I really enjoyed doing it. It is a gift for a friend.
Here we worry about medicine and growing and there now they are worry about the soil under their feet and growing food is more of a concern. I’ve read several times over the years that planting Cannabis can help clean and repair the soil. Why not at least try?!
Over politics? I think it’s a bit late for that. What ever it takes at this point is what the Japanese Government owes it’s people. Owes US the rest of the people that share this planet to plant this PLANT. Now.
Here is a link to an interesting related article:http://www.cannabisculture.com/content/2013/10/16/Can-Hemp-Marijuana-and-Mushrooms-Fix-Fukushima-Part-1-What-Happened
If all you can do is raise awareness than do that, or think about them, send them good vibes and love. No one likes to wonder if what we feed our children is killing them and the Japanese don’t have much of a choice right now. ;-(
I just made friends with a few people from Japan - one day I hope to visit. It’s so awesome having FB to see into their daily lives. I’m grateful for that on several levels. The differences... then you start to notice the same.
The same crimes worldwide, against people. People standing up for something that is wrong in their country.
Protests, punishment and in some cases ‘lack of’. India and rape.
I think we should know, and should say - wow, I am lucky that is not happening here. BUT THEN speak up and say “Really, in this day?!! - Should WE (as humans) allow that to be happening anywhere to each other? SPEAK UP!
Do you think you are here to live in the shadows without opinion? Then why have a brain. ^ ^^ This is me speaking to myself in my head. ^^^ LOL
I find me very hard to ignore.
Over a plant...