGuy & Gals! Have Faith xox <>< "The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved; loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves." — Victor Hugo How true...
I put abundant amounts of love into these bears - I feel it radiating still from my pores today! I left the stars until this morning.. I wanted to wake up and continue the love I felt & carry it over. It has. It might not appear but this was a couple of days of painting. 6 layers at times. I have to wait in between layers while the paint dries. Gouache dries different then when applied. It's a tricky technique, instructing me in patience as I persevere. Painting on black board also is a bit tricky, numerous times I think back to my classical animation training- thinking backwards- black first.. patience with cell painting, training for today. Love in every stroke.. It occurred to me 'I wonder how many strokes are in these paintings? lol Too many to count. Perfect. In the Garden of Love & Medicine - also why they smile. As you can see 'He is a little grey- so the cannabis helps his old bear bones. Hee hee hee. Have a creative day! Paint yourself some love!! Have Faith xox <>< Lift off! How I feel every morning with my first bong hit & pray it works as fast as can be.
I have been smoking/consuming what's called 'Grape Escape' and I feel outstanding.. out of this world. Thank God & my Grower... who is now on Instagram btw: Dynamic Garden Design. Kindly show him some love as he has me & my medicine the past decade. Spaced out- no.. creative & focused yes. This little bud is just the explorer' - the 'mars rover' of buds for a different painting. I wondered how to put him in space suit, wonder no more. Is this cannabis causing me to think about aliens- no, it's the program - Ancient Aliens, I find it rather fascinating and do believe, simply because of all the unexplained technology/art/culture/architecture from the past. Tasks accomplished THEN we still can not accomplish today without advanced machinery. Alone in Universe, I don't think so. I believe as with all medications from time to time our bodies need a jolt- a switch up from from our regular routine. How wonderful we are able to accomplish this with the switch of a plant strain- unlike medications that take literally months - just to get off of- in order to try another. I am loving this switch up. Painting till 2a.m. most night back a it a 6/7 a.m. yes, I nap in the afternoon- I prefer to say recharge- and sometimes I don't nap - I think of ideas to paint. I am grateful from my daily grape escapes. Dream of other worlds! Let your imagination explore! You might come up with a little bud in a space suit - you might come up with a new cookie recipe! Inspired by cannabis & love- we will not fail. I am painting bears. Love in every stroke. Have Faith <>< xox I painted this little guy/girl/both too... Who is the highest animal around? You got it!
Sleepless at 3 a.m., these are the ideas I come up with. lol & thoroughly enjoyed painting. He looks stunning in real life. I am painting a new BEARs about LOVE - but I did not want to rush it, just like you can't rush love. Another day of painting pleasure ahead... what do you have planned? Loved one? No loved one? Who cares It is just another day - onward! HIGH as F*CK. Get on it. Back to life.. do what you love. With Love Georgia Have Faith <>< xox All you need is love.
But a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt. ~Charles M. Schulz & some *medicated chocolate. I like mine Dark! A gentleman from 'TEXAS' sent me a message on instagram: He would enjoy my work more - if I did not draw cannabis in it." That's Nice... was my first thought. I checked out his page, saw his little baby girl- so cute & replied to his message: Cannabis is responsible for saving my sons life & I had no intentions of stopping, it's how I educate. He unfollowed me. That's nice. Texas was my first clue he might 'unfollow. What is with people- was I harming this fellow? Why comment a negative remark on a strangers page, was mine the most upsetting post he saw that day? lol I am not upset in anyway. I painted my bears today with LOVE, thinking about it, feeling it, bringing it. Smiling. I have tomorrows poem & bears in mind & yes, it's perfect, if I do say so myself. Sent to me (a positive message) by another on IG. Balance. lol Many people will never UNDERSTAND until they are living with or dealing with something themselves before they can really comprehend the situation. It is that simple. I'm sure if he daughter was suffering he would try everything in his power to ease her pain. He seems like an o.k. guy, we've moved on. To each his own. Cause no HARM. Be F*cking nice. Please & Thank you. Am I living to please others or am I living to please God & Myself? * if you don't believe in God, ask yourself: Am I living to please other or myself? Others - forget it- it is impossible to please all. God.. his love is unconditional. I LOVE what I do! Every stroke - every leaf. I can walk alone in the garden of Love. Cannabis garden that is & I have friends with BIG GARDENS!! :) Adios my Texan pal. Love each other or give each other some chocolate. Really.. share your chocolate. Show a friend some love by sharing yours tomorrow - if you get any. You will be bringing yourself MORE love. I'll show you my TLC with another painting which will make you feel some love, hopefully. Have Faith xox <>< Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength,
