Last week, frankly - I've had a difficult week physically. Not much of a break. Life goes on - so get up and go paint. Either way it is happening so let it happen and do what you love! Pallet painting s PERFECT! Here you GO!! A 'step by step' for anyone that wants to make one for mothers day or for the garden! I can tell you - I was out taking a photo and it made me smile! It just went "POP" Just what the garden so badly needs! - I know it will only look better when the lilies are in bloom - unless it finds a new home at the Art in the Garden Show. Below - step by step with tips and what was happening as I was going along! Enjoy! **IF you make one send me a photo! I'll send you a post card! Have Faith! Create!!! <>< xox Pallet painting is pure pleasure! They are big, not perfect, wood, pliable and recyclable! For what ever reason -I lose all inhibitions when pallet painting! Let lose & have fun! Someone was only going to burn or toss it. * These are nice pallets, I have a few friends and these come direct from a factory for me! They have a smooth wooden surface. Note - I do offer pallet art of all my pallets to the provider. ;) Its all part of the process. Together we have created art! That might just last a little longer on a wall rather than a landfill!! They are still.. some thought, some work and lots of paint. This pallet in particular - (not doing that intentionally- hee hee hee) was inspired from a simple Octopus I saw painted on a pallet on PIN, an another few days ago - for what ever reason it stuck and I wanted to have fun - I am right NOW- in between drying (when I PIN) painting another on paper! 'Swim at your own risk'. Taking me much longer than the Pallet did. Loving every MOMENT. The idea is that they will be for sale at the Art in the garden show on the 9th - but... lol I have no problems if they don't go. Very affordable for original art - that is the idea- have fun! Display art! Art is not about a gallery - Art is everywhere - Look at the Gallery God provides! I see it in every snail. ;) Speaking of Snail, I received some wonderful snail mail from Japan, hand written of beautiful paper. It puts e mail to shame. My friend Yasunori Abe and I have made an agreement to not e mail or FB but snail mail. I met him at the first EXPO, he speaks no english and I no Japanese and today we are friends - Good friends. See what love & the universe does, when you let it. His letters are pure joy to sit and read. I also have a friend David who rights such entertaining letter - They are now ready by at least 5 people. lol I see his letters and a smile instantly crosses my face. So on my desk today 2 new snail riders! A Bee and a Butterfly! It is death day! I think I'll celebrate - how else - turn off the computer - Go paint! Draw- Go outside and look at nature. Gods gallery. There is no better inspiration. BTW.. I have snail action!! I set up a tiny tank on my desk, what better way to study my favourite specimen... today I see I have Snail action! Movement! lol Finally - I was not sure If I found empties. They will move out to the pond at a later date unless I bond. ;) More on snails soon.. NOW time to draw!! xox Have faith <>< Happy Earth Day! Snail riding hare.
I'm not completely Hoppy with my Hare, his eyes should be more to the side but the cartoonist in me brought them around. I will re draw, my initial hare was much wilder looking. In between these drawings I've been getting several other projects completed- I find if I work on one piece too long - other then my snails - which are for this reason - I can get into a funk - or repetition so I move onto other projects. These are a great way to warm up my brush strokes and imagination. Next A Snail and a Musky! Or my favourite - Raven Storm inspired the Snail and the cute owl - we took this 'online test' - to find ones SPIRIT ANIMAL, he got cute owl, my cousin rabbit, mom- hedgehog, my friend a cute monkey thing... everyone I know, got a cute little furry creature - what did I get? A Narwal. I must admit I did not know what a Narwal was. I am now super excited to draw a Sea Unicorn! Hee hee hee.. Have Faith xox <>< The Women of Weed. I am one of them.
