If you ask any loving parent, would you let your child become a human Guinea pig?
"GASP" !? NO!!! Would be the response. With each purchase you are making a decision and you are 'being the CHANGE'. If you buy it, you support it - simple. What are you teaching your children every time you buy them something? Do you read labels for GMO products? Paying attention to the amount of sugar they get daily? We are not even close to understanding the full extent of GMO's and what the long term effect will be on our health and our children's. Why take any chances? We need to seriously think 'long term health' when it comes to our children, they deserve it. So do we. So we can all live long and happy lives free from a third xox <>< ![]() It's back to nature. For us anyhow. More fresh veges, reading labels and focusing on what goes in before it comes out, in one way or another. If it can be stored in a box for 6 months we don't want it. Originally, I saw a post with a photo of a horse, it instantly made me smile. this is my version. Is there anyone who claims not to know the benefits of choosing a salad over a cheese burger? Choice. What we put into out bodies. Food and medicine. The choice should always be OUR own. xox <>< If you think I’m over stretching it on this one think again.
Do you use ANY of the mind altering substances? Every one of them is a Mind altering substance. FACT Research Sugar, introduced as a drug. Until someone decided it was candy... $. Cannabis is a plant, use in the past fro everything from Cholic to a tooth ache, and until someone decided it was a Dangerous DRUG it was a HERB. Never mind any of that.., ALL of the substances on the left have been attributed to death. Sugar - again - a major factor in obesity, diabetes and more. Alcohol.. abuse, physical hard to a body, impairment, poisoning, responsible for date rape, murder and “ I was drunk...” and more. SO PLEASE, stop telling me, I am wrong. Me and the other few hundred thousand (who admit to it) and counting that believe Cannabis is a better CHOICE. A Healthier choice. ONE for using Cannabis as my medicine and also for all those that wish to use recreationally. Compare the choices and statistics. THEN lets continue the conversation. While your at it you can read about Cannabis helps repair the brain. If you have never tried Cannabis, your opinion is invalid when you judge someone else while you hold that cup of coffee & donut and your evening with a cocktail or two... xox <>< ![]() I read all the time. Every now and then I come across an article and think - wow I did not know that! That is what happened when I read about kids drinking low fat milk - the healthier choice. IT is NOT a healthier choice.. I read that they remove the fat - using it for other products ($$$) and all that's left really is sugars in the milk - making it harder for your body and actually making it fatter. I am trying to find that exact article but It was a few weeks back - no matter just GOOGLE. http://butterbeliever.com/fat-free-dairy-skim-milk-secrets/ <Just one of many! I am not - nor have I ever been a fan of milk unless I have a warm brownie fresh baked and want a glas to wash it down. I am also not a fan of Ice cream. I want the good stuff if i DO and that means CREAM. Why do we let them play with out stuff? Our food our nutrition and our life? I am even less a fan of milk after I did research on hormones. Please pay attention, I really would never wish my twitch on anyone. Dr.s DO not know what caused it or still do not know what is causing it. WHO knows? I am learning to try to live with it. BUT why take any chances?? This is our children. Please look at some of the links below to read more on LOW fat garbage. If it's low fat don't buy - learn to make healthier choices. xox <>< ![]() I watched a great Ted Talk the other day! It was about a gardener. A man who is making a difference, feeding the poor as well as making the world more beautiful. L.A. Green Ground - completely volunteer and free. Need I say more? AWESOME. You can watch it here: http://www.ted.com/talks/ron_finley_a_guerilla_gardener_in_south_central_la.html Hopefully you too shall be inspired! xox <>< ![]() Norm and I went out last night to pick up a few things. Walmart opened not long ago - too close for comfort. You can see it from my house, it is the quickest and easiest for Norm. Not being well, I have had to rely on him to go shopping and this has led to endless frustration and numerous untold arguments. I Am NOT a fan of their produce to begin with! I swear, buy something and almost over night it starts to shrivel in my fridge! Never buy anything in a bag, usually one or more is rotten.. it’s endless, last night I need garlic. Garlic a little root plant right? That grows in the ground grown in Canada. Do you think I could find any? Only garlic from China - not even another option or choice - there it is!! That is what divides Norm and I he will say “Screw it, I’m not driving all over for garlic...” and get it. I will say “Screw it I’m not buying it!” That is what we have to do. Why can't I get some F&^%$ garlic from Canada - or anything else for that matter!? We can invent all sorts of stuff, send men to the moon but can't grow a decent tomato year round without pumping it full of S*&^? Why are our options stuff that has come from foreign soil, foreign pests, foreign rules/laws/regulations for growing... across miles in crates and trucks for days, picked too early to ripen on the way!? YUK! YUK! YUK! I hate this time of the year for vegetable