while loving someone deeply gives you courage. ~ Lao Tzu Love is... I have no flicking clue. I don't. I feel like I'm not so sure what 'Love is' at all. I wonder at this stage in my life 'IF' I will ever know "love like that" again... & I wonder if is the twitch or is it me. Some days it becomes exhausting and I have to stop. Stop even thinking of love. I'm not alone. I 'think' I express my love many times only to have it not returned & even rejected - lol. Welcome to the world. We are all loved and rejected by someone at some point in our lives. My only advice there, is let go.. what is the point. Hanging onto someone who does not like/love you in not good for your care.- you are limiting yourself to the universe to find a love that desires & deserves. To have someone 'special" is love - but there is so much more to love. Here is an interesting read on love. I enjoyed: That 90-second conversation you had with the stranger this morning while walking your dog? If there was eye contact, a sense of connection, and mutual respect — that’s love. Whenever we exchange smiles or friendly gestures with strangers, or take a little extra time to have warm exchanges with people we see every day, those “micro-moments of positivity” change us at the biological level Love is every where: Love is... These bears come from 'no where'. They did not start out as love- I was feeling very doleful when I decided to "paint something!" No sketch and quite often NO idea on what I am going to draw. Slowly, I become immersed in it, I want to get the positioning just right, I imagine her smiling down into his face- I have to pretend in my mind to get a successful drawing. Soon I find myself smiling down at the painting. Do what you love. I had to laugh out loud when painting this.. Storm walks in my office and asked me - "Are those bears doing it?" in the tone of- "are you painting porn?" LOL! I said - "They are hugging! & what if they are, two adult bears?" After he left my office I had a new appreciation from my bears and a giggle- clearly, I have been able to achieve expressing an emotion - I still do feel inside. Love. If you are alone this Valentines day.. use your imagination. Daydream. You will feel the love start to grow.. make it happen. Make love about that smile you share with a stranger.. forget 'who you are to love" and continue to do what you love. & IF all else fails- THROW yourself into your work- mine happens to be drawing about love this month. Hahahaha Hope. Believe. Have Faith <>< xox How do Yeti Dab? Narwal style!!
I wasn't 1/2 through my unicorn when I starting thinking of my yeti. Dabbing LOVE. Yes, every image is love inspired and all kidding aside -Cannabis is one of my true loves. Without it, I'm not sure how I'd tolerate somedays, sometimes, to be blunt. If you are here - reading this blog it does mean my art is 'successful'. Education through art and love. Cannabis Oil/dabs are still considered/classified as illegal in the United States- it's well established already how this MEDICINE is helping all ages for countless reasons. Still it is an ongoing battle for many. I am living proof. Without it I would not be painting every day. While politics play.. children & adults alike suffer needlessly. Yes, this is a LOVE themed painting- for those who love to DAB, (medical & recreational- no one should-be going to jail for CANNABIS) smile and know... slowly, 3 things can not be hidden long. The Sun, moon & truth. My 'spirit animal' is a narwhal. lol YIKES! Have Faith xox <>< Ha ha ha ha! I cracked up at 5 a.m. drawing this.
Thank you God for another day & idea.. hee hee hee I know you've got my back. Cannabis is medicine. This is me HIGH at 5a.m. Thanking God. Wait until you see tomorrows painting... another good one by the Big Guy & his cannabis cartoonist.. he has me on a roll, no? LOL! ANOTHER VALENTINE coloring card too! Stay Tooned... I might send this to my pal Jerry. Check out his work and his DAUGHTER! Tiny little glass genius. I have one I'm giving to Martin that will give him a giggle. He's a fan of cartoons. It was after all inspired by my little 'desk ROOR'. ;) HAVE FAITH! XOX < Whom ever needs it. <>< Hee hee hee!!!
