Bears & cannabis... Moonlight & stars.
Moonlight trimmer.
I like Big Buds & I cannot lie!
Who doesn't? Sure all bud is good bud- but to see the beauty in an actual BIG bud... WOW! Although dry, the tiny crystals still catch my eye. Time to break up this big bud & put it in my big bong & have a BIG toke to get his BIG day started. Just like some take pills and wait for them to "kick in", I have a puff & wait a FEW seconds then I'm ready to stretch, feed the Blue jays, dogs and get some chores done! Then I'll need another one. I like Big buds & can not lie!! * Yesterday, I read a news story first thing and started to sob, it had me question my faith in humanity. I blogged a very short sentence.. 'some people fucking suck.' & yes, I still believe - some just do. Today again, shitty people doing terrible things to each other, strangers, friends, family all hurting each other. I know. What the fuck is wrong with us humans? I deleted it. I apologize for my momentary lack in faith. HAVE NO FEAR! Have a terrific day! Weekend... Month - Year! BTGG <>< xox Cause every little thing is gonna be alright…
Bud Marley! Hee hee hee!! BOB Markey Bud! I love him! Bob Marley is one of our most loved educator of cannabis. Mine still, not a week goes by without some Bob Marley to brighten my day. Above all - he educated us about LOVE. I am thankful he graced the earth for a while. Check out the official Bob Marly page on Instagram! Guess who is next!? I cant stop! I painted 3 new BUDs yesterday & have 6 waiting!!! What fun! - Do what you love. Education is the key and anyway you can get attention- well- I would get attention if I took my cloths off and posed with bud and a bong- lol! But- I’ll stick to my painting. It’s much warmer for one. Have a creative weekend!! Me - I have painting planned, dreams to be focused into realities & then some! BTGG <>< xox Surround Yourself with those that Raise You HIGHer!!
In real life & online surround yourself with those that raise you up! Who inspires you to think, create, who makes you laugh? Who puts a SMILE on your face? We can't always be laughing but there are some people who make us feel at ease & those who do not. I know a few... just thinking of them - tightens my neck muscles.. lol - others- loosen them right up. I can 'see' an e amil from a friend & instantly there will be a SMILE on my face before I even open it, that is an example of who you 'surround' yourself with. Who does that for you? 'What does' that for you counts as well! I am surrounded by love, mostly with 4 legs - but it counts- they make me laugh, snuggle on these cold grey days and show me continous unconditional love & I can not forget the occassonal flutter fly by love tap. Pets are wonderful reminders of livinging in the moment. Cannabis raises me up as well, it lifts my spirits & eases my pain, my sons and millions more. I surround myself with it. I smoke it, eat it, drink it, draw & paint about it. Many of my friends are involved with it. Our path was made long before we decided to walk it. I thank God - the Universe & my grower for it. Give thanks & surround yourself with those that raise you HIGHer! xox <>< Medical patients in Canada who use cannabis can now grow their own. Amen.
The court case proved it is not right to force people to have to use a 'Legal Gov. approved growers', but they can grow their own or if not well enough have a 'designated grower '- do it for them: Thank God. How insane was it to tell anyone they can't grow plants that help them heal in the first place. A crime against humanity, now changed here in Canada! I feel very fucking proud of my country right now. VERY ILL Children all over Canada - will now be introduced more to the medicine they need. Would you not try a natural herb before a synthetic drug for your child? IF PROVEN to help? Google: Dr. Gupta Weed.... if you still doubt. I'm not even sure what to draw yet! Next cannabis will become a legal recreational drug, good - it will mean fewer alcohol related deaths! I know you probably don't believe that.. I've been reading about it the past few years. Don't believe me? Research it. I Laughed Out Loud yesterday sitting the Dr.s office, across the T.V. screen - 'Ottawa warns of possible increase in impaired driving if cannabis is legalized' - (something like that). Of course. Bring on the fear mongering! Do you really think that there have been that FEW cannabis smoking drivers over the years/decades that it has not become and issue? LOL! It's not. I had a great lunch with my moms friend Geoff yesterday, he took me to an "Irish pub", he confused my love of Scottish with Irish.. I'll forgive him. We chuckled, chatted and enjoyed a steak & mushroom pie, talked about going back to school late in life (which he did & was very successful at), why he got into politics- someone said to him, "your opinion doesn't matter- you're not even Canadian...", he quickly became one shortly there after. Cannabis, he is a cigarette smoker and I suggested he switch to cannabis! It's less harmful and apparently from all I've been reading - less addictive- so you smoke less. He told me he would think it over. ;) Then I