shopping and being on a limited budget (aren’t we all) you lean towards deals instead of health! Less off, in the cart yesterday was MEAT. More spices, greens, fruit and WHOLE grain bread. No food in a box. No Junk isle. I am on the road to recovery and I am taking him with me like it or not. Don’t get me wrong - I get it! I get he’s tired, worked and then has to go get groceries and does not want to drive all over for garlic! When does it end and when will it start to change if we don’t act every chance we get? Please the next time you go to the grocery store - make a point to buy Canadian. As a matter of fact I was so pissed that I put stuff back and that is all we bought. Going to feasting on mushrooms and sweet potatoes for a while! LOL - Choices limited. Thank God, Canadian have been able to produce their own HOMEGROWN Herbal medicines. That could all change in the future. Just as it has been with Cannabis it may become illegal to grow other herbs and foods, then our limited choices even fewer and our chance to say no to GMO - out will go! While in Canada - for as long as it remains I prefer to support fellow Canadians and keep my greens as FRESH and HEALTHY as possible - the best way to do that: GROW your OWN! Wait till you see my garden this summer ! xox <>< ![]() I am curious to see reaction to this cartoon. It is one of those that I think people will go 'huh'? Oh well. I was in bed and the 'middle panel'- the lady bug formation, popped into my mind! I could see it clear as day! I was tired but got up, turned on a light found a pencil, (you think I'd be wise to this by now and be prepared) envelope and wrote on it ladybugs. The image too strong to ignore. HELLO!? Could it not have been worms!? LOL do you see how many lady bugs it took to write that! I asked Storm - "quick without counting how many lady bugs!?" Storm - 24? 108 ladybugs! But I can understand - if I said how many lady bugs chances are no one could guess 108! It is the first time I ever started a cartoon with the middle and as I drew the rest came to me. So we shall see. I said what I always say to my guys "I like it." Seeds are it. With out them we have nothing. No food, no hope for the future of a healthy planet. No control over world hunger ;-( . SEEDS. NEED SEED! xox <>< ![]() Trees- leave them alone and they pop up everywhere! It is witnessing nature that calms me right down. When I read about plants - GMO's, patent, wiped out- lumber, bugs etc... (sadly it can be a long list) I go out and see seeds that have sprouted fallen on an old tree stump, left alone - ta-da another tree! I look at all the beautiful nature around me and think Cannabis will never be wiped out as long as there are seeds to sow. Trust me THERE are seeds to sow. As long as tress grow and HUMANITY leaves them alone they will continue to grow. My backyard when we moved into our home was a big patch of SOD. Each tree we (my husband, Storm in his wagon, and our pets) dug out of a field that we knew would soon be a stretch of new homes. Most tress were no more than 2 feet high. I am PROUD to say we have trees all over our yard, front and back. They provide us with shade, privacy, food for the birds and entertainment now as they have become a leafy highway for our furry squirrely friends! It brings a sense of peace to see all the trees and even weeds that pop up everywhere! They won't be stopped! A bit of soil, rain and sunshine and they will grow to reach for the heavens! There is HOPE.!! Not just for Cannabis but for all trees & all seeds! Seeds should remain Free to all! No one should be able to patent nature. God made it for all to use, enjoy and help ourselves, mentally and physically. Where would we be without them - I don't dare to imagine - it is NOT a place I want t Go out today and pick some seeds! Put them away for next spring to sow everywhere you go! There is always rooms for one more TREE! I realized I am not a cannabis activist - I am a plant activist. There is a bigger picture. xox <>< ![]() While researching for toons I come across some stuff and think - Is this for real?? Am I being trolled? Is someone pulling my leg? NOPE. GMO's - I am learning about them every day and unless you are - you don't always come across the stories that I think should be posted on the main door of every grocery store far and wide. I knew about GMO salmon - and HOW bad that would be should they get into the wild. It could wipe out all wild salmon completely - as it is with SOY in Canada. Do you know there is almost no natural soy any longer in Canada? BUT GMO milk ? DOES MADCOW ring a bell with anyone? Should breast milk not come from breasts!? Really DO we need this??? What about baby cows do they need human breast milk? HOW can any sane person say this is a good idea? How about we wait 20 years (NOT 3) and see what happens before this even is considered seriously for shelves in a store near you? HUMAN genes in cows? Does that make us .. Cannibals? CanniBULLs? If we drink it? I for one have never been a fan of milk, I love almond milk. After reading this article I think I'll stick with it and I will BE carefully reading all packaging coming form China- they may be all into GMO but I am NOT. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/earth/agriculture/geneticmodification/8423536/Genetically-modified-cows-produce-human-milk.html You are what you eat! xox <>< |
Georgia (me)Georgia... On My Mind. Archives
March 2017
*All images and content Copyright ©2018 Georgia Peschel and GeorgiaToons.com All Rights Reserved |