Women warrior? I prefer to call myself a Cannabis Crusader. lol Thank You Skunk! Johnny e mailed me awhile back asking for a photo, Norm picked up the magazine just the other day and he is beyond thrilled - lol - He can now tell all his wife is a 'Skunk Centrefold' and technically - he is right. lol What terrific issue and to say I am not proud to be surrounded by such soul sisters! I am! The smile that crossed my face when I saw I was beside Alice B Toklas - lol! Break out the brownies! Awesome! Look up and to the left is my sweet Ariel! I love this family. *Her dad is Todd Stimson - who recently went to jail - blog soon it's been very emotional even thinking about Todd. How wonderful to see her beautiful smiling face right there. I have the poster up on the chalk board but there are women on the other side too! I feel like 'romper room' when I stand and look at it.. - I see Michelle! I see Tracy, Mary, I see Gayle, Jade, Deanna, Laura, Mykayla! WOW ! lol I'm smiling. Above my photo Granny Stormcrow! I see Corrie... lol Gosh, it is wonderful and hopeful to see so many women of ALL ages come together for what we believe in! Passionate about a plant and about people who are being punished for it! Move out of the way and sharpen my pencils! I am actually drawing cartoon for Todd. I am angry - still. I must try to draw with love and passion so it opens some eyes, it is all I can do. I feel bad sometimes - I see these women attending all sorts of functions I wish I was there, God has other plans. It is what it is and I am exactly WHERE I am meant to be. At my desk ;) Drawing snails and thinking about cannabis - lol clearly this newest one has a leaf in it't mouth, and it's not a tulip. I see Sandra, Dori, Kalli, Kim, Amy and Mieko - Storm laughed that I gave 'Georgia Toons' - but really - that is who I am. Thank You Watermelon! lol What has hit time most is the amount of women (I recognize the names) who have shared, commented, sent me e mail over the years and thanked me for my cartoons! Asked to use them for their FB pages, fliers etc. THANK YOU! Do I ever feel blessed right now and yes LOVED. By my Souls Sisters Planting the seed of Cannabis Education! AMEN! Women will and are making this happen. Not with war but with LOVE... watch closly. Have Faith <>< xox ***Any woman on this list can e me for a thank you post card BTW. it will be sent with TLC & THC inspired. Stuck in snail mode.. lol - I am to learn something here? Is this to represent my life and I should embrace my new snails in stillness? Perhaps I just like drawing them.
The more I learn about them, the beauty, color the intricate detail, many of us just crunch on over. I am attracted to them, I did set up my little snail tank and found some by the pond but I believe now, I found 'emptied shells'... I'm patient, I can wait... That's it! Patience!!! I am not patient lately and my friends know it... I have this sense of urgency! Do it today! Tomorrow might never come! I send random e mail - feeling - they need to know! I send random e mail telling people stuff at all hours. Sometimes business advice - usually not asked for, art inspirations, places they should visit, sofas they can sleep on - I'll help arrange it! LOL... I bug them - What are you doing? What are you painting? Are you keeping creative? Do you miss me? - I miss you ... I invite myself to their homes and I've yet to receive a 'NO'. So, Passport page 'one' has been filled out. I have come to the conclusion only again last night - some of my most talented friends - need to hear it! Think about it, do you put yourself out there every day? Share with the world and hope you have inspired, made someone smile? Do you tell people who inspire you, you love them? Don't you? Why not? Why is it easier to think I hate that... I hate you. Perhaps even saying it to someone. Yet, tell someone you love them, it's hard BUT they too have a hard time hearing it. I know, people must wonder - what is she after. Frankly, nothing. I do not NEED anything - except - peace of mind. God helps me with that. I've decided to start to change that if only 'in my mind'.. today I will whisper in my mind 'I love you' to every other living being that crosses my path. I will say it 'out loud' to a few as well. I don't care if they have a hard time hearing it. I mean it. Storm suggested I call my snail series "Riders on the Snail..." instantly the tune was in my head a smile across my face! Is that not the best song for a snail ride?? LOL! Poppy is on her 10lb snail, riding all over the backyard! I see it now. Storm sang a few lines that has just had me cracking up again! A new song will be on the way to accompany my little snail adventures. Today - I'm drawing an owl on a snail for someone I love. They won't know it - until they get it in the mail. Like it or not. lol TELL someone - Tell everyone! If only in your mind when passing them in the street! It's got to make for a better day! Have faith <>< xox I am not appreciated around here.