was at the Dr.s, we both laughed out loud at the fact that he could help me with my foot pain!! He is frustrated they can't seem to help me otherwise.. especially since I'm not for pills or surgery, again. He remarked, he's never seen anyone with a case like mine, so severe and does not know how I'm coping.. me either. Cannabis. We talked about much, how this illness has also given me a new found strength, the fights I've won with it, MC, The bank, anyone re: Poppy now.. and then he said while freezing the bottom of my foot: & Cannanbis! You have won that fight too! I don't personally feel like I had any part in the winning. I prayed our stories of Storms and my own experience we shared have been heard, that was all. ***For all sick Canadians, already dealing with so much including judgement - constantly for those who DO NOT UNDERSTAND. One less fuckign thing to worry about. Affordable medicine, loving grown at home. It comes with rules, as it should.. I know some will think 'I'm gonna grow!' lol- good luck, Its not that easy and they will have 'regulations' not to mention hard work, I know a few growers and they can be very stressed at times, not form politics - from work. it has toby safe, I'd be a hypocrite if I didn't talk about that. it doesn't matter really - people are never going to stop growing illegal cannabis- at least now patients who truly need it have the option. AT least NOW maybe the police will focus on other more important crimes like the missing indian woman in Canada! HUMAN trafficking. What matters most. HUMANS. I AM very upset still they are saying "compassion clubs' 'dispensaries' NOW, don't matter' now that they have the legally approved Licensed producers.... and that they are considering the possibility of selling it via the pharmacy- WE ALL knew that was coming! $$$$$$$ If not for compassion clubs we wold have been lost. I will tell you first hand, many I know are not the criminals they are being made out to be - but people who truly want to help others. Our government is out to make money like everyone else. Greed rules. The L.C.B.O. is starting 'mail home' delivery.. wow. I wonder how that will effect alcohol abuse in his country- well, I don't wonder. I know. Time to think of what to draw to celebrate! I'm also drawing the cover for Cannabis Digest and its 50th issue! I'm calling it 'Give Thanks!!!' Thank you Canada. Thank you Kirk & John... Thank you everyone whom has ever tried to educate regarding the cannabis plant. Thank you God. Have faith xox <>< Just as it takes times for things to grow - it takes time art to appear.
The piece I'm currently working on is taking me a while, I am enjoying every second. Countless details, shades of greens and corrections. From time to time, I do take photos of my work - and I realized its a good thing to do if you can.. you can 'see it' differently. For example I looked at this art again, on the monitor and realized I do not like the cat at all and changed it to a rabbit. It just 'sit's in the painting better. For a moment I might think 'this should be going faster' much like wanting the vegetables in the garden to grow and I remind myself - to be patient. I will know when it is complete. You wil know when it is time to pick. When the time is right, the time is right in all thing. I feel as though I am going through a HUGE growth spurt again. I recently have been dealing with someone who is angry, and I am getting the brunt of the anger... an acquaintance I've made over the years and have felt sorry for because I have watched the patch of destruction unfold. I've tried to be understanding, patient and nice... there comes a time when you just have to step back and say this person is STUCK and content being stuck and when we try to reach in to unstick them - they only pull us into the mud to suffocate together. How do 'I' know I am getting pulled into he mud with them? When I 'get like them' and retaliate with a mean remark because they have hurt me and I am frustrated & want them to feel the same. I in most cases, do instantly regret it. Clearly the rest of the world also seems to have this problem to a great degree - or we would be focusing on serious issues like waters, hunger, war instead of hurt egos. I did think - this will be the 'one' that cuts off ties with his person... perhaps that is why I did send it. It is easier to walk away than to feel continually drained by this person, I wish that was not the case but I am admitting it. Time to walk away and remove myself from their being STUCK... the mud is too deep. This too is growth, I guess a sort of 'pruning off' dead matter so new life can appear! That is a good way to think about it and thats exactly what I will do as I complete this painting. I won't give the situation another thought, instead I will focus on what I can do to continue to grow in the right direction. Up. Believe <>< xox Spring forward! Just the mention os spring and I'm giddy! The sun is shining today! I actually was able to walk to the mail box as the side walks are ice free! Whippie!!!! Spring in Canada is there any better MOOD enhancer!! Spring is only a couple of weeks away!
