![]() Happy Easter!
I hope Easter brings you hope of Spring , new life and good things to come! May all your eggs be fresh. xox <>< !
![]() Today is Good Friday. A day to celebrate and awesome, righteous man. A day sadly where we are asked to remember a terrible, traumatic, nasty death. Good Friday. Good for us. He have been forgiven. I saw a post today of all days - something about religions fighting wars about ‘fictional characters’. It was a smart ass comment, the last thing I believe God wants - is his children killing each other. So that comment got me thinking... Who is a fictional character, well in my mind when someone tells me we have a Prime Minister of Canada - My mind thinks (USE to), someone that cares for his country , the land and the people. A passionate man, Strong and true, to keep us Glorious and Free!! - Yes that is my fine Canadian mind at work. So then we have . S.T. who is nothing like that. To me he has become a fictional character. Just Like George Bush probably has become to many - not the Man they hoped would rise above, Stand beside her, and guide her. Through the night with a light from above. From the mountains, to the prairies,To the oceans, white with foam. NO, not G.W. Jr. So you tell me, who is a fictional character? The men that lie to us? That is fiction. They are NOT who they appear to be. Jesus was a man, the perfect man. IMO. Who was murdered for no reason. For doing, saying and being what he was. He was not hurtful, jealous, greedy, selfish. It is a lesson of LOVE like no other. So if you want to say it is fiction, that is fine. In my mind He is and always will be, the best example/role model of a human being I am aware of. Fictional or real. It is a sad day. Very unfair. Like life can feel. I do not focus on the sad, I focus on the LOVE and HOPE that Easter brings. One Love. xox <>< ![]() We are talking and planning garden! We are thinking, healing herbs and healthy vegetables! I have been searching PIN - ton's of fantastic gardening ideas. Tips and tricks! How to attract butterflies! I plan on spending as much time as possible in my garden this year I have even researched plants for by the pool. Grow! Live and eat off your own land if you can. It is not easy - nothing in life is. It is HEALTHIER!!! I am so excited! My project for this Easter weekend! Tomorrow is Good Friday and I am taking the day off to think, reflect on life! New life and hope in a seed... Tomato and Mustard. :-) xox <>< If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough. ![]() I believe that we must give thanks. Every day, all the time. I wake up and I say thank you. Really, I did not use to. When I woke up and never had a problem with my health, it never occurred to me to say: Thank you. Now with each new day I am given - I say, thank you. Yesterday was a very bad day. I have to learn to listen to my own body and do what it says like rest, relax and sleep... when it tells me to stop - I have to learn to stop, take a break. My pain had me in tears and in bed on and off though out the day. My twitch never stopped, I caved and curled up under a blanket for most part of the day. Both my guys aware, left me pretty much alone. I was not in a very good mood by the end of the day... not miserable - simply exhausted. I did draw the above cartoon. I force myself to draw everyday. I am thankful to be able to sit and draw. I will use it to thank people. The little worms are: Hear no, See no and Speak no... something else I try to practice daily. If you are here and still breathing, heart beating - that is reason alone to GIVE THANKS! Say it now! Out loud! I am thankful to be here! I saw Brave Mykayla mom's has a new tattoo... "With every heart beat there is hope." ♥ Exactly. GIVE THANKS!!! ![]() Just another pawn in the war on drugs... animals. Many people forget abut animals, but they are just as involved with war on Cannabis as anyone else. This cartoon was inspired by an article that caught my attention (of course- dogs): http://www.cfnews13.com/content/news/cfnews13/news/article.html/content/news/articles/cfn/2013/3/23/drug_dogs_trained_to.html Having to re-train drug sniffing dogs. Oh well. Train them. I’m not worried about the dogs, they will be easier to re-train than the humans. They are intelligent, beautiful beasts, clearly. Then there are the family pets. Several times in the news you hear of homes that are raided and the pets end up being shot. I do not understand this. Are there not special bullets - TRANQUILIZERS? It is a difficult argument, I understand in difficult situations police have to take caution, but I believe, when entering a home on suspicion, without a warrant- well then they have done their homework, supposably.. they must have been watching the home. So BE prepared to deal with the animal. Is it complicated? O.k. I have read about he occasional guard gator - STILL do NOT shoot the beast. The human put them there. The lack of disregard for an animals safety is just another level of abuse. Many homes treat and love their animals as their children. I have dogs, I get it that they are dogs, BUT when something happens to one of them it effects our entire family, especially a loss. It can feel heart breaking. Cannabis is a medicine for children and yes, it is a medicine for animals as well! OF COURSE! DUH! I was reading something just today, cleaning out the laundry room and found a powder - for fleas for cats - huge letter - KEEP away from CHILDREN. Why the heck would anyone use something that says that on a pet? Common sense tells me, if its not o.k. for my kid - Chances are it’s not o.k. for my much smaller pet. I don’t want to take any chances. Cannabis does not kill. I know many of our dogs that have enjoyed it a time or two. Tequila now - is so old I can hardly get her out of her basket, when I remember I blow a little Vapor her way and she’s up and about ready for a good belly rub and growl! So yes, CONSIDER animals as well, when you VOTE on the war on drugs- end the this madness for our family and friends 2 legs and 4! Just one more reason... ;-) xox <>< >^..^< ![]() Here I am ! In all my twitching glory. I have a friend who e mails me, subject line: Morning Glory! It makes me smile. I have a condition that has worsened over the past 3 years. As you might be aware I had surgery in Nov. to try to correct and figure out why. Surgery was not a complete success. It did help with some pain and I am grateful for that! But... 'it' still is here and it has it’s moments. When I have attacks (as you can see) It messes with my head literally. It is electric signals and we do not know why, usually something putting pressure on the brain. Lets just say it’s not been fun. I want so desperately to move on. Right now I focus on just trying to get better, it seems to me this recovery has taken a very long time - or should I just admit that this might be how I shall be. That, is still not so easy. It takes time and I am getting there. I am tired. Tired of being sick and determined to just start to move on. Self conscious - YOU BET! I’m human. I’m a woman. At one time I was considered quite a hottie, who did not leave the house if my hair was a mess - so LOL - I am humbled. I embrace wrinkles! I will never have cosmetic surgery, but the physical twitch and the reaction I get from others some times (must remember only human too) is ... disheartening. So, for selfish reasons I have done this blog... See me now. Love me or leave me. Its just a twitch. I am NOT crazy ;-) Although we are all crazy. WE have to be to be a part of this planet. I know, I look ‘crazy’ sometimes though. Yes, I also still have pain when happening. I am going to try to be ready for one of my “doozies” as I so lovingly call them, be all set up, bong ready to go - so you can see, when I am at my worse - I have a Puff from my bong and in a few moments sometimes seconds it can stop my twitch! That is AWESOME! If only for a few seconds. My face hurts from twitching all day, the entire head, I believe mostly from exhaustion, constantly moving facial muscles are not fun. Thank God for Breaks. Some days I medicate every couple of hour other days I medicate several times an hour! I do NOT take any other medication for this condition and will NOT - especially when it cannot be diagnosed. I BELIEVE Cannabis is my best, and safest option right now and I Thank GOD for it. For Me and my son (always). What is Cannabis doing for me: Gives me physical (almost instant) breaks from my most painful attacks. Helps me keep a positive attitude. Keeps me going & creating and not focusing on the negative, I have negative, trust mel Keeps me able to eat (serious issues with appetite also when all this started). HELPS me sleep and not lay there and think and worry. Keeps me physically active! Easing my stress over my son and his illness - easing his pain and life. NO WONDER I DRAW this awesome PLANT and care so much about it. Actually, when I did my first blog it would NOT load - I tried for HOURS! Gave up - not meant to be. I speak from the heart each time and always will. After loading Scruffy’s vid this a.m., I tried again. There are 2 first blogs. LOL This was my first I want to share it because I really mean what I am saying, and want to say thank you. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-B7pqBotOug&feature=youtu.be The second I figure was more professional, I also could not load it up at the time, they are both a couple of weeks old and I am happy to say that I am feeling even better! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jnh6c3KH8a0 I hope & pray that with time I will continue to feel better and heal. But for now ...this is me. Love me or leave me, I don't care - but PLEASE help me continue to educate people about Cannabis - Especially as a medicine for children!!! Whew, now thats out of the way embrace the crazy! I like to think that people just think I’m winking at them all the time. Gets them wondering. xox <>< Thank you for your continued good vibes, well wishes and prayers. Always appreciated. ❤❤❤ An art show! I have a few friends who are all artists, as well as Theresa, an artist herself with her healing massage & welcoming presence, I just know the 2 days will be awesome!