On my mind.. I can be a funny gal you know. I laughed out loud when I finished, I am NOT a fan of unicorns but I enjoyed painting & pondering this time. That's the friendly giant Dabbing btw. FREE Valentine Download, Print out tomorrow! Get your crayon ready! Have Faith! <>< XOX A 'Dream Team'.. for me anyhow! Two icons brought together over cannabis - finally!
Dab... or Dab not. There is no try. Love is! I giggled painting this. Yoda - in the moment, E.T., slightly anxious. Hee Hee Hee! I can't describe you how this original 'POPS off' the paper & the night sky turned out better than I imagined. Hang in my office, it will. Did you grow up with Yoda & E.T? For research- I watched E.T again! Wow. It was terrific, a flashback into time.. just to see Drew Barrymore is worth the watch. May the force be with us in our never ending quest to educate all life forms regarding Cannabis and its healing properties. I sent this image to a friend this morning stating it was 'us', he is Yoda... I see a resemblance in the hair. hee hee hee The places my mind goes! Medicate and educate. Give Thanks! This is me HIGH.. painting E.T. & Yoda. Cannabis is a safe medicine. Next: Traditional valentines to download & color, cute and convey your love! FREE I enjoyed making them- it brought back memories and I know will make some new ones! Have Faith xox <>< Dab or Dab not. There is no try. lol
I love Yoda! I also am a fan of cannabis. Try it all, in all ways do. Edibles, smoked, drinkable, baked, candies, rolled, hash, oil. Cannabis comes in many forms and I don't see this changing anytime soon. Actually, my son who explains everything to me, my "Yoda" explained Dabbing’ as he does whenever I ask - or I'm on google for hours. This way I'm at least pointed in the right correct direction. I've had people offer dabs for a while and I tried off and on. Better knows as cannabis OIL ... concentrate. There are several ways it seems to obtain it, in slightly varying forms. It also goes by the names of shatter, resin, dabs, oil, BHO, Honey Oil, CO2 Oil… etc. I find it astonishing. I have experienced some very clean dabs and the high" was - refreshing. I like dabs & I like Yoda - *he was not created by Jim Henson, like I thought.. - many make this mistake. Go have a peek- he looks like his creator. Yes, this qualifies as a love post, I have a couple Yodas in in my office. As you can see. I love this little green wise guy. Do or Do Not. There is No try. ~Yoda. Dab or Dab Not... There is no try. lol High, stoned- again there are those words - I try to avoid, simply still because of he negative stigma they hold & not words I associate with Cannabis oil... relaxed, clear headed, creative, energized, refreshed, peaceful & positive. I’ve had restful sleeps the last few evenings - awake at 5 ready to paint! A smile on my face - I’m up before everyone including Bird. Do what you love. Do or Do not. There is no try. Have Faith xox <>< Let's fall in love.
Let's fall in love!! No, NOT with a person but with what you do! Love what you do! & the rest will follow. Make yourself happy and it will shine out of every pore & more. lol This month along with sharing LOVE & cannabis in every drawing I'm going to share some of the people in my life who I care for, am inspired by, love, like and including those who put love into the world for others. Either for whom they 'are' or what they do, making a difference for millions or one. Who cares... Making a difference is all that matters. Today, I share another cartoonist friend (with many talents) Ivan Art, he make a difference every day! Ivan & his wife Simone - a creative couple inspiring others around them in Switzerland as well as reaching the masses through their art. Awesome. Love is grand. It's float time for Ivan! Ora, io non parlo italiano, mi dispiace sto solo scherzando ora utilizzando Google Translate, obiettivo-ha un ascolto o guardare e si vedrà Ivan 1/2 attraverso il video! Educare Migliaia lungo il sentiero percorso parata & cannabis! Speaking of Do what you love... I have a NEW EASEL - I did what I loved! Today I'lll be putting it to good use. Woot Woot!! Time for some acrylic paint. The foxes are my imagined couples just meeting perhaps for the first time.. in the field of love. Tomorrow: LOVE in the form of 'flowers' Have Faith <>< xox Here is a sign of my age..
Who remembers Holly Hobbie? I DO! I'm pretty sure I had a Holly Hobbie Doll, didn't we all? I was reminiscing on PIN, easy to do… Raggedy Ann, Cabbage patch babies (I still have my original), The Sunshine family- now we can simply see toys of our past- get that ‘warm and fuzzy feeling all over again in a few seconds. I was looking at of all things, the ‘Doll from Trilogy of Terror, remember him?? Frig that thing terrified me. lol I was thinking of making a clay version for my desk in my office… lol - as long as his necklace does not fall off, Bird should be good. Well there she was - Holly Hobbie and BAM it hit me as plain as day.. she needs to become ‘Holy iHighBe’ hee hee hee. It is my tribute art to Holly Hobbie -the Artist - of the same name more so than the doll, her one little image became iconic and loved by many little girls & boys. She also is famous her her children books. My little rendition of Holly - My little Cannabis girl is also loved by millions around the world- the cannabis part anyhow! She turned out so adorable, I have her framed and in my bedroom. It makes me smile when I look at her & gives me a flash back of all warm & fuzzy - it’s a win, win. I have decided to offer her as a print. It will be signed and numbered I’m only making 100. You can order her off Etsy link: Order your own cute little 'Holy iHighbe' print to frame - I have mine in a Walmart frame I purchased already with the matt for only $20. She is quite the little conversation piece, instantly she is recognized but with a twist. A Cannabis Twist. Have a Creative day - I know I will! Have faith xox <>< Check her out in My Etsy Shop! Happy Chinese NewYear!!It's 2017 and it is the year of the Rooster! Bold, confident, always on time, confident and yes a little Cocky! The Rooster does not back down!
I am a dragon & we get along with roosters. We both like our time alone time to recharge & energize. Many great leaders in the world are Roosters. The tenth sign of the Zodiac is intelligent, ambitious, decisive and organized. These traits are necessary, as the Chinese believe the Rooster is prone to bad luck in monetary matters. Although he does tend to bottle up his emotions, this forthright character rarely hesitates to express—or sugarcoat—his opinions. The Rooster’s enthusiastic and social nature, wonderful sense of humor and meticulously groomed appearance attract many friends. He always keeps a promise and would never divulge a secret. Despite these wonderful qualities, the Rooster’s strong will and pride sometimes make him seem inflexible or boastful. The Rooster enjoys the company of the Ox, Dragon or Snake but prefers to avoid contact with the Rat, Rabbit or Dog. Interestingly, people born under this sign—particularly males—tend to squabble amongst themselves. Compatible: Oxen, Dragons, Snakes Incompatible: Rats, Rabbits, Dogs This Green Cock is ready to crow! Cannabis is here to stay! Loud & proud, bold & beautiful. Educate anyway you can. Plant the seed, indeed. I have another rooster to share tomorrow! Just as much fun- if not more. This rooster was painted for a ‘Rooster’ friend in mind - he has all these traits and more. lol I laughed out loud at the ‘No sugar coating’ thing - How true. Cock a doodle dooooo! Do you know any Roosters? What does cannabis mean to you? What is your Chinese horoscope sign? See You tomorrow - By the grace of God xox <>< Back again! hee hee
I wonder if snails get high. My little fox is having fun hanging out on my desk... Todd sent me another photo he colored from jail. One of his last - he is counting down- under 100days left! Might be under 75 now. I will start to think about his welcome home card! I gave out postcards on IG yesterday... today, I mail them off! Out into the world, the furthest from this batch is going to Germany! Time to paint - I couldn't wait today to start- with a card... for a friend, of course. By the Grace of God we'll all have a fantastic day! <>< xox Happy Sunday!
I had so much fun painting the last mermaid, I wanted to do another! I’m studying the human body, I hope to be painting some life study nudes in the near future. More serious painting ahead, but my daily sketching continues, why not have a bit of imagined underwater fun. I’ve have come to realize, I like painting above the water more.. furry creatures are calling. There is another talented artist on Instagram who we have admired each others work for awhile, I’ll let her continue with mermaids! Hiroko Reaney, already has her own style happening- I love when I notice an artist- who has achieved their own… Groove? Flair? Vibe? Style. We should be supporting each other any and every way we can. Each work of art educates & hopefully inspires. Check her out on Instagram. Funny, I asked her if she wanted the last mermaid, why not.. and she said she would love it! She was too nervous to ask if I wanted to barter.. How neat. We are bartering. Have a creative day! This week.. less text, (more contemplating) more art. I’ve been busy. BTGG <>< xox |
Georgia (me)Georgia... On My Mind. Archives
March 2017
*All images and content Copyright ©2018 Georgia Peschel and All Rights Reserved |