I have to post this cartoon early as I have friends over seas that like to share!! Perfect timing! A renewed energy & strength and many Canadians I know are going to need it! So be it! If you do not stand up and fight for what you believe in then why are we even here? So turn your clocks ahead this weekend! Take a deep breath of this cool crisp Snow laced Canadian air and KNOW, soon it will be filled with the sweet sweet smell of new growing buds. All over. AMEN! <>< xox This is one drawing I wish you could see in person. I scan at a poor resolution, one that can't be duplicated with out loss of detail. I finish paintings using white and this one just pops ;-)
I really enjoyed doing it. It is a gift for a friend. Here we worry about medicine and growing and there now they are worry about the soil under their feet and growing food is more of a concern. I’ve read several times over the years that planting Cannabis can help clean and repair the soil. Why not at least try?! Over politics? I think it’s a bit late for that. What ever it takes at this point is what the Japanese Government owes it’s people. Owes US the rest of the people that share this planet to plant this PLANT. Now. Here is a link to an interesting related article: If all you can do is raise awareness than do that, or think about them, send them good vibes and love. No one likes to wonder if what we feed our children is killing them and the Japanese don’t have much of a choice right now. ;-( I just made friends with a few people from Japan - one day I hope to visit. It’s so awesome having FB to see into their daily lives. I’m grateful for that on several levels. The differences... then you start to notice the same. The same crimes worldwide, against people. People standing up for something that is wrong in their country. Protests, punishment and in some cases ‘lack of’. India and rape. I think we should know, and should say - wow, I am lucky that is not happening here. BUT THEN speak up and say “Really, in this day?!! - Should WE (as humans) allow that to be happening anywhere to each other? SPEAK UP! Do you think you are here to live in the shadows without opinion? Then why have a brain. ^ ^^ This is me speaking to myself in my head. ^^^ LOL I find me very hard to ignore. Over a plant... xox <><
It's back to nature. For us anyhow. More fresh veges, reading labels and focusing on what goes in before it comes out, in one way or another. If it can be stored in a box for 6 months we don't want it. Originally, I saw a post with a photo of a horse, it instantly made me smile. this is my version. Is there anyone who claims not to know the benefits of choosing a salad over a cheese burger? Choice. What we put into out bodies. Food and medicine. The choice should always be OUR own. xox <>< Every time I read HOW Health Canada is justifying 'weeding out the growers' - all I see is excuses and lies. Not to mention very unfair to ASSume everyone is a criminal just because they enjoy the passion of gardening. OR never ASSUME that every grow room is a FACTORY/warehouse/Laboratory. Although I’ll admit, hard to do other wise if your only form of cannabis education is via the mainstream media - I will say they are getting better. I think it is more of a case you can’t hide the truth much fu*king longer!! Many times people have a simple out door garden, a closet garden, small tents designed specifically for indoor growing. MUCH LIKE many grow systems that people use in their homes who are concerned about GMO’s. Many have converted rooms, even a basement. How many people brew their own beer/ wine? Worse - how many people have a meth lab set up in their homes? More than you know; after all that is where the true $$ is, with serious addiction come steady clients. It is nice to have control of what goes into ONES body and WHY shouldn’t we?! Not according to Health Canada- it is very dangerous. The biggest danger is keeping it illegal. PROHIBITION, the new changes are JUST a new form of PROHIBITION. You also imagine (thanks to the media) immigrants, stoners and hardened crooks to be growing Cannabis - YOU forget or are not educated much on the others - The parents growing for children who are suffering with cancer or HIV, a husband growing for his wife... who needs it for her nausea and chronic pain. Kids growing it for parents!! BECAUSE it is easier and cheaper! Just like growing it in your back yard! WHO has made it a crime? Well, Health Canada and it’s changes will now make it a crime for thousands who were all growing their own medicine. Thousands who were LEGALLY growing their own medicine. Thousands now that won’t be able to grow or afford their medicine. Thousands of Canadians and their families turned into criminals... why? For wanting to feel better? Not hurting anyone. Not hurting themselves. Where exactly is the crime? The CRIME is letting Health Canada fu*king with peoples lives, physically and mentally causing them added unnecessary stress to already seriously ill Canadians. I would never have believed ‘we’ as a country or people were capable... I guess it is the reason I’m living it. Hard to turn a blind eye to what pokes you in the other! LOL Today I celebrate with banana bread and a clean Bong! Wow - what a criminal I am. Thanks to Cannabis : my twitch tames to the point I can walk better, get out and garden, hang some laundry and make dinner for my family - your everyday stoner mom stuff. Thanks to cannabis my son can go to his job and have a somewhat normal life ;-) ... Don’t ASSume all you ‘read’ is true. Ask someone who is ‘LIVING’ it. xox <>< Music for your blog reading enjoyment: Wow, this cartoon smacked me right in the head ;-) Awesome. It started with a joke from my best bud Cathy.♥ I was stressed wondering what to draw for 4/20?! The universal day of Celebration for Cannabis!!! A Plant. Grown from a seed. Made by *GOD. (*original patent holder) Medical, Recreational, Hemp, Food, Fuel.. It's the day and I want to say THANK YOU! I have said it so many times, I thank God daily for this Plant! Give us this Day our daily Bud... <3 Wow. YES, I read recently how powerful that prayer is; Give us this dayour daily bread, -not thanks for yesterday, or make sure I have it tomorrow. Give us THIS day. Focus on today. .. and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and that ^ ^ ^ That simply put means ^ ^ ^ : PEACE, PEOPLE! Religion aside... who can argue with those lines? How else are we going to get ahead, clearly WAR is not the answer! Thank you Marvin, now in my head for the rest of the day. People all around the world who suffer over a plant. A plant less toxic than many others, proven helpful to ease pain, yet illegal and lives destroyed because of it. WTF? O.M.God. How disappointing. A PLANT. While others rape, kill, abuse, terrorize, suffer & starve needlessly... enough with the bullshit distraction. FOCUS on the REAL problems at hand. Rise Up people! Speak up! <3 Celebrate this Plant! Let it be a symbol of change. It all starts with a SEED!!! Life. So.. Yes! Give us this Day our daily bud, and thank you Lord for it! I do! Everyday! Keeping the Love of my life happy - How could I not give thanks? Celebrate 4/20, Spread Peace and Love !!! - there are already enough assholes doing the opposite;-) xox <>< We watched an interesting doc. the other night, I was watching it and the guys joined me at some point. It was called: Food Matters We watched it on netflix and it was awesome. We are juicing most mornings and they don't always taste so great - especially the kale BUT - They taste better than medicine, they taste better then sick! I will say I made kale chips and LOVED them - 250 in the oven for 30-35 min.s Rubbed in olive oil and a bit of lemon seasoning - YUM! Must get more Kale tomorrow. Watch the documentary. It is informative. Do you want to be healthy? I WISHED I had seen it an listened years ago! I will admit I have had an exhausting week leaving me thinking... is this as good as it gets? Is the slow to heal excuse just that ... I have decided to do what I love best draw and paint. xox <>< I watched a great Ted Talk the other day! It was about a gardener. A man who is making a difference, feeding the poor as well as making the world more beautiful. L.A. Green Ground - completely volunteer and free. Need I say more? AWESOME. You can watch it here: Hopefully you too shall be inspired! xox <>< Norm and I went out last night to pick up a few things. Walmart opened not long ago - too close for comfort. You can see it from my house, it is the quickest and easiest for Norm. Not being well, I have had to rely on him to go shopping and this has led to endless frustration and numerous untold arguments. I Am NOT a fan of their produce to begin with! I swear, buy something and almost over night it starts to shrivel in my fridge! Never buy anything in a bag, usually one or more is rotten.. it’s endless, last night I need garlic. Garlic a little root plant right? That grows in the ground grown in Canada. Do you think I could find any? Only garlic from China - not even another option or choice - there it is!! That is what divides Norm and I he will say “Screw it, I’m not driving all over for garlic...” and get it. I will say “Screw it I’m not buying it!” That is what we have to do. Why can't I get some F&^%$ garlic from Canada - or anything else for that matter!? We can invent all sorts of stuff, send men to the moon but can't grow a decent tomato year round without pumping it full of S*&^? Why are our options stuff that has come from foreign soil, foreign pests, foreign rules/laws/regulations for growing... across miles in crates and trucks for days, picked too early to ripen on the way!? YUK! YUK! YUK! I hate this time of the year for vegetable shopping and being on a limited budget (aren’t we all) you lean towards deals instead of health! Less off, in the cart yesterday was MEAT. More spices, greens, fruit and WHOLE grain bread. No food in a box. No Junk isle. I am on the road to recovery and I am taking him with me