I have known Linda, David and Ellen for years and we all enjoy each others company - what more of an excuse did we need to work together to bring our art together!? NONE! ;-) I hope you join us! I am looking forward to spending quality time with my friends surrounded by art, music and love. Each one of us has a gift to offer, a talent to share and we hope by having a relaxed art show people will enjoy themselves and leave feeling inspired. Make it down! We will have munchies, tea, coffee and ART! All forms of art! ** I personally will not have any Cannabis related art at this show, other than my comic book (I apologize) as you are aware the Treating Yourself EXPO is in May, and I must save cannabis influenced art for that show. Thank you. ![]() I am currently reading : High Society By Mike Jay http://www.amazon.com/High-Society-Central-Mind-Altering-History/dp/1594773939 And immensely enjoying it. I love to read always have - not always an easy task lately with my twitch being what it is it can make reading difficult even distracting - so whatever I read has to be interesting to keep me riding out twitches between paragraphs. This book is so interesting. Educating. The more I know the more confused I am. Since the beginning of time people want to get high, or achieve some sort of mental stimulation that heightens experiences or makes us feel at peace. Every time prohibition of some sort steps in - people move on, usually to a stronger substance and a new drug problem arises. What amazes me is Cannabis has always been one of the safest, oldest and most widely used substance on the planet and the fact that it is still illegal, IMO is just another distraction. Much like television. Focus on the plant that people want, grow and use most commonly: Government + control + prohibition(lies) = jail = $$$$$$$ To read the US government has taken out all kinds of patents on Cannabis - something they have claimed for years has no medicinal value, they have made millions suffer for it. LIES. Google Patent of Cannabis or just the number (for just one of the many patents now taken out BY the American Government on Cannabis. ONE NOW for the treatment of CANCER!! Using Cannabis : http://www.google.com/patents/US20130059018 I am angry as a Canadian, we have and continue to suffer because of their lies also, as does the rest of the world. No wonder people are upset. BUT WHY?? I keep asking myself, WHY is it still happening?? Because WE LET IT! We are letting lives be ruined and people suffer over a plant. IT is not the Plant. It is the PEOPLE. People who have problems with addiction. People who do not understand the concept of ‘moderation’. People who are hurt, lonely abused and use drugs as an escape. (Much like the Rats at rat park! Mentioned in the book) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rat_Park People who want power and money and use lies to get it. People. People. People. WE are the problem NEVER the plants. Clearly PROHIBITION DOES not work. Educate the PEOPLE. ONE LOVE. We need to help each other and stand up for what we believe in. We are not criminals. Just people. As expected all thought out the book, what has been the biggest problem all thought out history and still is today? ALCOHOL. < But that $$ money maker isn’t going anywhere is it. There are far more serious drugs available and widely used and there are even more on the horizon - it’s what PEOPLE do. Stop the lies, prohibition and educate children on choices and consequences, SHARE your knowledge. If they don’t believe you - tell them to prove you wrong! To date - no one has. The first prohibition... God saying “Don’t eat off the tree of knowledge.” How well did that work? xox <>< ![]() I woke up today determined to do something postive. Then I thought while painting my eggs... I wonder if I can inspire creativity!? I hope so, so here goes: Paint an EGG! No cheating! YOU must paint your own egg. I don't care if you are an artist or not, just get creative! Paint a pattern or scene, face - have fun! I was going to specify Nature - but thought NO, why limit the imagination? Paint on your egg what ever you want. Decorate and egg with paint, pencil, markers, crayons, I will ask that a photo is taken of the winner with their egg! For entering the contest you will have a chance to win one of my painted eggs, cannabis friendly or not, I will have several! I enjoyed sitting and having fun with such an interesting and challenging canvas! Such a lesson in patience. Although, I am sure there are tricks to holding the eggs while painting, I have not quite figured out yet. Perhaps on a stick. Hmmmmmmmm... Send me the photo as soon as you are finished e mail it to me here: [email protected] or you can message it to me on FB GeorgiaToons. What ever is easiest. I figure a week is long enough. Contest Closes: Good Friday. March 29th at 12:00 midnight Winner chosen Monday (Easter Monday) April 1st. at 3:00p.m. Your prize will include. A comic book, signed A complete set of CC postcards. An original hand painted EGG! (One of a kind) A hand drawn Easter card ;-) Mailed or delivered at the EXPO. ;-) Contest has no age limit as neither does the imagination!!! Have fun! My eggs below. I actually painted several the same! LOL - and one for Storm but I can't show it, he will have to hunt that sucker down ;-) Like my photo shoot? No chicks were harmed during the photo shoot. The eggs on the other hand I shall consider a tribute to the lives lost. xox <>< ;-) ![]() I met William on Fb a long time ago... I don't know who became who's (WHOM?) friend, but I can tell you I have grown fond of him. I knew him before Ryuu ;-) He makes me laugh. I'm not