Below is a comment that came into my www shortly after I posted this blog.
It made me laugh out loud. Thank you Dr. G
I admire your poetry skills..
With Love G.
Have Faith
<>< xox Below is a comment that came into my www shortly after I posted this blog. It made me laugh out loud. Thank you Dr. G I admire your poetry skills.. With Love G.
1 Comment
For the 50 shades fan..
I did not read the book but I've read some of the lines from the book on PIN. Hee hee Well we have SNOW and more snow. It's been the kind the past few days that remains on the trees- every branch, it's stunning to wake up to such beauty - a blanket of snow - it makes me want to stay under the blankets some mornings. Poppy goes out to pee and runs back in- her extent of winter adventuring. Once again- on these mornings - I'm up - listen to 'Biggy'- started my day- lol, stretch and smoke a BIG FAT JOINT - my bones ache with this snow, my wrists today need a little extra TLC & THC before I start to paint.. Thanks to cannabis I can. Apparently in the city- they have no snow. frig. lol I'm painting two bears in an embrace of LOVE in the garden, it's one of my best loved to date. It's been a challenge this month of painting 'love' so far... I'm not in love. I don't feel 'loved'. Not like that. It is what is. Right? lol I'm not alone. You are not alone in being alone this valentine days. Remember that. Millions do not have someone to celebrate 'V day with. Love yourself. It really is just another day on the calendar. If You love someone you'll send them a card any day, tell them ANY day. As a cartoonist and artist -tuff luck butter cup- suck it up and do your job. The fact that my bears show such love- I have in my heart.. is enough. My bears tomorrow. Have faith <>< XOX SpongeBud!
Hee Hee! When I illuminated little minds, they wanted me to draw Sponge Bob over and over, lol Today was the most fun I’ve had with Sponge Bob yet! Yes, I am - as an animator- a fan of Sponge Bob. Never mind the remarks they make - it’s vibrant, colorful, stimulating, simple and fun! I get it. Children are compassionate & a SPONGE themselves - please educate them when they are young- about all pants! Primarily with Mushrooms! They will make better choices later in life if they have the knowledge. Side Note.. check out my Instagram.www.instagram.com/georgia.toons/ My FB account ‘Georgia Toons’ is soon closing. I also will keep this page up to date. :) with a little more. Thank You! I’m back to ‘Mars Attacks’, entertaining movie, the cast is phenomenal, -20 years this year, Wow. Tim Burton is beyond talented, a gift imo. The next ‘bud’ has me giggling… beauty & buds are everywhere if you keep looking. You can see a short clip on my IG account of my Alien - back to painting! Less social media- more time Painting. BTGG ;D xox <>< Mmmmmmmm Mmmmmmmmm Mushrooms!!
Last night was the fall mushroom dinner with my son @ Piatto Restaurant and the meal was as usual - delectable! From start to finish, every meal has mushrooms and each course better than the last! Also a nice detail with everyone having a 'big mushroom shaped potato' on their plate - I KNOW the amount of work this would have taken and it was a lovely, impressive touch. We sat with some lovely people, very interesting (I feel like bugs bunny when I just said that) sharing adventures, travel stories and more- there was never a silent moment - unless we were all eating and even then - the conversations never stopped. From cat towers to waterfalls... quite a few giggles were to be had. Ironically before arriving I asked Storm "do you mind if we sit alone tonight, I just want it to be about the meal- no idle chatter " lol - so glad when we arrived we were immediately told 'where we were sitting - at the head table. hee hee - Storm looked at me - we exchanged the here we go glance :) & had a terrific evening as usual! I can't thank my son enough... he does not have to take me, it does me proud to attend this meal - to see my son 'the Foray Director' (hee hee) is respected & liked and everyone has a smile an something nice to say! Not to mention his knowledge on mushrooms, he can hold a conversation with the best of them and does. The Mycological Society of Toronto is growing in leaps and bounds - I get it!!! The Forays are FUN - the wide range of people is incredible, every profession and level of education all mingling - coming together by mycelium - Don't fool yourself if you think the mushrooms are not bringing all these people together. Watch a documentary - here is a good one: World of Fungus Have a watch. You will learn something! The forays are also a way to LEARN which mushrooms are safe and which are NOT - *NEVER EAT A MUSHROOM YOU FIND IN THE WILD IF YOU DO NOT KNOW IF IT IS SAFE TO EAT. People dies STILL all the time, recently a little boy in B.C. died from eating a "death cap" while on a foray with his parents - especially little ones! Teach THEM NOW, I've seen death caps all over this foray season. Cannabis - O deaths. Hmmmmmmmmmm... just sayin'. One gentleman was sharing he is making a mini film with the song 'Oh' Canada' for our 150 this year!! Canada will be 150 years young and there are many events planned this year so COME VISIT!: Canada is 150 years old! I can't wait and will share when complete. Ending on a positive note - guess who was asked to draw a cartoon for the MST newsletters? I'm going to get right on that & today I'm finishing my painting. 39 Have Faith <>< xox If one is lucky, a solitary fantasy can totally transform one million realities. - Maya Angelou - Tis the season!