like it or not. Don’t get me wrong - I get it! I get he’s tired, worked and then has to go get groceries and does not want to drive all over for garlic! When does it end and when will it start to change if we don’t act every chance we get? Please the next time you go to the grocery store - make a point to buy Canadian. As a matter of fact I was so pissed that I put stuff back and that is all we bought. Going to feasting on mushrooms and sweet potatoes for a while! LOL - Choices limited. Thank God, Canadian have been able to produce their own HOMEGROWN Herbal medicines. That could all change in the future. Just as it has been with Cannabis it may become illegal to grow other herbs and foods, then our limited choices even fewer and our chance to say no to GMO - out will go! While in Canada - for as long as it remains I prefer to support fellow Canadians and keep my greens as FRESH and HEALTHY as possible - the best way to do that: GROW your OWN! Wait till you see my garden this summer ! xox <>< How simple.. plant seeds. Have you seen seed bombs? I think they are cool! I also like the business cards with seeds in them! They usually come with a sling shot - seed bombs- added fun.;-) I plan on making some this spring! It is a wonderful idea and an important one. Keeping this world green for our health and sanity. Seeds are what keeps us alive. Stop and think about that for one second. SEEDs I've also added seeds into our diet; Chia and HEMP Daily- 2013 is going to be healthier around here. Imagine telling humans we can not plant seeds or grow plants, imagine someone telling you - no more vegetable gardens! No MORE FRESH herbs! Something our parents and their parents and so on have been doing since the beginning of time to survive. Growing Plants. Vegetables and herbs and medicines. Obesity is at an all time high and many kids do not even know what vegetables look like. I think it should be mandatory in high school (elementary would be great too!) to grow something! I can imagine the popular choice of most high school students - good - teach them to do it RIGHT. IMAGINE! Now imagine you grow that plant - just to feel better, and suddenly you are told you can not - and in fact you can go to jail just for growing that plant. Imagine. Hopefully you will never have to. xox <>< Everyday it is most important to continue to plant the seeds: I was asked recently do draw for The WorldWide Cannabis Tribe - of which I am proud to say I am a member! I loved drawing this cartoon for several reasons. I had complete freedom. The owner asked that I do what ever I wanted with the paragraph he provided.
The Hemp leaf turned into hemp twine keeping us all connected. Medically, recreationally for religious reasons - what ever the reason, Cannabis is widely used all around the world and I agree- not until we all stand up and ask, express & in some cases even demand the right to use this healing herb. This toon is now on it's way to Scotland! My toons travel more than I do! LOL I am honored to say the least that this toon will be displayed in another part of the world. Planting the seed of Cannabis education all around the world! I feel blessed! Now back to plastering my honey's prop for the front lawn! Then perhaps I can sneak in a drawing today or two! xox ☮❤☯ If you are not aware, in Canada many patients can grow their own medicine. Not only is this helping ease their pain mentally for many it is something they can still do physically, and also brings them peace mentally as it does with gardeners all around the world since the beginning of time. NOW Health Canada says they will be taking away that right - and no one will be allowed to grow their own medicine - they will be once again have to rely on others - encouraging (once again) crime that comes with prohibition, growers who will not care and will only be looking out for money and themselves. Many will no longer be able to afford their medicine. A PLANT. Not to mention access medicine - the stain that best helps their symptoms. THE reason Heatlh Canada and the Police say for this is SAFETY. To which I say .. BULLSHIT! Put it into perspective... Are you worried you might have someone growing next to you? Chances are you have a much more serious SAFETY hazard living next door. Hoarding. We have all seen it - it was one reason I decided to get rid of cable! Hoarding is a disease. It is very sad, STUFF. Stuff everywhere, it robs people of their lives, consumes them- often add food and animals to this disaster and the results are horrendous. "There is no question that the effects of hoarding are tragic: animals wallow in their own waste, are denied food and water for long periods of time, do not get necessary veterinary care, are sometimes crammed into cages and do not receive walks or regular exercise, all of which results in tremendous suffering and death. Hoarding is cruel, painful, and abhorrent." <Taken from a animal shelter that deals with hoarding daily. Ask any repair man if he has been in a hoarder home? If