Cultivating Compassion

Me and the Love of my life. 2010
A love Story.
Be the change you want to see in the world. Time for Change.
Cannabis is my son's medicine and has given him control of his pain for the first time in his life. I believe once educated it would be difficult for anyone to deny.
Cannabis as a life saving medicine. HEMP as a EARTH saving plant.
I have met many people. People who are suffering and just WANT to ease their pain.
Not "druggies, hippies or criminals" People who are born with terrible, painful, rare illnesses. People who want the right to choose between a natural medicine or a synthetic one. People who want a Choice regarding their own body & mind.
People like you... People like US.
***I have also met many people who just want to get high. Who am I to tell anyone what to do.
AS long as you are not harming anyone. What you do with your own life is your business.
I am NOT here to judge. I am NOT telling you or your kids to 'get stoned.' I hope you want to inform yourself, so that you may have an educated conversations with your own children and family!
Cannabis is not for everyone, just as many people should NOT drink.
Growing up, all of my friends drank ALCOHOL first - so in fact that would make alcohol the biggest gateway drug.
How about you? Think about it & answer truthfully.
Choice and Self Control.
I do believe that Cannabis is a MEDICINE. Be it ease your physical pain or mental pain.
I am going to BE the change I want to see in this world. I want more people to know about Cannabis and how it helps.
Be the change you want to see in the world. Time for Change.
Cannabis is my son's medicine and has given him control of his pain for the first time in his life. I believe once educated it would be difficult for anyone to deny.
Cannabis as a life saving medicine. HEMP as a EARTH saving plant.
I have met many people. People who are suffering and just WANT to ease their pain.
Not "druggies, hippies or criminals" People who are born with terrible, painful, rare illnesses. People who want the right to choose between a natural medicine or a synthetic one. People who want a Choice regarding their own body & mind.
People like you... People like US.
***I have also met many people who just want to get high. Who am I to tell anyone what to do.
AS long as you are not harming anyone. What you do with your own life is your business.
I am NOT here to judge. I am NOT telling you or your kids to 'get stoned.' I hope you want to inform yourself, so that you may have an educated conversations with your own children and family!
Cannabis is not for everyone, just as many people should NOT drink.
Growing up, all of my friends drank ALCOHOL first - so in fact that would make alcohol the biggest gateway drug.
How about you? Think about it & answer truthfully.
Choice and Self Control.
I do believe that Cannabis is a MEDICINE. Be it ease your physical pain or mental pain.
I am going to BE the change I want to see in this world. I want more people to know about Cannabis and how it helps.
2010 - 2025 ©All rights reserved. Georgia Peschel Please do not steal my cartoons (bad karma!) E me and ask me first please. If you wish to use a strip to help promote Cannabis awareness please contact me. If I believe in what you are doing I will send you the image in a better quality for publication. Georgiatoons shall own all intellectual property, including copyrights, models and drawings on all artwork created by Georgia Peschel. This artwork is protected by copyright law and may not be reproduced in any manner, or for any purpose, except by written permission of Georgiatoons.