Tug of war, 3 way, in my bedroom last night. Daisy, Scruffy & Poppy.
As I 'tried' to read.
I gave in and enjoyed the show instead.
Still in the process of bunny painting & more.
Have faith
xox <><
Bring on the warm weather.. I am not the only one with cabin fever.
Tug of war, 3 way, in my bedroom last night. Daisy, Scruffy & Poppy. As I 'tried' to read. I gave in and enjoyed the show instead. Still in the process of bunny painting & more. Have faith xox <><
I made a decidison to try to stay off FB, one that shouldn't be difficult.
You see, I am tired of people messaging me - "I no loner see your page.." , there is not too much I can do about it. I don't know why, nor do I care. When last logged onto FB, coffee in hand- ready to greet the day - determined to make it a positive day - I learned about the woman who went shopping for baby clothes on craigs list. Then, I saw a nasty remark 'one patient' made to another, stress from a court case no doubt. I did not see this on my 'Georgia Toons' page- I saw it on the other and thought, why do I bother.. click. I was in tears over the news story about the baby. I know why I do not read the newspaper, it's full of stories related to upset & sell papers, not caring about the mental health of a world, let alone country. I was taking a break in news in general. I did not know about the plane that crashed in Europe - and Norm stopped telling me the second he saw the look on my face. I can't do it. It consumes me. I am well aware that I have a condition that does not need any aggravation. Not that any of us do, but some people love the drama, they must, they make remarks then dive right in. No thanks, my days of unnecessary nasty drama are done. People are murdering over STUFF. Women are cutting babies out of stomachs.. so little nasty remarks towards each other are the icing on the cake. It's never nice. Being mean is out of fashion, style, season! I didn't anticipate the notices from my friends, I forgot to turn them off; it will be the first thing I do when I log on again. I am curious, what are they creating? Or 'so and so' posted a new photo! What could it be! -You know what Georgia - It can all wait. Because the facts are I spent way more time with Norm this weekend, way more time painting during the week and making myself happy. Focusing on all that can go right instead of wrong. Part of the battle. We need to do this - or else we become part of the problem. Another thing I had not anticipated was my friend Kerry telling me in an e mail, Todd (her husband) has been incarcerated. ;( She said the info is on his FB page. Just the thought brings me to tears. The rest of the fucking world embraces, Willie is opening stores, Big corporations are starting to make money, all kinds of product surfacing - and my friend Todd is STILL GOING to jail!! For growing plants legally in the USA and with tax stamps that he paid for his plants, a government that is well aware. His family ripped apart. I was going to log on but thought no, it would just make me cry. I will wait out my week, until Wednesday. I was also reminded it was 'Twister ups' birthday. Darn those notices. If you want to see my FB posts I suggest you select 'Get Notifications', as seen below. I will be returning on Wednesday to FB but will treat my page as FB has it. I'll post - POSITIVE, thought provoking, no idle bantering, no name calling, no nasty. It may just be FB, but I will choose to use it for good, smiles or get off. There is enough nasty already out there who needs any more? If this is the direction it's going - I'll pass. Those who wanted to say hello did, vis a message sent to me through here. Less FB, MORE doing what I am to be doing. Now it's back to building a bunny with my hunny! Please check back, when I have Todds address, I'll ask that you send him some positive vibes! My prayers have been with him since the start. I know everything for a reason.. I've no doubts in my mind Todd will come out stronger. I just with I understood it right now. I don't. Time to paint. xox Have Faith <>< Everyday is play day. Ive decided. it's official. lol I feel rested and wide awake! Ready to paint!
What do you think about the Raven and the snail? Hmmmm Photos of my painting and my Poppy and her new perch! I wonder how long I'll stay awake. BTW I'm still taking a FB break, I won't even log in, silly me forgot to 'turn off' notifications and a few of my talented friends are posting. It is so tempting.. lol no. Time to Paint! xox <>< Have Faith.. Not speaking has its advantages, I feel better, my face not so sore.
I think more and more creatively. I Listen More. I remember to ask more. lol to be continued. Next a Big happy toothy Snail! & Toad. FB, do not lead me into temptation with your automated messages - I should have turned that off. Oh well.. it can wait. ;) ![]() But F*ck you! You re not the you, you use to be too! Time to think and think and think... I AM not the me I use to be. Thank God. I AM still all that my creative, loving mind is and was and wants to be. Snails have teeth. I just learned that today, listen to this: http://www.npr.org/blogs/krulwich/2013/08/02/208236477/why-dentists-should-fear-snails?ft=1&f=1007 How cool is that - lol I am getting a pet snail. 'I will hug him and pet him and call him... ' & Paint him. NOT him... on Canvas. I feel like a snail. I use to eat them... I don't think I will anymore. Then I found a book this morning! My next reading adventure... lol I tell you, I ask God for his advice constantly, and reading recommendations too of course - My friend Cathy teases me with "You listen better to "God whispers" than anyone else I know!" I try. My mind whispers... you are Not who you use to be, You are more... Go Paint. photos... later xox Have Faith! <>< Who does not love animals may as well stay away from here. lol
Below are photos of my best friends. Two legs and 4. I have very few friends that invite over but those that come often are shown how much they are loved... by me and my girls! Like it or Not! Pint size Poppy has to get in her loving and has mastered the 'neck manauver'... with the help of my son! Teaching her to ride on his shoulder comfortably - she takes to it and stays there! If you are sitting you are a potential pillow for poppy. Cathy is allergic - BUT they all love her as you can see as she sits on my sofa for a visit. She visited today - unexpected but ALWAYS welcome. I had just sent out a message DO NOT DISTURB.. lol - she missed it. I am taking real break. No FB, No E mail, no PHONE.. nada. Snail mail - or you are out of luck. Peace, prayer and PAINT. DRAW, Ask, Believe, Receive. ( not what you think...) I am not alone, I am never alone. If I want company I have them 4 of them - ready to play, go for a walk, run around in the back yard or lie on the sofa with a good book and snuggle, here they are ready and willing. I know dog haters- I don't invite them to my home - I don't care who they are. The last thing I want my dogs to feel is uncomfortable in their home because of someone that dislikes animals. We are not that way. We show them love as they show us. It's why they never run away. Poppy was locked out once, in our confusion of arriving home - and stood at the front door and barked to get in! Thank God. I have no tolerance for people who abuse dogs. I do believe they show little respect for others as well, pay attention and decide for yourself. WE are ONE on this planet. We are not here to mistreat or abuse animals. They are born to live, explore and 'be' as we are. We are not here to mistreat each other. We do. Who are the animals? Some days I'm not so sure. I'm taking a break. Some days I don't understand, feel blue and quite frankly - beat down. The load seems to be too heavy to bare. I don't want to see all the nasty in the world. After a bit of a teary visit, Cathy reassured me - I have reason to feel blue and be blue - she knows I won't be for long. ;) I won't because I have friends like Cathy in my life. Until then.. I will blog - daily! For the next week at least. And BE creative... focus on Teaching Only LOVE for that is what we are. xox <>< Have Faith. Wait until you see what she is making me! LOL I'm not so much a fan of taking photos lately, if I want 'a good one' - I have to take several.
Just to appear 'normal', let alone look good. What do those words even mean anymore. One thing I am fond of -these 'blue birds' of happiness. ;) LOL They crack me up just to see them and I'm not alone... clearly or mac wouldn't have included them as an option. My mom was up today and wanted the birds... Storm and I smile at the sight of them. Perhaps I have spring and Robins on my mind! Either way - as simple as it is - it's a bit of fun. Have some! Speaking of fun - check out my friend Ivan's village - where he creates with his beautiful wife! > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fz0n15_0H6A < I WISH I was in Europe right now! You have no idea. ;) Next year! New Laughing Buddha tomorrow- the paint is drying now. xox <>< I started the day - what else, reading...