Safety was an issue then we should be helping hoarders first. They live in death traps. Rodents, bugs and fire hazards. I know a few myself. Stuff that they never use, stuff in most cases - no one wants. After all that is what the government really wants us to do - buy stuff - not get healthy. So OPEN your eyes. Before you get caught up in the Safety issues of grow rooms - just think about how common hoarding has become. If I had my choice I'd live beside a grower before a hoarder. I'd much rather a little bud than a little bug come my way... bed bugs. * I am NOT talking about those that destroy homes by turning them into grow ops. I do NOT agree with that either. But as for patients growing their own medicine Let it Be. We watched this documentary of hoarding - like no other I've seen. Well done and very interesting. Watch it and see what hoarding does to a family, to a life. WARNING it is called + 7 dumpsters and a corpse - we watched it on netflix. No cable ;-) xox <>< I spent the morning in the garden - my mom bought me this great little guy! I call him OmBoy HomeBoy! He has the slightest little smile and I have moved him all over the back yard - finally resting in my gazebo where I meditate/pray the most in the summer. He looks like he was meant to be in my garden. Just the sight of him makes me feel more at peace. What a beautiful day! I don't have a car and it was so nice I decided to take the dogs for a walk! As always it turned out to be somewhat of an adventure- surrounded by beauty (that almost didn't happen). Scruffy! Little power house that she is was so excited she tugged me as I was putting on her leash and my glasses fell and I stepped on them! ARRRRGGGGGGH! Oh well, I was already on my way and was not going to let that stop me! So off we went! Wild flowers everywhere! Daisy's!! Tomorrow I am going back to pick myself a bouquet of Daisy's! The girls loved it of course and we know Daisy LOVES water from the pool but I had no idea! ONLY in Keswick you say! - Behind the Walmart plaza is a pond with a boat launch! LOL!! DAISY found a little slice of heaven! The second she spotted it she was in! Chasing dragon flies, butterflies - all in the water! I LOVE dogs. They remind us to LIVE in the moment! I sat for a while - even though I could not see much in the distance! It was wonderful. I think tomorrow I'll pack a little picnic;-) My girls below and my little Om Boy.. Today! LIVE in the moment! xox <>< I Love Daisy's! I'll give you a daisy a day dear... (remember that song?) Even our dog is named Daisy and she is as pretty as a Daisy - HAPPY! A Daisy is a happy Flower! Tall and strong - who has not = "she loves me... she loves me not..." with a Daisy at some point in their life? So my bouquet of PEACE would definitely be Daisy's!
We can't go wrong if we plant these seeds! LOVE, HOPE and COMPASSION. You can not help but grow GOODNESS when you plant such ideas in the minds and hearts of those you interact with. So never mind Cannabis today (We'll be right back on track with that Monday morning!) Plant some LOVIN' NOW! If only in your own mind and heart - it's a start!!! xox <>< This cartoon is reality. Drawing it I realized just what a joke it all is. The money that is being made from the Cannabis industry, you are legally permitted to do it ALL, but the second your seed roots - THAT is when it becomes illegal. WHAT A JOKE.
There is $$$ to be made obviously- imagine if it were all legal - not only would all those businesses who already thrive do better, people would want to grow properly - not 1/2 assed in a tiny closet. PEOPLE are passionate about growing. For many it brings not only Cannabis/Medicine but it brings them PEACE. It makes me angry that you can go and spend $1000's on all the supplies, do all the work - and do not kid yourself - IT IS a lot of work. If you do not do it right - it can be an expensive lesson, but in an instant it can all be taken from you and you can be charged as a criminal for ROOTS. ROOTS. WHAT A JOKE!!! If it were legal - the new level that it could be taken to- MONEY to be made, taxed, quality medicine available for all, a safer alternative to BOOZE, eliminate the gate keeper - making it safer for our children. I have heard some growers say they don't want it legalized - it will put them out of business. I believe like anything else if you go out of business it is because you are doing a crappy job. Be the best, provide superior product and you will not be going out of business. Ending on a positive note, all the rest is legal - it is not going away, more and more people are researching, educating, growing every day - determination, persistence - like those darn dandy lions in the grass, this persistent weed called Cannabis is not going anywhere but UP! Up to face the sunshine. Glorious growing! ROOTS nice and strong and getting deeper every day! Have faith! <>< xoxox |
Georgia (me)Georgia... On My Mind. Archives
March 2017
*All images and content Copyright ©2018 Georgia Peschel and All Rights Reserved |