always sure why. I find him honest and upfront. He has had me slightly 'ticked' to put it nicely, a few times! Once about breast feeding. He gets me thinking. I like his wife and I have never even seen her, usually only what banter William decides to share. I think he is one of my favorite dads. It has been interesting for me watching and seeing the posts of a stay at home dad.... anyhow I am thankful for meeting them and look forward to watching the family grow ;-) . Ask and you shall receive, and he did. G It Has Been A Year and My Baby Is Not Even Broken. By William F. Steele On April 17th Ryuu Dio Steele will be turning over his first leaf. My child will be one years old. It will be a joyful day filled with all kinds of grilled meats and cakes. Let us also not forget it will be a day of swollen egos. You see I suffered through many “talks” being told too many times on how I am one of those who will never really understand what it is like to truly raise an offspring just because, you know, I have male parts. Because of all those little talks I am overly ecstatic to be here with my testosterone filled battle cry “the babe lives! Ye woman folk can move along now RawR!” As my baby boy’s birthday nears I find myself looking back at all the little “talks” I had gotten from parents-in-the-know. Some ranged from what brands of diapers to get while others explained how colors of cups will dictate my child’s sexual preference. Some I listened to most I ignored and in the end other than a few scrapes I have made it through the first year with an intact child. You may applaud now as I take a bow. Thank you! Thank you! Before I get feedback of “well you had it easy your wife worked and did chores” I would like to bring up during my first year as the main caregiver I was going through some drama of my own. Short version of a long story: A few months before my son’s birth my mother dies in front of me. Being a huge momma’s boy I really miss my mother. It’s funny. I can’t touch bacon anymore because I can still taste it from when I was doing CPR on her on a morning a few days before my birthday. Now no dwelling let us move on to a month before my son’s birth my house was invaded by 20 or so combat ready individuals because a friend decided to make a snitch’s paycheck. He knew being the cannabis activist that I am I would most likely have a few cannabis plants here and there plus he knew just what to say to get me to hand one over. Thirty two years old never been arrested the first time a cannabis plant leaves my home a friend gives me up for some drug money. Isn’t that just funny let me tell you once I realized who had snitched me out my cell mates all looked at me a little worried as I laughed so hard I could not breath. Oh ya before I forget about how I also was stuck playing nice to my father’s other family as she moves into my mother’s house and drives my mother’s car. No comment move along nothing more to see here. Now throw in general bad luck stuff like how I threw my back out getting out of bed when my wife’s water broke and that pretty much sums up the disadvantage parts going on during the first year or so. I do not bring up these woeful times to glum your day I bring it up to show off my brilliance as a stay at home parent. During this time when it would have been understandable to just shut down I put on a smile, did a little laugh, and pulled up my big boy pants so I could play the role that was set before me. And these are a few random things I’ve learned. Over these past months. Changing Diapers Suck! And I still have not decided yet what is worse: breathing through my nose or through my mouth. Tough call do I just want to smell it or smell it and taste it in theory if I breathe through my mouth. Even if you try to go all rodeo and get it done at record speed it still sucks. As soon as the rugrat was able to sit up on his own bathroom training began. It has been a long slow road but the outcome will be its weight in gold. This bit of advice I will have to give credit to mother’s worldwide. “When the baby sleeps you sleep!” That is such a golden rule it would be wise to burn it in to your memory if you’re a first time parent. It does not matter what color, cloths, or if I love hello kitty my child has an even chance of becoming straight, gay, or cross gender. It irks me to no ends when a parent-in-the-know tries to push the idealism that he must conform. I have no time for this foolishness because in the end it is not the neon pink and purple sippy cup that could make him gay. Pretty sure it would be the interest in other males he develops on his own time through his own experiences that does it. The day will come when he finds some one he wants to share his love with and it will be a happy day that’s all I know. The idea where the option of shaming him to change to the “norm” causing confusion and self loathing that can very well drive him out of our lives or worst lead to one day where we find him hanging in his own closet is just unheard of in this house hold. The king of the castle has spoken so be it ordered. Anyone can learn a lot by listening to the advice from another. But there was this one statement that I would hear every now and then that would just drive me right up the wall. “He is too young for that.” Well of course he is too young to understand physicist Brian Cox talking about whatever he seems to be excited about that day. I don’t expect him to. Nor do I feel my baby has to be able to grasp all of the sign language we practice throughout the week. The goal is to lay down the tracks for when he is at the point where he should be able to understand it. It’s a pity that so many parents will limit their child just because they are too young. 