xox Who could ask for any thing more? ;-) <><
The wrists are feeling better. It has been a LONG week.
Incredible how much emotion you can have in a day let alone a week. A week of thought, decisions, admitting when I am not strong or capable. Saying goodbye to a friend. Because I know it it the right thing to do. Having long difficult talks. I am trying to write one page for my comic book. The page that tells people why I am so passionate about my drawings. It is so difficult. I want so much for people to understand without going into all the details. The details are difficult for me to discuss and probably always will be. It is not a story or a drawing, it is our life. I said it simply last night. If there was a child suffering and parents who were helpless, If we do not share our experience- that would truly be a sin. I would be ashamed of myself. I know what it is like to watch your child suffer. It would be easy to just to go day to day. Not say anything, keep it a secret. I can't. Everything happens for a reason. I don't know the reason. I do know that I have witnessed first hand for the first time on our son's life... HOPE. REAL HOPE. If I could trade it all and not be in the situation we are in. I would in a heart beat. BUT this is the path. Like many other things "what has been seen, cannot be un-seen" What I have learned cannot be denied. Research has to be done. People should have the choice. So I shall give it more thought. The easy part is drawing !!! When I get blue, unsure, weak... I just have to remember what it was like before Cannabis. My new favorite quote: When the power of love overcomes the love of power, The world will know peace. I love my son. More than the entire universe and you can't go any further! xox <>< ;-( I had to get 2 injections tonight, one in each wrist, my arthritis is really acting up. And was told no fooling! take it easy for 3 days let it work!
3 days! That is torture. TV here I come. Well we don't have cable so I guess I'll catch up on some old Warner BRO. cartoons and a few movies. But that won't stop my mind from cartooning. ;-D So no new posts. I might dig up some old'r' toons and scan them in. For now PJ's - I think I'll call it a snow day ;-) xox Today was a good day to draw. I planned on it.
I am sure to many they think this is easy. But it is not. We have chores, bills, distractions and other work. I do not always feel like drawing. BUT I feel guilty when I don't. To have a gift from God and not use it. Not be happy. That is a sin. I love to draw. It makes me happy. I FIND IT FUN! I was treated to coffee from my son, I had a laugh from a Wookie, was given reassurance from Brian and kitty litter from Norm! Could this day be any better? I feel better! Mostly in part to a fantastic dentist and positive neurologist. I feel a little more in control of my face, brain and life. Oh - and I DREW the COVER for my FIRST PREMIER comic book!! I am so excited. It turned out great. When something is born of love it is just so.. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!!! Time for prayer, sleep and peace. I am blessed. Home is not where you live
Home is where you love. I've been busy working on my first every Happy Hippie comic book. Which I will have for sale at the TY show in June 2011. A collection of toons near and dear to my heart. Some never before seen! And new ideas daily. Now to find the time to draw... I had a great day yesterday!! I spent the entire day with my two guys. Here and there visiting family, visiting a mall or two. All wonderful. it was a family day. I went to sleep with a smile on my face. Even being stuck in the back of the truck. It was all worth while. It ended with a bath and a FANTASTIC new CD called Facing Future By IZ a Hawaiian artist. It is a feel good album. Today was another family day .. All busy dong our own stuff. I love having my guys around. xox <>< The sun is shining, I have a nice home, family and friends. Two and Four legs. I get to draw! I can walk, talk, eat, sleep and breath - when I remember ;-)
I believe. I believe in LOVE. I have HOPE. <>< xox I can't do it. Not at this time. Facebook for me is too much of a distraction. I like seeing what's happening , photos and keeping up to date with friends but find when I think - Oh , I'll just check what's happening.. next thing I know an hour is gone. I'm beeped, send invites, messages etc.
How easy it is to be pulled into all of this. My biggest problem is people who openly like to bitch, fight or spread negative stuff on face book for all to see. Then you see others who jump right in. Sometimes not knowing the other people or the full extent of the situation. NOT for me. I did like the fan page but I believe, as you are aware in God and have faith. If my toons are meant to be seen they will be with or without facebook. Perhaps I'm just a 'pussy'. I also cut off cable and don't read the paper. I am choosing not be absorbed with all the negative news. I want to make the world a better place. Hard to do when you are constantly being dragged down but negative images and horrific stories (true) I have a hard time shaking that stuff. I have enough stress in my life and know many people who are all in the same boat. No wonder there is so much depression and desperation. So this is it. This is the only 'official" place at the moment where you will see my cartoons. Here and Treating Yourself Magazine and Canna Talk. I am going to focus on getting that book out! Less facebook MORE face to face! xox <>< time to draw! Halloween was great, BUSY and the food donations were fantastic.
I am never sad to see it go. My husband works so hard, my house is a disaster and I'm tired of Halloween when you live with it a great part of the year. I have one piece that managed to stay out year round. It is hubby's passion and I try to go with the flow. It keeps him out of my hair. So many people we see just once a year, we meet new people all the time, most thank us for all the work obviously put into the Display. That part I love. I've watched so many kids grow in Keswick! The people who tell me what's changed since last year and the things they notice! How do they see all these details with their eyes closed while screaming! LOL To think that we are making a difference with the food bank. I hope people do it year round. I helped at the food bank. It is not an easy job and it is a real eye opener. It's not like going to a grocery store! Trust me. Everyone should do it at least once. Same with being a teacher for a full day in a class of kids that see you every day. DO IT once. Walk in the other persons' shoes. I think it is the only true way to appreciate and understand something. Walk in my shoes. I pray I never have to walk in some people shoes. Halloween - The display has yet to be dismantled it will take the next weekend. Time for Christmas stuff ;-) Halloween is our big one and the rest scaled down quite a bit. It's all stuff. SO MUCH STUFF. box it, store it, dust it. My new rule. Can I use it? I have enough stuff to look at. Use it or lose it. I can think of one thing I would love for Christmas. Peace really - not just world peace. Peace of mind, PEACE. Harder to come by than you think. NO GIFTS ALLOWED. Thanks :-) Thanks to all of you that did come for Halloween. You made it all worth while! Especially that guy that looks like Gerraed Butler! HUBBA HUBBA! |
Georgia (me)Georgia... On My Mind. Archives
March 2017
*All images and content Copyright ©2018 Georgia Peschel and GeorgiaToons.com All Rights Reserved |