It took me a while, my mind is racing a million places. If only it had a passport - imagine how cool the 'stamps' would be ;) Anyway - the first line was: In quietness things are answered, and every problem quietly resolved. Perfect. I resolve to not speak. So whats the first thing that happens - I get a request to 'Skype'. lol I checked it worked with my friend Marc. ;) It was so nice talking to him. I didn't even have a question and he helped me anyhow1 LOL Then I spoke with a new friend across the world. Soon - I return to the dentist! I finally got past my fear and went and had a somewhat, o.k. time, lol, it went better than expected and I have to return. The woman who cleaned my teeth was very nice, relaxing and a Documentary fan like myself of that was very cool! I recommended a few. - well I was not enjoying speaking for a couple of days. Norm on the other hand.. lol But this is the plan starting tomorrow , it is what it is ;) Quiet is always nice, and we can easily keep ourselves amused in this home - Norm renovating, me drawing. Sometimes Norm renovates in his mind, on the sofa.. watching MAcGiver. Hee hee hee I draw and I have drawing to do. I am pleased with my new LB full of TLC. Not to be rushed. A card for a friend thats been on my mind & a few drawings waiting too long. Provided I am not inspired or too tired in between. Norm is making diner this evening! One of our favourites and he insisted! Woot Woot! lol So later when he is renovating I'll be drawing. Finishing L.B. I am also taking a FB break. Funny, one thing I'm 'not' worried 'about', the edibles case. What judge would rule out edibles. We already won once- it's HC that has us in court again at your tax $. Come on? Think of the children is exactly right. The seriously ill children.. edibles is a nice way to take your medicine. ALSO the many adults that can't take pills and I'm one of them. I was speaking with a person who takes crazy stuff for her pain- and it's not working!! So what take it? Rot your insides out and suffer. She can't even think of cannabis due tot he amount of pain killers she is on. Lets face it - IF a pharmaceutical company would have come up with a tasty cookie or anything like the things I have already tried, many made in kitchens, like mine and yours - that already it would have been done. Powdered alcohol was approved. I already drew about it. Please. How mixed up is that? Quietly thinking about many things, asking God for assistance for each and every one, and then knowing he has done exactly that, I will continue to draw & Dream. Until it warms up - we continue to enjoy a sunny day. Inside. xox <>< Oh, *duh* blush.. I finally found some 'comments' that needed to be approved, I don't really stay on top of that (in my spare time...) and wanted to say. Thank you . I was very moved by your continued love and show of support. I approve them first, I didn't use too until I saw some 'inappropriate' comments being posted - spam, links selling items. ;( Then I removed the option. There is nothing like Spring to get ones creative juices flowing! I felt it for moment! Spring! The girls did too! We embraced every warm second, until the cool breeze chased us inside again. Not for long! I'm so excited for this up coming week! I had friends over and we made plans! Mostly for the garden art show ;) My friend Lawrence, the 'Honey guy' said he will also try to make it! It is going to BE a Beautiful day! Painting and crafting mania! Ideas that need to get out! Ready or Not! Norm and I also start something special tomorrow ! He told me he might take a couple of days off to work on this project with me! Hee hee hee - Top Secret! HOP to it! I am blessed that my friends drive and walk here - but Cathy reminds me - I have the only crafting room - where I can shut the door!! lol Tomorrow it's the yearly 'Poop pick up', yes Spring is here! ;) xox Have Faith! <>< To teach it live it! ![]() Storm and I headed down to our 2nd Mycological society meeting Monday and it was - as our friend Loni would say - Sporeriffic! We have decided to make a day of it and that is what we did! We went to a store - as Storm had to make a purchase for his next adventure! Everyday being just that, then we went off for a burger and fries in this very fancy mall. Suddenly, you drive in and the streets are brick, very expensive stores & vehicle - the burger very affordable and very good- who knew it even existed - not far from that was the location of the meeting, it worked out perfect - we had a bit of a wait in the parking lot - it is never a problem, we are never short on conversation it seems. Another really interesting meeting IMO, the gentleman "Bruno' a farmer of mushrooms was very descriptive, informative and entertaining. ;) He talked about drilling holes into logs and then inoculating then & plugging them - in hopes they will produce Mushrooms. Little tricks of the trade, and interesting facts were also shared. For example if you have slugs, Bruno suggests you buy them a beer and don't stress over it. lol Really, Storm and I both again discussed the evening most of the way home. I came away inspired and looking forward to the potential of home grown portobello - next year in the garden. It takes a while, white a learning process.. lets face it the only one really learning is Storm, I am just inspired! Once again we enjoyed the evening and he day! I'm blessed to have a son who enjoys my company- lol, and I his. EVEN though I am still a mom and can still be very much nag. Like taking this photo and reminding him need to text & drive. lol <3 My goodness! I could not resist these hats when I saw them at the dollar store! Hee hee hee!
The girls all cooperated! Tequila would keep it on if I let her. lol Below a few fun photos of my St.Patty's Day Photo shoot! I LOVE my girls! Have a great day! Please Drink sensibly. lol Is there such a thing? I really wonder. I really want to say: Be safer! Smoke come Green Cannabis! It's better for your health! Body, mind and soul! I'm off to bake a soda bread in a skillet! ;) Have Faith! xox <>< A tisket, A tasket a new Spring basket!The snow is melting! Proof the Lord works in mysterious ways - when the dogs are running in with wet muddy feet - I don't care! Spring is in the air! We still do not have any buds on the trees, only in a jar ;) , I saw some photos a friend posted and giggled- I had drawn the day before he same little buds! It is unanimous Spring is in the air everywhere! For my birthday a good friend brought me a basket of fruit, when done I looked at the basket and thought now what- garden? The friend who gave it to me - I love her! LOL I look at the basket and think of Lucy ;) A neighbour, we have photos of Storm and her son on my kitchen floor as infants, later dancing in the living room with a towel - they were about 7, photos of them at he CN tower a bit older and now both young men - each one makes my heart flutter faster - both good men. Lucy & her family moved finally a couple of years ago and when she did I cried. lol The 'day' Storm was finally diagnosed many years ago, the guys left for a 'cub extravaganza' for the weekend. I was left home alone to process what we had just been told - "your son has a progressive to terminal bone disease, a rare orphan disease, and probably won't live past 12...", Lucy showed up at my door. My face swollen from tears - she was the first person I told. She went home and came back with a lasagna. It was more than that, of everyone I personally know, IMO Lucy has the strongest faith in God. From that second on she has prayed for us. Enough said. * not that my other friends do not - lol - but Lucy makes it clear and always has, I have admired her strength & dedication. Over the years- I have been so blessed to have her as a friend, her family as friends. Our life richer because they are in it. When she showed up with my basket- I was floored she even remembered, so how could I just toss it - It's not just a basket. I made it into a reminder for my front door - Spring is here and You are loved! All that see this basket know it was given with LOVE and then created into this welcome with even more love! NOW that you have looked at it - know we send love out to you too! Spring is here! Celebrate! Turn off FB and get your face looking out the window! Below are photos of my our basket! xox Have Faith! <>< Thank you to my handsome son who takes me and follows me patiently around the dollar store! LOL The snow is melting on the front lawn!
The birds are singing! So much is going this spring I feel I can't help but sing!! This weekend Norm and I are making a cutout for Art in the Garden. We will probably be in the backyard for several hours - if the snow continues to melt ;) It's all Good! It's all God. Give thanks! and Sing: Who reminds the birds to sing... in the spring... I do... I do. When I drew this- first thing in the a.m. Storm wanted to see- and I said Wait! You have to sing when you look at this one! He looked, sang and smiled and patted my head. lol "it's true- it is better when you sing.." Have a fantastic weekend! It will be what you make it. Have Faith! <>< xox Well here is my first water color forrest!
What a lesson this 'Craftsy class' was! What did I learn? So much! First of all - I'm not into water color. lol Well - I have not used it often and I really can learn quite a bit about it. I know already - I prefer acrylic paint - I find water color restricting - but I have to say this instructor made me quickly feel at ease as he related many comments along the line - not to worry - also how to fix, a few tricks again - I would have had to learn the hard way - saved me time and frustration! I really enjoyed the liquid masking fluid! Instantly - my mind has a new project in mind- butterflies! Im excited to try what Im thinking- but as for turning into a landscape painter - in water color - I doubt it's going to happen anytime soon- I will say I would certainly try! I also can't wait to use my new found technique in the garden this summer! I painted 2 forrest scenes - only because I poured too mush masking fluid in the container- lol so I painted the one in 'Blues' in a fraction of the time!! Not yet complete- I'm working on it next, it is on my desk. I was busy today, I challenged myself to paint from my new animal book! You will have to wait and see. Have a look at Craftsy! I can say - if you did this class step by step - I am confident your work would look like mine - even better! I am so impatient, others will have even better results. The next time you want to learn something - consider it- it might just start a new career or better yet- form of meditation and relaxation! Have I signed up for another class - you bet - lol Norm is o.k. with it - you see I don't shoe shop, clothes- who cares.. diamonds- been there done that! Sign me up for art classes! He is saving quite a bit of money - until I give him the list of supplies I need- ;) I actually have most - from years of always crafting. You will see next - Acrylic landscape painting! Stay tooned! xox Have faith! Paint a water color today! <>< Art in the garden! Every year my friends and I go to craft sales and events. I asked them to join me this mothers day for an 'art show' our own little display. LOL - Who needs an excuse to hang out with friends and look at art!
I don't get around like I use to so why not! Everyone seemed keen - even Norm! I'm sure you'll be able to view a coffin in our garden. I'll try to make them cheery! lol Its not about purchasing really - I sit here and panic for a second thinking what have I got to sell - I will have some mini paintings, a few garden signs, I might part with a Laughing Buddha or two, who knows! - I want to have a great weekend in the garden! What better way to start then with a couple of good friends! If you are around I hope you will consider joining us for peek! Of course we have an area for kids to color and an assistant to help! Ellen is big on butterflies and plans on educating us all a little.. Linda knows the newest knots in beadwork - I look at it and am amazed at her detail and I am encouraging all our local Bees to come out and join us this beautiful day!! Come say hello! if you can! OH- I'm also making - with he help of my handy dandy hubby - a new 'Best Blooms' Photos Op. display - JUST for Mothers day! Bring your cameras! It's one of the 'poke your head' through the hole thing! ;) Pets too are welcome as long as they stay on the leash and away from the Pool! Scruffy will be upset! * it will be blocked off ;) We have poop bags and they are free to those that need, Also a drinking area for dogs. ;) Come take your photo with mom! Enter the free draw and more!! Wait and see! Invite a bee!!! ;) I am 51. Do I feel old - some days, but not from candles on a cake.
I turned it on Friday. It is by age a new year, a new number and a new page to doodle on! That is all. I teased my guys that it was my birthday week, lol - and on my birthday I was treated like - I'm always treated. With love, gifts, flowers and chores being done! How can I not consider myself blessed. ;) My son took me out for lunch & wet met my mom, then later he took me to the mall where I was able to find a book I've been hunting for. A picture book! In the adult section - wink wink! All about animals! Everytime I look at it I'm inspired by one of Gods creatures- other than a human - lol. Humans inspire me, they also anger me, frustrate me, make my heart pump a little faster - and I don't always know why - they make me think - and just when I think I have someone figured out - I don't. I know now - those I do not - enjoy their company so much - well, I think I'll just keep quiet- they seem to be their own worst enemy in most cases and don't need any assistance in creating further animosity. I can remind myself not to judge, pray and focus on what I need to be focusing on. Not them. I do not understand. That is o.k. because - it's not my job! Where this drawing came from, I'm not sure. Again my mind took a direction I was not planning. I hoped to have it ready for international women's day - They are women but they are more about water, fire and earth - in my mind - friends. Love. Laughter. It took me a little while longer than most- I enjoyed every second. I thought about a lot... and several. I'm 51. I will continue to draw as long as God allows. I will NOT contain my enthusiasm for anything in this life, that does make my heart beat a little faster. Good or bad. Human, plant, animal & mineral! I was created to create! I will continue to draw with love in my heart and in my mind - when I get upset I will remind myself of why. I will continue to believe and receive miracles. xox <>< Have faith. It says:
Someone told me today 'the RCMP is taking the stand' in the court case here regarding cannabis today. So what. You want to educate people on the R.C.M.P... read the story in Newsweek and/or google 'R.C.M.P and sexual abuse' and watch what you will learn. You want to bet they want you 'distracted' with cannabis. Not to mention what they have done to many of us who put our trust in them, (planting and snooping guns when our fellow Canadian homes were flooded and we were vulnerable) but many of their 'own', especially woman ARE abused and treated like crap for being a woman! Once again a 'blind eye' is being turned. Don't forget the officer they shamed & destroyed his life for using cannabis until he committed suicide. I did not make these things up. I wish they were NOT happening! They are - so you can focus on the 'criminals' growing plants or those destroying lives with lies & the constant abuse of power. What they 'say' on the stand holds little meaning for me or should to anyone else, truly educated on the subject and interested in the facts. Don't give power to anything that does not deserve power in this country or another. Not in your mind or the next time you 'vote' be it with your words or $$$. Have Faith <>< xox For the record I do not own a gun. I do not believe in guns. When I say 'we' I mean 'we as Canadians'... But never forget We are WE. ONE Georgia Toons on Face Book https://www.facebook.com/georgiatoons I have always wanted Chickens!
They make me smile. I did see a sign on PIN that said the same - so, I thought I'd make a nice happy Pallet sign! Ready for the back fence - so in the summer you'll look out and smile As you sit and sip your a.m. coffee! The sign did not take me long at all, I did not pre draw- I just - went with it. First with just the yellow - it was... boring so the pop of orange! A 'wash' really, I did not prime the pallet- I like the look of the wood. All it needs now it a protective coat and wire for the back - Hubby's dept. I am making several signs along the same Idea - all in preparation for the 'Art in the Garden' Show & Sale - Soon! I am so excited, it will be here before we know it! 5 friends in the garden - all weekend - May 9th. We talk about it and I find we are just excited about he promise of this summer! I do not know what else I will have to sell - lol - I will only have a few framed cartoons... I'm not really concerned - For now- I have a few more pallet signs to paint! Rise & Shone Mother clusters! Its a new day! Get busy & creates something fun!! <>< Have Faith xox |
Georgia (me)Georgia... On My Mind. Archives
March 2017
*All images and content Copyright ©2018 Georgia Peschel and GeorgiaToons.com All Rights Reserved |