4 months into Ryuu’s life he was responding to me with simple nods and crude signs of yes or no. Once we had this crude way of communicating I knew right then age limit is just a limit of the mind. I still believe in this theory as I practice math on chalk boards with Ryuu sitting on my shoulders. On a side note when Ryuu learned that if he signed “up” he will get thrown into the air great for him but for me I ended up doing reps of thirty lifts a day as he grew heavier. But as time went on we started to branch out into other feats of daring acrobatics like now of days he is practicing how to stand on my shoulders as I walk around. We have so much fun that all started with the American Sign Language sign for “up”. Yes I have a child, yes I am worried about going to prison, no I will not stop being an open cannabis activist. As of a few weeks ago we have decided to up my game and try my hand with politics at a local level. The idea of leaving these unjust cannabis prohibition laws where they are scares me more than prison. The idea that my child might have to go through an arrest like I had experienced sends chills down my spine that fuels an anger inside of me. No one has ever died from an overdose of cannabis and it’s a plant with thousands of uses. With hard work I’ll be able to show my child that if the people stand up against unjust practices they can be stopped. This will be one of the most important lessons I teach my child I believe. Now if you happen to live in Alabama don’t forget to vote for William F. Steele in 2018. Your support would be greatly appreciated. https://www.facebook.com/WilliamFSteele To leave you hungry for more I will brush up on the topic of food. Most understand it as one must eat to live but around here it is live to eat. My fear from all of the “talks” was I would be doomed to serving nothing but chicken nuggets and hotdogs. As a hobby chef and a cookbook author I was terrified let me tell you. I am just that skilled or I must have lucked out. No lie I have a little food disposal unit. It does not matter, veggies, seafood, sweets, meats, he is willing to eat it as long as it is offered to him. The fact that he was willing to eat anything opened the doors for so many healthy dishes without much fuss but plenty of adorable messes. Seeing that rugrat gobbling up a simple chicken stir fry with a huge grin and smacking those lips is one of my favorite feelings. The simple joy of knowing I won’t ever need to offer Ryuu over processed foods just so he will eat is the greatest. One of my favorite cooking tips is to add hemp seeds to your meals. Those little seeds are packed full with so much healthy goodness its foolish not to add them. Rugrat Approved Chicken Stir Fry Can server 2 adults 1 child 1 pound of thinly sliced chicken breast or 2 deboned chicken thighs thinly sliced up ½ a cup of chopped onion 4 crushed and diced garlic cloves Pinch of red pepper 1 table spoon of hemp seeds ½ a cup of sliced mushrooms ½ a cup of sliced bell peppers ½ a cup of (veggie of choice) Splash of cooking oil Soy sauce to taste (I usually use about 1/3 cup of soy sauce) 1-2 teaspoon of honey (optional) 1teaspoon of corn starch dissolved in a little water (if you want a thick sauce) Let us start by pre heating the oil in a large wok or frying pan over a med high heat. To this we need to add the garlic giving it enough time to release its flavor without burning. The chicken will go in next along with the soy sauce, pepper and add the honey if you want a sweet twist. Allow it to cook for about 10 minutes stirring occasionally. Now it is time for the veggies and depending on how you enjoy your vegetables depends on when to add them. I generally add them all in at the same time just allowing them to heat up throughout. I love keeping the crispiness of vegetables when I am cooking for myself but to each their own. Once the vegetables are cooked to your liking you’re done unless you would like the sauce to be thicker. Lower the heat to a simmer then stir in the corn starch water mixture. The sauce will turn milky for a minute but will clear up as it mixes in so don’t panic. Allow it to simmer allowing the sauce time to thicken up to almost a syrup texture. Serve on top of rice and Enjoy! William sent me his cookbook! Probably not knowing I don't cook. BUT I figure IF I do cook - It will be from this book, and I will let you know how it went ;-) . William is also ambitious and hey WHY NOT! We have one shot at this life- I wanted to be a syndicated cartoonist, I have people who share my cartoons all over the world. ;-) And TEACH RYUU to reach fro the stars too! You can get his cook book at: http://www.amazon.ca/Cannabis-Cuisine-Whipping-Some-ebook/dp/B0053YQEMG ![]() Yesterday I logged on, had my coffee and saw to the side (sneaky Fb advertising working) Deva Premal would be in Toronto! OMGosh! http://www.devapremalmiten.com/ A couple of years ago Sr.Jane introduced me to a Deva Premal CD and the rest is history. Om mani padme hum has never been the same. But there is more to it. It is the one of the very few musicians I can listen to or rather - my brain will allow as background music. When I am drawing, at peace - chances are it is Deva in the background that helps me achieve my moments of cartooning bliss ;-) . Her music allows me to create and be enhanced and not distracted. What ever works for you - the thing is I LOVE her music and have an ipod player/speakers in most rooms so my guys are also Deva fans, like it or not! LOL So when I saw the post - I posted: Going ! BUT it was wishful thinking -I had not yet purchased tickets... I made a mental note to self - bucket list! It was a few moments later and Storm came up stairs (he lives in his own basement apt.) and said "MOM book the tickets! My treat!" I could not believe it! Really!!? He said yes, and we booked 2 right then and there! ROW G for GRAND-o-riffic! and Georgia. Then it registered to him, that he is going to see Deva Premal in Toronto. LOL! With me! I was so happy I was in tears! I am so excited, I cannot even remember a concert I have wanted to see lately and there it was;-) September is a while off but I have the poster printed in my office and every time I hear one of her songs - I will think I'M GOING!! I find her music healing. We don't 'Do' Christmas, holidays hype, buy a gift day... we do: I love you. I have such a wonderful son, I am reminded constantly by his actions and comments - not just regarding us, but others as well. I know my son loves me but that was just a really amazing level of awesome ;-) What a wonderful way to start my day yesterday. The rest proved pretty awesome too. I bakes fresh Irish Soda bread and it turned out PERFECT! Bet it would please any Leprechaun ! Then drew and painted... It was a beautiful day <>< XOX Now have a look at the Best Irish Soda Bread ever: ![]() We watched an interesting doc. the other night, I was watching it and the guys joined me at some point. It was called: Food Matters http://www.foodmatters.tv/ We watched it on netflix and it was awesome. We are juicing most mornings and they don't always taste so great - especially the kale BUT - They taste better than medicine, they taste better then sick! I will say I made kale chips and LOVED them - 250 in the oven for 30-35 min.s Rubbed in olive oil and a bit of lemon seasoning - YUM! Must get more Kale tomorrow. Watch the documentary. It is informative. Do you want to be healthy? I WISHED I had seen it an listened years ago! I will admit I have had an exhausting week leaving me thinking... is this as good as it gets? Is the slow to heal excuse just that ... I have decided to do what I love best draw and paint. xox <>< ![]() I watched a great Ted Talk the other day! It was about a gardener. A man who is making a difference, feeding the poor as well as making the world more beautiful. L.A. Green Ground - completely volunteer and free. Need I say more? AWESOME. You can watch it here: http://www.ted.com/talks/ron_finley_a_guerilla_gardener_in_south_central_la.html Hopefully you too shall be inspired! xox <>< ![]() About the Pope.... Last night we were discussing the Pope and Storm mentioned them smoking to vote, joking about them sitting in a room and saying 'blow it out the window!' The toon was born. I'm not sure I'd have been able to draw Pope John Paul in the same situation, I liked him. The Pope is just a man. Clearly one who is capable of making some serious mistakes. Of which I am so disgusted it has really had me thinking twice about attending church ever again; I go for the people, community and friends as well as I enjoy the message from time to time... I don't need to go to church to spend time with God. I also have issues with Jesus (I❤Jesus) and everything he stood for... about giving to the poor? Perhaps the pope does not have internet and is not aware of starving HUMANS all over the world as they eat off gold plates.... the riches organization in the world. Good luck finding a needle for that camel. I am not his judge and to be honest with you, drawing this cartoon today I felt sorry for him. A man of God... do not suffer the children. Well, his judgment day is coming and I bet he is doing some serious thinking. I lost respect of the 'church' with this POPE. BUT - It does not men I don't have hope in a POPE! A new Pope. Someone commented "oh, they are all the same, it's just an excuse - every priest is a peto- " I said "Stop right there stoner!" I said this to medical patient who hates to be thought of as a stoner. Point made. One bad apple don't spoil the whole bunch baby.. I have known a few good priests who I still miss to this day. Father Yves and Father Hull - I think of them often and consider my life blessed because they were both in it. Many men do good and many are NOT all about the bling. So, Let's hope when we see the smoke it will the to announce a new, caring, compassionate man - who truly wants to do Gods work and make this world a better place. Just a man. Who works for God... so do I, just in a different department. ;-) I sent this toon to a friend and his reply: "I wish they would smoke...it would probably make them more compassionate." I was thinking exactly the same thing when I drew it. I think I will write to the new POPE to get his opinion on Cannabis ;-) You can do that I hear... I wonder if I can e mail him. I think it will be interesting if he is Black! I do not care what color he is as long as he is a good man with a good heart. From what I understand they are all very intelligent, well... appear to be. This Pope resigning... may he rest in peace in hiding. xox <>< I hope I have not offended anyone, especially my women friends but this is a cartoon with a pope smoking cannabis. Not a real life situation where the pope did much worse. ![]() Jeff's mom drew this for him. Awesome ❤ Today's Guest Blog is from Jeff, a young man that friended me on FB. I talk to many people about Crones, from what I have learned, it is serious discomfort and often situations where life is 'interrupted' because of it. I was so thrilled when I got Jeff's e mail and more so the fact that he is 26 and gets it! He is looking after his health and his own body -and he helped educate his Dr.s. Speak up! It is your health, I think Jeff is lucky - he appears to have figured out early, how to do what is best for his body.. too many of us don't 'get that' until much later and too much damage done. I started using cannabis in grade 9. Then for the next few years I was your average 'rebellious' pothead teenager, or so I thought. Also around the beginning of high school I began having a lot of issues with my tummy. Okay, that is an understatement; SHIT was bad and getting worse! After telling my family doctor three times that I was often in pain and getting bouts of bloody diarrhea, he decided I should see a specialist. My first appointment with the specialist I was told I probably had crohn’s disease. After a bunch of tests no person should have to go though, it was confirmed I had a severe case of crohn’s. The next couple years I did a lot of research and tried many different medications to control my symptoms. Around the time I was diagnosed with crohn’s, marijuana for medical issues seemed to be in the news more, I saw AIDS and cancer patients getting relief from many of the same symptoms I was suffering from. After googling ‘marijuana & crohns’, I found Michelle Rainey (R.I.P). Her website really inspired me to view the cannabis I had been smoking for years as the medicine it truly is. I realized for many years I had been mainly smoking it before eating or when I felt 'crappy' and would conserve it better than most teens. After that realization I spoke to my family doctor on many occasions and three gastrointestinal specialists about the Health Canada medical marijuana access program (MMAR), they all had similar opinions that cannabis has no medical value for my condition. How could I be denied the only thing that brings some relief from terrible symptoms caused by this nasty disease? I did eventually find a specialist who at the time was only seeing patients in similar situations to sign their MMAR paperwork. Then after two years of 'monitored' use my family doctor finally agreed with me enough to start signing my yearly renewals. Even with my MMAR I still don’t have reasonable access to medicine. I am glad to have a doctor that will sign, but he still doesn’t understand that I need much more than 3 grams per day to be able to make strong enough extracts to effectively control my disease, and then the issue of MMAR not allowing those extracts. Until very recently I have not been able to grow myself because I rent and can’t find a grower wanting to grow for a small prescription. As of right now (03/03) I am waiting on my first production license(PPL), but I am stuck trying to decide if it’s worth setting up a grow now because Health Canada is taking away PPL’s on April 2014. Unfortunately, right now cannabis is the only thing keeping me able to work, yet a large portion my income is going to cannabis. The main symptoms I treat with cannabis are abdominal cramping, nausea, diarrhea and low appetite. There has been many times where cramping and diarrhea have been so extremely painful, and then just a couple of puffs will sooth my stomach to the point I am able to eat and continue living. In addition to the symptoms cannabis helps, I also find it very useful in minimizing some of the side effects of many prescription drugs I have been on. When I was on Remicade, I would get extremely stiff and sore joints and muscles after every injection for about 2-3 days, cannabis would help reduce the pain to get me though those days. At the end of last year I decided to stop taking Remicade because it was only giving me a couple weeks of partial relief every two months, and has way too many potential side effects that I am terrified of. Although I may not be in complete remission yet, my disease is fairly well controlled with cannabis alone. I am now taking a small dose of RSO every night, and use medibles during the day and vaporize or smoke for immediate relief as needed. Recently after meeting a few cannabis activists that were touring from the west coast, I felt driven to get more involved. Now I am helping to arrange more cannabis friendly events and protests around my hometown, Kitchener. My dream is to one day be more involved in medical cannabis by owning or working