NO doubt, shake his head at all the insanity.
Then, all you had to do was be there. I will not apologize - I am truly grateful for each soul that came that day but Jamie... when he walked in with that Big SMILE and Easter goodies... when he opened the cartoon, the excitement still rings in my ears with the laughter and pointing to everything in the drawing! I had to choke back tears! WOW!
Then to top it off *Kisses from Poppy.
It was all ‘realigned’. I had friends show up and draw, that I never imagined would.
We laughed, Had cookies! Took breaks to medicate and I chatted. AS ALWAYS not enough time to just sit and chat with many.
One gentleman said he drove to hear and meet me, I said - "oh we had a bit of a drive - we came from Keswick," then he said “I drove from Sault St.Marie.”
My jaw dropped! I asked him if it was worth the drive and we started to laugh, he assured me it was. His son is having issues, such a dilemma for so many of use because WE CARE for those we love. When our child (at any age) is suffering we do also as parents, he son struggling with schizophrenia issues and prefers cannabis over other meds. but there seems to be so much involved - THERE IS!! So much involved for so many of us. Who is ANYONE - including Dr.s who spend only ‘fractions’ of our REAL lives with us? I don’t think I did help him, I only shared an opinion.
I met a woman who had questions, but her English was not that great, to make a long story short - we talked for a while and at the end of our conversation I hugged her. It caught her off guard - and me - her reaction of tearing up. Only to tell me I was her first hug since she came to Canada. Nothing to do with Cannabis. HUGS.
A very old friend - just the sight of her warmed my heart, our timing still not meant to be though... lol she was arriving as we were leaving, and we were all very tired by this point.
I met new friends and was surrounded by old, I actually got to meet face to face a few FB friends! How awesome. and yes... I had a gentleman show up and give me some RSO and a vial of cannabis glycerine! Smiled... then he left. I hardly had time to thank him, I felt like a doofus. I will say I am VERY thankful. It’s been a difficult week, physically. How incredible is that?
"I want to help you feel better." Simple. IF ONLY.
I am already drawing for some new little children, next a little girl in Ontario.
I felt so blessed as we drove home and following and still do... Storm is here.
We are here. All we can do is keep going.
As usual the day had a most excellent lesson
The day was definitely all about quality & not quantity.
One of the neatest thing for me to hear was my guys took a stroll with Poppy in her little pink dress on the boardwalk! The days was so beautiful! Storm said there were lot’s of smiles! LOL I bet. It was a day I will fondly remember for a long time.
PLEASE ASK yourself one thing today:
Is my lack of Cannabis education/support hurting anyone?
Then look at the photos below.
Jamie is already dealing with enough, as is his family.
He just wants to be a kid. He just want to feel better.
Not pot heads, not drug dealers.
People who care about people.
How blessed was this Easter Sunday for me and my family
- all about giving, and it’s never felt better.
xox <><