Every-time I look at this I giggle, both Storm and Norm look at me and wonder why. Because. It was the perfect quote for me & my little friend. It is mixed media and one of the times I really wish you could see the original. The shell is covered with a gold clear finish. The paper was HEMP - LOVE drawing on hemp with water color crayons, it blended really nicely. Thank you to Quintessential Tips for my great paper! My friend Candice from QT has me considering Prague in Nov., a cannabis expo and some amazing art! Hmmmmmm... I was on my way to bed and looked at the beginning of this sketch and sat down to play, I stop to check out PIN when drawing, I need a little 'dry time' in between stages - enough where my hand won't make a mess dragging across the paper. More inspiration, more dreaming. ;) I think I should stay off, I could just get into trouble I think. I have a tendency to do... never of course with the intentions of doing so purposely - I get carried away in such creativity! I DO! It was so peaceful, I plan on making night time drawing a routine. It is easy (er) IMO to draw get lost without all the interruptions of the day - between the dogs barking at squirrels to street traffic. I am too, blessed with the fact that I don't have to live by a clock. Why not!? I have kermit the frog head phones for my music! I am all set. I am trying very hard to live with what is happening, drawing can be a challenge - with constant interruptions from my own head every few moments. I do what I have to do and draw what I want to draw. We learn...we adapt we continue and hopefully throw in as much fun as possible. Look at that content frog... he makes me smile. He is O.k. with-in. I will make a new trail. Tonight - a new creation! Oh - lol - I was thinking I was going to post on FB - 'Free cartoon to the first person who gets me a new snail!' *Thinking - it would be one of my local pals - like Cathy, Sue, Marie - Liam lol - on their adventures - would surely pick up a snail and bring it! BUT then I thought - OMGosh! What if people read it on FB & I start to get Snail Mail!!! LOL! How cool would that be! Hahaha I crack me up. NOT if I was sent a few of those 101b snails! Poppy would NOT be imprressed! There is a drawing!! I can't wait! First to finish some doggy doodles for a friend. I am child of God created to create. I hope you like it. Did it make you smile!? Then my task is complete. No - oh well, I tried and will try again. I will succeed- I have great power in me. xox Have Faith. <>< It's 10:30 and Im getting ready to burn the midnight oil. Drawing.
My imagination runnning away with me... and I love every second. I just finished another snail drawing and and thinking of dogs and some other drawings now ready to be worked on the weekend. I feel better than I have in a while, I was feeling better the past two weeks I asked Storm if he prayed when away. "Yes", he did. I have no doubts. He told me they visited several different spots and he felt 'emotional'. I was thrilled - I know about he churches in Germany and they are something to behold! Such beauty in every nook and cranny - history, art. LOVE, anger- evil.. wow. I am so elated he went and experienced all these things - even if it means he will be traveling more. Life is to explore. Talk about a bond, here I was searching St. Francis- St. for animals and other things... and Storm bought be a Rosary at Lourdes , that he took a while to pick, I looked at it and it was St. Francis! Wooden beads ;) I told him about my research and showed him a drawing! How awesome. The experiences he had on this vacation were truly priceless. He picked his mom the perfect purse - lol - he knows this artist well. It has a big rose on it, color all over it! It's embroidered - 'Say something nice!' I'm drawing more TV less. I can't do it - it appears my honey and I are at an impass and I GET it. BUT I'm beyond Bond and even- Indiana - I'd rather draw. It means we spend less time together but he can watch his show uninterrupted and I can draw not feeling guilty, for not spending time with Norm. I'm done with guilt. Done with wasting away. I drew that drawing last year, I remember it well. I was feeling too weak to go outside and was checking out Cosmos. Not this year! We're making plans - in the garden and to visit some friends! It rained and I think it's about to warm up, a friend commented today - she has indeed seen worms on the path! The snails are next! The habitat ready. Waiting for a tenant. Poppy and I will go on a search on the weekend it the weather permits. We will keep you posted. GO DRAW! Don't know what ? Sign up to PIN (google it) PIN - then search these words> easy drawing lesson ? < enter words like Dog, cat,rat. Good Luck! Have fun! KEEP CREATIVE It's Easter Monday and Storm is home!
A few weeks ago he mentioned friends asked if he wanted to go to Spain, what did I think? What did I think? GO! Yes, Go!! Go forso many reasons, Go. Not to mention the friends were all experienced travellers - so, I was grateful for the experience. What mom wouldn't be? Then he went ! LOL! Not just somewhere we could go get him if he needed assistance - from what I don't know - he fishes and camps in places I've never dared. Spain - not so easy. I was slightly stresses, I missed him terribly as did his dad... I only told family and close friends and glad of that! I can't tell you how many said as soon as they heard about the plane crash in France - they thought of us, he did have to take several 'unexpected flights' as it was. I pray for the famalies left behind to try to understand and deal with that nightmare. He is already home! I tell you I cried tears of joy the moment he appeared through that frosted glass! ;) He also had the perfect opportunity to prank his mom and he did. At 5: something.m. I sleepily (not yet made it down to mako a cup of coffee) check my e mail. Anxious to see if my son has sent me any photos of his journey! I see an email from Storm! I'm thrilled! I read the subject line: Arrested in France. My heart stopped. I looked at it, read it at least 3 times and the first thought was oh my God, I don't have my passport up to date! I opened the e mail expecting the all the gory details - OR what IF that his only 'few short words' from his new Spanish jail cell??!!! April fools... OMGOSH!! Are you kidding me - I looked up at the date on the corner my screen and smiled and got angry and laughed and cried and laughed .. OH he got me! It was the perfect chance and he took it. I have giggled about it since the next day. He is worried about 2016. He should be. He is home and I am hugged and he has made us laugh already several times with his adventures he has shared. How awesome he went over and saw so many friends that we have made over the years! He was treated very well and felt very loved. He really loved the food! His photos are wonderful! The memories he will have are priceless. I was also worried about medicine and so was Storm, so this too was the perfect trip to put some fears to rest. He said he certainly has no issues in Spain, where it is treated differently and no one appears to have 'problems with it'. I am not suprized. More lies. I know too many now who have all told me the same. We are just thrilled he is home safe and had a wonderful vacation. I still have a special cartoon Ive been working on, distracted today by my son and the sun. ;) and this pair, the snail and the frog, I've fallen for this snail... I have a snail and a crow, butterfly, more toads. He makes me smile my big loveable toothy snail... he is 'sticking' around. Hee hee hee Now, I'm on to Chickadees and cherry blossoms. Persistence in all things. Including turning dreams into reality. xox <>< I love Easter! This one was all the more special - Storm took some really stunning photos! I will share (If he let's me) lol He is Risen! Celebrate! Well, Storm got me!!!
April fool! I only had seconds to react, not remembering the day and he had my heart pounding to say the least! My son and his sense of humour. I will have to get him back for this one. Son or no son. ;) LOL O.k. now that my heart is pounding normal.. I will start this April Painting! Tomorrow will be 15 degrees above freezing - Norm promises me! LOL - When will he learn? Something Blooms! Paint something blooming! Want to see a sneak peek of what goes on the lawn this weekend? Just a bit of Easter fun. I told Norm, done - just in time for Easter to be over - Yes, but ready for next year! Next year 'The Bunny will be painting the egg" as I am ;) 'promised'. Have Faith xox <>< |
Georgia (me)Georgia... On My Mind. Archives
March 2017
*All images and content Copyright ©2018 Georgia Peschel and All Rights Reserved |