Office parties! Christmas open houses, parties, family gatherings and we get there by car most of us & we drink. Most of us. Fact. Office parties and alcohol* - BTW are the start to many affairs and destruction of many marriages. Every year people die at Christmas in traffic accidents related to alcohol - over indulgence. That is what it is. I really do not believe people get drunk and then try to kill someone in their car on the way home. Those who do and escape alive, live with it for the rest of their lives. Please think, If you are serving alcohol make a sign that says: I LOVE you. Please remember that when you are drinking & driving home from your celebration. Please moderate your drinking. I'd rather that sign, than a hospital or morgue visit. Kevin assisted me again with this little poem ;) I have a couple more as well on the desk. Today, it's all about painting that elephant. Merry Christmas! Happy NEW year... Have fun! Cannabis IMO is much safer than alcohol. I'd feel much safer driving with someone who has smoked than drank. Norm and Storm are both very responsible drivers. Norm won't even attend functions- he does not want to go and drink, he does not do it any other time - so.. I use to say GO!! But now, I get it. Storm, will also have a glass of wine or two but then stops. Even if we are at dinner in the city he usually only has a glass of wine or a beer. Thank God. I know too many lives ruined by alcohol. Have Faith! Believe!! xox <>< I took this a while back lol I love my son! DON'T text either!!!! ![]() The sun is in and out & the wind makes it feel a bit cool.. frankly, I'm fine inside. I received a bag of hand me downs - but not just hand me downs... 'SNUGGLE me down' monkey P.J.'s and a new DVD. Today, I also received a DVD that Jim had bought me. Instantly my eyes watered. Only Jim. Jim remembered when he was out and about, one of my all time favourite movies - and inspired me to be a cartoonist was/is The Incredible Mr. Limpet. He had picked me up a copy, my cousin sent it with a note. I wish, I wish .. I wish I was a fish.. then the song .. be careful what you wish for... I realized May will soon be over and it's been but a blur - literally. It worse, for others I know. All I can do is continue to show my love. Drawing. I am wrestling with many emotions, - when I remember to stop wrestling and be quiet and ask for help - I get it. It's the remembering and asking that is the hard part most days. The tears will come and go and I have no control. None. I was standing in the garden and they started to flow- not sobbing in anyway - just tears- escaping... I hope with each one a little pain escapes with them. I pray that for my cousin and her kids. Crying is good. I can tell you - I realize after a few really good cry - I really feel significantly better. Like a huge physical release & even my head feels better, lighter. So, let it flow. I certainly am not ashamed of tears that just appear. So, as it was meant to be for me today - thinking about Jim. I miss him. We all miss him. Now, I've decided - Monkey P.J.s - and BBQ, a bit of drawing and thanking God I had the pleasure of Jim in our lives. Really - I'm sure i've blogged about it before it is a great movie - especially for little ones-- let the imagination run wild! Drawing and creating Being the little Beings they should be! I'm not big on television now - I was reminded why today, there is nothing like the Incredible Mr. Limpet on it. Jim loved the movie 'The Incredibles ' - lol - We watched it last week and I know why - It's Jim!! Even the little car. lol. Of course 'googling' for the Incredible Mr Limpet - I am reminded of Jim as 'The Incredibles' appear first. Hey you! I was thinking of you! I can see the smile on his face when he hands it to me. I smile. <>< Have faith xox < for Jim. ![]() It has been almost a week already! Since 4/20 and the day @ Conspiracy Culture - I can’t tell you the number of times the week has come up in conversation, mostly between us three. So many “little’ things happened, that have had such a huge impact on us. It wa by far the ‘richest’ 4/20 we have as a family experienced to sate. Tt was also Easter and me personally, I was struggling with conflict, promote cannabis education on Easter ! He is Risen! ;) What would Jesus do? NO doubt, shake his head at all the insanity. Then, all you had to do was be there. I will not apologize - I am truly grateful for each soul that came that day but Jamie... when he walked in with that Big SMILE and Easter goodies... when he opened the cartoon, the excitement still rings in my ears with the laughter and pointing to everything in the drawing! I had to choke back tears! WOW! Then to top it off *Kisses from Poppy. It was all ‘realigned’. I had friends show up and draw, that I never imagined would. We laughed, Had cookies! Took breaks to medicate and I chatted. AS ALWAYS not enough time to just sit and chat with many. One gentleman said he drove to hear and meet me, I said - "oh we had a bit of a drive - we came from Keswick," then he said “I drove from Sault St.Marie.” My jaw dropped! I asked him if it was worth the drive and we started to laugh, he assured me it was. His son is having issues, such a dilemma for so many of use because WE CARE for those we love. When our child (at any age) is suffering we do also as parents, he son struggling with schizophrenia issues and prefers cannabis over other meds. but there seems to be so much involved - THERE IS!! So much involved for so many of us. Who is ANYONE - including Dr.s who spend only ‘fractions’ of our REAL lives with us? I don’t think I did help him, I only shared an opinion. I met a woman who had questions, but her English was not that great, to make a long story short - we talked for a while and at the end of our conversation I hugged her. It caught her off guard - and me - her reaction of tearing up. Only to tell me I was her first hug since she came to Canada. Nothing to do with Cannabis. HUGS. A very old friend - just the sight of her warmed my heart, our timing still not meant to be though... lol she was arriving as we were leaving, and we were all very tired by this point. I met new friends and was surrounded by old, I actually got to meet face to face a few FB friends! How awesome. and yes... I had a gentleman show up and give me some RSO and a vial of cannabis glycerine! Smiled... then he left. I hardly had time to thank him, I felt like a doofus. I will say I am VERY thankful. It’s been a difficult week, physically. How incredible is that? "I want to help you feel better." Simple. IF ONLY. I am already drawing for some new little children, next a little girl in Ontario. I felt so blessed as we drove home and following and still do... Storm is here. We are here. All we can do is keep going. As usual the day had a most excellent lesson The day was definitely all about quality & not quantity. One of the neatest thing for me to hear was my guys took a stroll with Poppy in her little pink dress on the boardwalk! The days was so beautiful! Storm said there were lot’s of smiles! LOL I bet. It was a day I will fondly remember for a long time. PLEASE ASK yourself one thing today: Is my lack of Cannabis education/support hurting anyone? Then look at the photos below. Jamie is already dealing with enough, as is his family. He just wants to be a kid. He just want to feel better. Not pot heads, not drug dealers. People who care about people. How blessed was this Easter Sunday for me and my family - all about giving, and it’s never felt better. xox <>< ![]() Tomorrow is the BIG day! Cannabis will be celebrated all over the world! What started as a time for a bunch of guys to meet to smoke some 'marijuana' at 4:20 everyday , has turned into a world wide celebration! On April 20th - 4/20.. People all around the world unite and light up! AWESOME! At first I thought it was 'neat' but then to see it grow and share! People get together to share, hang out, talk, laugh, educate and stand up for something they believe in! Medicinal and recreational, the crimes against Humanity regarding this plant are shameful. Every year it grows larger, parades, marches, sit -in's & MORE! Think about it... When else do they do this? Not enough times I'm afraid. We should have a world wide NO GMO day! Or Celebrate the children day and stop abuse! I was asked to post a cartoon early at 7:00 p.m. my time - because it is April 20 on the other side of the world already! ;D Yes, I will admit in my small mind, I did not think of that at first! How many realize the problems regarding cannabis are all around the world? Some people even die because of it. I do! I have been educated! I plan on doing what ever I can to help educate others! If it is as simple as drawing a cartoon that will get some attention, create a curiosity... Done! I have another new toon to post tomorrow a.m. ;-) Have a great time all who plan on doing something special for 4/20! Remember to do it 'peacefully' < something asscoiated with pot smokers, and I'm fine with that! Stand up for what you believe in! Why else are you here? xox <>< April Newsletter!
Delivered directly to your In box! E me if you want to be on the mailing list. Be the first to know what's new, coupons, events.. YOU must print newsletter or show me an image (on your phone) at the EXPO to receive Coupons. xox <>< An art show! I have a few friends who are all artists, as well as Theresa, an artist herself with her healing massage & welcoming presence, I just know the 2 days will be awesome!
I have known Linda, David and Ellen for years and we all enjoy each others company - what more of an excuse did we need to work together to bring our art together!? NONE! ;-) I hope you join us! I am looking forward to spending quality time with my friends surrounded by art, music and love. Each one of us has a gift to offer, a talent to share and we hope by having a relaxed art show people will enjoy themselves and leave feeling inspired. Make it down! We will have munchies, tea, coffee and ART! All forms of art! ** I personally will not have any Cannabis related art at this show, other than my comic book (I apologize) as you are aware the Treating Yourself EXPO is in May, and I must save cannabis influenced art for that show. Thank you. ![]() I use to have a dog that did this. Very embarrassing. Hmmm’ I must admit the very first time I saw the idea I thought it was good. It was a teen on the side of the road - I forget what it was even about - I saw it in the paper. Since, I have seen a few that I don’t really agree with and wonder like everything else, has it crossed the line? One man’s shame is another’s funny? I did see one that upset me, It was a little girl - perhaps 3, looking really sad - Pee’d the bed again. ;-( Wow. Compassion has left the building in that house. 3 Years old! Not everyone is a Beethoven. Come on, how is that gong to help the child? I felt sorry for the little girl. Poor parenting skills ? Sometimes we do things that we think are funny but others don’t - I can’t justify it in my mind. The image was not well received so I hope the person that shared it realized. I do giggle at most pet shaming. I know because I have my girls' and they know when they are bad, NOT because I beat them - because I don’t. Some dogs I worried might be frightened. But you cannot assume that. I have one the second I see her in the morning if she meets my glance - terrific! If not - I look for pooh, and usually I find it! Some of the images are very cute and amusing. I love dogs. Not fond of the public shaming of anyone or anything now; usually we feel ashamed enough when we disappoint a loved one. Pets included. I did NOT like the one where the dog was put in the bucket for vomiting. That can’t be helped if the dog was ill and the dog did not look comfortable in the bucket. Anyhow - Good thing I’m not into public shaming although I have thought about it! My kitty “ I like to lick the gecko when no one is looking.” Tequila “ I don’t share balls and I hide them so no one else can play” Scruffy “I eat cat food”... “I beat on Daisy” Daisy “I chase squirrels and dirty my moms floor several times a day” Norm “I ate all the cookies, again.” ^Time to go bake. xox <>< ![]() WOO! Baby it’s cold out! -21 I am not one for winter so I go from the door to the car- that’s it. Lucky for me I have a handsome Chauffeur waiting with the truck warm and seats heated! -My boys spoils me ;-) I went to visit a friend yesterday, it was wonderful and needed, I found myself laughing - sometimes out of frustration - but laughing all the same, and I had a nice break in my twitch - I’d say a good 20 minutes! She noticed it right way - you can see peace slip back over my face when the twitch tames ;-) You could not see with the botox. It is huge if you frown at someone - what - chances are they frown back. I need my smile. I know a few that cannot SMILE due to illness, disease or accident. I won’t take mine for granted ever again. Powerful tool. I left feeling my brain better organized and it needed it. I came home inspired to re-organize my office! It’s time. I want to spend more time drawing and less time function- comp, business, know what I mean? I’m one of those women men fear! Oh honeyyyyyyy..... can you give me a hand. LOL! Next thing you know the bedroom is completely re-arranged and hand you asked for turned into a 4 hour - wait- just one more thing... hee hee hee So I <3 Charles Schultz- reading his book - he was a nice human! AS a cartoonist - I am astonished and humbled when I think of the drawing he did for the number of years he did them!!! So I saw this cool photo of his office online and I’m going to re-arrange the furniture so the ‘feng-thing’- is the same ;-) - If that only means something in my mind- so be it. I just think if anyone knew how to make this function - he did. Although I doubt very much he used a computer at all- except for the last few years. Anyhow I’m also digging out the CHALK BOARD! Nothing sparks creativity like a chalk board every kids room should have one - mandatory! Just the thought puts a smile on my face! - I might have to wait a day - my helper is down with the flu ;-) Speaking of office - I was asked to take a photo at my desk for an article that someone wrote on me (very flattered) so I asked Storm. I am not great about photos, could care less if I am in them or not - I did take photos of just my desk - where the magic happens! LOL - O.k. Not magic - but it is where I am at my best. Mentally, emotionally and spiritually;-) I try to surround myself with good thoughts and images. Storm took one photo that I really liked! Enough to change my FB profile! -I have not changed it in over a year I believe - perhaps 2. But this one - is me ;-) Says it all. I love it. We were just talking and laughing and he was taking photos - I was working on a image for a friend in the UK. I love it ;-) So new profile and I think I’ll stick with it another 2 years :-) Have a creative day! Move furniture! Give yourself a new outlook! xox <>< ![]() Well it's here and although I woke up feeling stressed today with the surgery being so close I found myself focusing more on recovery. I've already starting the healing process! I am drawing myself AFTER surgery already! ;) LOL It has been 3 years. Steadily progressing the past year has been very frightening with the degree that it has escalated. I have stopped going out. Socializing in general, going to church, visiting friends and I hope that that will all be over very soon, not to mention I will start to feel better. I can't help but think of many who have a disability like this that does not go away, or many that suffer from far worse. ;( With this surgery there is hope! If God has decided to grace me with surgery that will tame this twitch I shall be creatively grateful! Pencils sharpened! I'm going to rest my mind, focus on where I want to go and how I want to get there. Peacefully. Creatively. So with only one more sleep - it is very clear what matters most to me: It is NOT Cannabis, not $$$, not drawing, no- not even my dogs... The love I feel for my husband and the best son in the entire universe (you can't go any further) who have supported me on this rough ride - and it has not always been cannabliss - I can tell you that! I look forward to being better and having good times with my guys! Fish to catch, stuff to design, Norm to build, Drawings to do! Crafts to craft! Dogs to play with! Adventures to be had! I have SEEDs to sow! This is my official last post for a bit ;-) I will play it by ear (or brain) lol and blog when better. xox ♥☮☝ Remember to plant the seed of Cannabis education!!! Love Georgia xox ![]() It's out! In stores now! My second Hallmark card! They are in Hallmark stores in Canada (my husband saw it at the Walmart sore-also carry Hallmark) in the shoebox collection area from now until February 2013. I must admit it is NEAT! It was fun with my first card and equally fun with this one! Now, who do I send it to!? Drawing this card was easy I just had a mental flash back of roller skating at the terrace in my red sequin tube top and LOVED my clackers- until they almost broke my fingers. There is no greater feeling being a cartoonist than to see your stuff in print. I feel blessed to be in so many quality magazines -some of the BEST available! Now Hallmark cards! I am excited and inspired to set a new goal. 3 cards! To think I almost did not enter the contest but then I said what I say to others - What have you go to lose? Nothing. Nothing if you don't try! I had a friend recently tell me he has had "his story rejected 3 times so - oh well..." I laughed in my head - I have a -2- I have 2 duotangs full of rejection letters!! I kept them because I knew one day I would be published and I can look back and see that they were just pieces of paper. Even the rejection letters got better as time went on, with comments and encouragement from publishers. I will never give up again when there is something I want to accomplish. I might not accomplish it but I know I will have tried and given it my best. That is ALL we can do. Our best. Over and over and over again - until we get it right. xox <>< ![]() It's that time fellow Canadians! Say goodbye to our little friends. Always sad to see them go! Every spring they are the first sign (for me) that Summer will soon be here! Like summer, now I am reminded even before the leaves change colors, I hear the "honking" above- Fall is on it's way! Fall is one of my favorite times! I am looking forward to fishing on the lake with Storm and looking at all the colors (will take some photos). Sweaters, stews, furry socks, mulled cider and cinnamon here we come! Of course even with it being cancelled -Norm is in the garage making a Halloween prop for the front lawn to let all know we will see them NEXT year! So Bring it on! Pull out your woollies and get ready for the most beautiful time of the year! Winter will soon be here - not to thrilled by that - thank God fall brings us in with such a final BURST of color - it makes the white blanket that we will soon see easier to embrace. Is there anything cooler than how the geese fly. They really area a wonderful example of how nature works together to accomplish and incredible task! TEAM WORK! Best movie on Geese : Fly Away Home - GREAT FAMILY movie! xox <>< ![]() Old bottle of Cannabis EXTRACT medicine. Once Cannabis is introduced to you as a medicine and you can't believe that you can experience the extent of relief from a plant you can't help but step back and think - WOW! These past five years has been transforming. Especially in the kitchen!! I now use Sage for a mouth wash- I'm prone to cankers- well I USE to be! Now when I feel one starting - rinse with a sage tea and it's gone before it gets worse. Honey and cinnamon are a daily spoonful taken in the a.m. to assist with arthritis, I have rosemary, basil and more on my window and plan to keep them there all year long! Looking back I can't help but feel cheated - WE had it right a long time ago, we ate healthier not processed, we medicated FIRST with plants. We are always hearing about someone that is getting flesh eating disorder, some sort of stomach ailment, pain from pills- been there done that. I for one feel better -(twitch aside) than I have in years! I have a new book - medicine in the garden and I plan on using it FIRST before I put toxic chemicals into my system . I KNOW pills sometimes help but I no longer believe it should be my first choice but rather - my last resort. So, in the past when I might have said to a friend in need- "Not feeling well ? Want one of my pain pills?" WE all do it! We do not like to see those we love suffer. Instead now I will inform them on Cannabis - and try to help them seek other alternatives. I will never offer a friend a pain 'pill' again realizing now, I might just be offering them a future of addiction and other problems. From pill popper to plant pusher!!!! Which would you rather be? TOP 10 Plants & Medicine Top 10Cannabis (Cannabis sativa) Used medicinally for thousands of years, today it is used in the treatment of sleeping disorders, autoimmune diseases and glaucoma. Coca (Erythroxylon coca) Cocaine was widely used as a local anaesthetic in the 19th century and coca leaf tea is taken for altitude sickness in South America. Daffodil (Narcissus spp.) Galantamine hydrobromide, a compound derived from daffodil bulbs, is being used to treat Alzheimer’s disease. Deadly nightshade (Atropa belladonna) All parts of this plant, especially the berries, contain the extremely toxic chemical atropine. Atropine is used to relax the muscles of the eye and to stop muscular spasms. English yew (Taxus baccata) The leaves of this yew are used in the synthesis of compounds called taxols, which are used in the treatment of breast cancer. Fever tree (Cinchona succiruba) A native of Latin America, the bark of the fever tree produces quinine, which is used to treat malaria. Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea) Digitalis has been used since the 16th century to treat heart disease and its derivatives are still used in modern medicine. Opium poppy (Papaver somniferum) Opium derivatives such as morphine are still used as powerful painkillers in hospitals. Rubbertree (Hevea brasiliensis) From rubber gloves to waterproof sheeting and prophylactics, latex plays an important role in health care and medicine. Willow (Salix spp.) The bark of the white willow contains acetyl salicylic acid, commonly known as aspirin. It has been used for pain relief for 2,000 years. xox <>< Someone questioned my recent decision to "clean out my friendship closet..." was it a wise move? Looking back over a year later. YES. Do I miss them ? YES! And I still think of them often. I do not think of why we stopped being friends rather I try to think only of the good memories that we had before. Time changes everything. Experience can change everything. As in relationships like marriage - friends can grow and go in different directions. What I no longer want is a friend has become very clear over time. I will no longer sit around and gossip about people - judge them for what they have or don't have - I also don't want to sit around and DRINK anymore to be social. Those days for me are done. Sometimes your friends are at a different place. So you either move on or stay and not be true to yourself or your friend. I decided to move on.
All you can do is try to do what is best for yourself. Do what it takes to make yourself a better person sometimes when you grow you've got to go it alone. I don't 'hate' anyone that I was once friends with - EVERYONE teaches us something and to be friends in the first place we must have had a lot of fun at one point! BUT when its time to move on - it's time to move on - as with a job, a career, relationship, friendship. So yes, I still miss and think of them often, No- I do not regret moving on. It's all a part of life. I do only try to surround myself now with those that lift me higher - in the heart and mind. That is where it matters most. xox <>< ![]() It always amazes me to read about Cannabis and Dr.s. You see Dr.s over the years have supported Cannabis and Cannabis research. Years ago it was prescribed by Dr.s for everything from Colic to cramps. When the U.S government 'took it off shelves' to say - Dr.s did not agree and were often public about it. I just read once again The American Medical Association and the The American College of Physicians and the American Public Health Association and the American Nurses Association are strong supporters for Medical Cannabis and want research encouraged. They know people who suffer and cannabis helps, I read about it all the time, Dr.s who get Cannabis for their family members. Some just to make the end of life more enjoyable & pain free (controlled). So time and time again - I wonder - then why not stand up for what is right? Why are we letting those who are motivated by money and lies continue to stop the human race from doing what we believe is best for our own lives. It is NOT about getting high - trust me - I know many medical patients and they wish they could get 'high' most just are able to function. So since this war on Drugs is the failure that it is, the lies about cannabis hard to further contain... speak up. Remind your Dr.s about the facts. Share the opinions of their peers on Cannabis research and medical value. Perhaps they just don't know. Either way it's time. Time to let those who truly want to help us - do just that. Leave the police to deal with CRIMINALS and the politicians to - what ever it is they 'claim' to do. *Note- I am a Canadian. I am reading an American book about Cannabis (and enjoying) My cartoons can "sadly" easily have different words replaced the Canadian Medical Association - (but we already do recognize Cannabis and it's medicinal value) or replace the DEA with the Mounties and our own FAT CAT - S.H. The facts are - we are all fighting this insane battle. ALL OVER the world. How many are we? Educate your Dr.s, Educate your kids, parents, friends and family. Plant the seed ;-) xox <>< I am spending some time - organizing, sorting and have found so many cartoons - not yet inked! Yippie - it's like a holiday for me - I don't have to THINK of new material just ink, color and I'm done. It always amuses me when the guys see a toon they have not seen before- Storm just saw this one for the first time and loved it. Poor Scruffy. I also found some really nice 'not cartoons' - but more art.
How often do we get caught up - and forget to have fun. I do! When I start to feel overwhelmed I draw other stuff, life, dogs and Laughing Buddha. Variety. Then I feel better and stronger about drawing with a purpose. I also found many drawings that I will part with - Gifts. Which is exciting - I will have some draws and contests or just send some out. Occasionally I get e mail from fellow cartoonists - newly starting and I think it is wonderful if I can share and encourage. We should share our talent. Oh exciting news! I was contacted from someone is Germany and they will be making one of my toons into a banner for the big parade in August! > Big Hanf Parade in Berlin on the 11th of August < HOW cool is that!! My work getting the message across in Germany. I AM proud of that. If you'rethere send me photos! ;-) *IF anyone wants an image to use for a banner or print to hand out educate they can contact me and I will send them a better quality image to use for such events. ;-) Back to work! All new stuff coming up the next few weeks. * Note - thank you to my good pal Marie (a.k.a IBelieve ) on FB who posts my work for me when I try to do other stuff... gives me time to draw, heal & rest ;-) yet still share! I get by with a little help from my friends ;-) Have fun - take a break from the cause and just HAVE fun. <>< xox |
Georgia (me)Georgia... On My Mind. Archives
March 2017
*All images and content Copyright ©2018 Georgia Peschel and GeorgiaToons.com All Rights Reserved |