I plan on showing them with a tiny little valentine! hee hee
Just like I have shown all of you my love- by sharing here today!
A FREE printable download!
Cut, Color & Convey your love! Tell someone or leave it anonymously... let someone anyone know they are loved or at the very least - appreciated!
Simply, Print the cards. *I HIGHLY reccomend gluing the sheet of paper onto a card stock or thin piece of cardboard- the type from a cereal box works best! Recycle! Glue, leave overnight to dry- then COLOR! I love this part. Cut down the middle and in-between each card, write a tiny note on the back and deliver!
Either by hand or mail if you glued it to a cardboard stock- no problems!
You see I made a sample below- mailing it out-- who will get it?
You never know - one who gets my heart beating faster, last time I checked Christopher Waltz was still married. Brad is now single though BUT I am quite fond of this rockstar...
While I ponder away... You too, can now play!
Print and get creative * see my samples below!
Share a little Cannabis friendly valentine with your loved one(s).
Make at least one person smile today .
Click on the image below to start your free download! Have fun!
Be one of the first to color and send me an image and I'll send you out a postcard!
How to be a cartoonist? Slide show: