was arrested for GIVING away seeds.
GOOD FOR HIM!! I wanted to do this a couple years back! I drew a cartoon about it - Free seeds with every comic but my friend Marco informed me it wouldn't be wise as 'I could be arrested' even though I was giving them away for FREE. I thought then it was ridiclous and still do! Already - tax payers dollars are NOW being wasted! AGAIN. Seriously - have we nothing better to focus on!?
The police will give a statement on this- big deal- what can they possibly say?
He was giving away free seeds. Many will never get planted. Seed for a PLANT that has never killed anyone - it is not poisonous - as a matter of fact the USA government has taken the patent out on it for its medicinal values- yet greedy politicians in the USA also still send people to jail over plants. A Plant never been linked to a death only helps many feel better - I KNOW.
How much money do you think it has already cost us?
Here is a good article McLeans wrote back in 2013! Phbbbbt. http://www.macleans.ca/news/canada/why-its-time-to-legalize-marijuana/
2016 and arrested for seeds!
What judge will see this in court?
I'm reading about people growing who are getting $5. fines and then tossed out of court.
If ONLY our money was going towards education, healthcare, hunger, jobs.. GEEZE!
Put the money towards 'potholes' would be better productive! No.. lets 'bust' someone for GIVING away seeds. What ever dufus made that decision.. seriously needs to be educated on cannabis and empathy towards others.
Me.. I'm painting, learning gouache, drawing a cartoon, and painting a birdhouse...
How about YOU?