Have you seen seed bombs? I think they are cool! I also like the business cards with seeds in them! They usually come with a sling shot - seed bombs- added fun.;-)
Seeds are what keeps us alive. Stop and think about that for one second. SEEDs
I've also added seeds into our diet; Chia and HEMP Daily- 2013 is going to be healthier around here. Imagine telling humans we can not plant seeds or grow plants, imagine someone telling you - no more vegetable gardens! No MORE FRESH herbs!
Something our parents and their parents and so on have been doing since the beginning of time to survive. Growing Plants. Vegetables and herbs and medicines.
Obesity is at an all time high and many kids do not even know what vegetables look like.
I think it should be mandatory in high school (elementary would be great too!) to grow something! I can imagine the popular choice of most high school students - good - teach them to do it RIGHT. IMAGINE!
Now imagine you grow that plant - just to feel better, and suddenly you are told you can not - and in fact you can go to jail just for growing that plant.
Everyday it is most important to continue to plant the seeds: