It's all we can do Dori!
Just keep swimming. Who better to enjoy some seeweed than Dori - right?
These scans so not do my work justice, the colors are so vibrant... Dori almost swims off the page. She has - she is already on her way to a new home!!
I have a friend, once she saw Dori she had to have her! There are a few Dori fans as I had inquires as to when she was going to be complete. I do not normally sell my art but I had an idea & IT was a fantastic one! I asked if she would be interested in bartering.
I desperately need a new easel- mine wobbles, can’t be adjusted, I’ve had it since high school and it frustrates more than anything- we'll I have a new easel being delivered this week! Eeeeeeeeee!!! I can’t wait.
I’m cleaning my painting room today! Canvas are getting ready.
I could have just asked for payment but this way - I have a gift of an easel from my art & a friend! How cool is that? To create more art with MORE TLC & THC.
Hurry up Mr. Postman!
Just keep swimming… Speaking of scans.. today I’m off for a MRI with contrast.
To see if things have stayed the same or have grown OR have gotten smaller or disappeared! Right?? Positive thinking!! I’m on the best medicine after all. My friend Steve tells me “I have much work to do..” lol,
I’m not happy, I don’t want to go, my neurologist argued with me.. I don’t see the point, if it’s nothing that can be touched anyhow. Or nothing they can DO and I am still living with what I am. I’m going, I promised I would. This time anyhow.
More on this when I get my results, I’m making cards for a very select FEW. Stay tuned.
I’m also going to see my friend Jodie before my scan so that is always interesting. We’ll most likely talk about everything but (lol) it’s going to be busy today.
Right now.. just keep swimming, just keep swimming.. it’s all we can do.
Swimming into the painting room! Oh, I tell you, when it arrives, I’m locking myself in my room for at least a week! Imagine what will emerge.
Give Thanks! It’s all good, I was waiting for a miracle.. funny - I expected one at Christmas, but got the call for this MRI 2 days later- so perhaps this is it!
Positive, Positive, Positive.
Have faith!!
xox <><
I do believe in the power of prayer, so if you’re reading this, and would not mind - send me up a few! Thanks!