for a local compassion club or vapor cafe. I am constantly meeting many great people in the ‘cannabis community’ and I am genuinely proud to be involved in it. I hope one day everyone who needs cannabis has access to it. Jeff https://www.facebook.com/pot.forpain http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crohn's_disease -General info about Crohn’s disease http://www.michellerainey.com/ > Michelle Rainey’s website ![]() It's time! Spring forward! The first sign that spring is around the corner & I can't wait! I am anxious to say the least to get out into my backyard and then explore the rest of the world and be amazed at all that our garden grows! Just the thought of spring has my mood lifting. The sunshine today was also nice, the dogs were thrilled when I ventured out fo a bit of ball playing and bird watching. No Robins, yet.... <3 xox ![]() I smoked a cigarette. Once. Thank God I hated it and became very sick. Never touched it again. I find it incredibly frustrating to witness the addiction that people have with cigarettes. First thing in the morning and they NEED a SMOKE. I know people that wake and bake - start the day with Cannabis - but it is a desire not a NEED many say - why not - gets them going! Much like people have their morning coffee. It is 8:19, my coffee on my desk, Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... - I will wait a bit before I medicate, I usually like to get up and get something in me see how my arthritis & twitch are and take it from there. ;-) After my surgery for months the very first thing I did was vaporize. The pain gone, twitch tamed - It helped me REST, relax and forget about he fact that I just had surgery and could feel my brain rattling around. How is this still happening? Cigarettes KILL - LOOK it up! Prove me wrong!!! A slow painful death. Cigarettes are LEGAL and Cannabis is NOT? There is NOT one death attributed from Cannabis alone - THEY cannot prove it causes cancer - as a matter of fact they seem to find the same over and over - that the opposite is in fact true. Does Cannabis actually help counter act the damages of Tobacco?? YOU tell me! On my Cannabis education page there is a very education Doc. Link http://www.georgiatoons.com/cannabis-education.html - several... take the time, educate yourself and then tell me, why is the one that kills legal? I have one word that comes to mind... Genocide. And the 'group' is humanity [G]enocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: (a) Killing members of the group; (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group. ^ check this out : http://abcnews.go.com/Health/age-children-smoking-indonesia/story?id=14464140 "This is a country where, as soon as a visitor steps off the plane, he is bombarded with cigarette ads on billboards and logos; and where, as "2020" found out, there is more than one "smoking baby." Second-hand smoke is harmful for everyone, but it’s especially harmful for babies and children. Second-hand smoke can cause ear infections, breathing problems, SIDS, and serious diseases in kids. Kids deserve special protection against second-hand smoke. There are some 4000 known chemicals in tobacco smoke; at least 250 of them are known to be harmful and more than 50 are known to cause cancer in humans. Tobacco smoke in enclosed spaces is breathed in by everyone, exposing smokers and nonsmokers alike to its harmful effects. http://www.who.int/features/qa/60/en/index.html I cannot find any such stats. backed up by facts, on Cannabis smoke.. hmmmmmmmmmmm...... xox <>< ![]() Today is the day to celebrate women! When I started this drawing last night, I drew in a baby at the boob of one of the women and then thought NO, this is about women. ALL women not just mothers. When drawing it, completely absorbed (love it when that happens) I thought of many women in my life and women I have been inspired by. I know many women all shapes, sizes, colors and ages! I love them all... even the ones I don't like. Each one has taught me something. Some teach me HOW not to be - thankfully most teach me how I wish to be. Loving and compassionate. xox <>< ![]() Yesterday I turned 49! It started with me kicking Scruffy off my bed -man she is a little powerhouse of dead weight- and looking at the pile (soon to qualify as mountain) of laundry and then said "NOPE! NOT TODAY!" I shall not let the laundry bother me or anything else for that matter. I hopped in the shower and all I could say was thank you. Over and Over. It hit me. THANK YOU! I am alive! Thank you for this birthday I shall make it the best ever! In the past - I'd say I hope its going to be a great day. It took me to 49 to say I shall make this the best day ever! LOL AND it was! I started with a coffee topped with real whipped cream - Daisy was pleased with my choice. From there Storm and I went out for the day! We knew where we were going, Storm was treating me to a pair of jeans, I have worn the same jeans for over 3 years. I have 1 nice pair, about 3 in total- But one pair covered in paint, not really for an outing! We found them! Buy a pair of jeans and gain a bum back! wooohoooo - (I lost my bum when I lost weight a while ago) I love them, they have a little buddha on them, True Religion -but the fit - can't be beat. IMO. I am a jeans kinda woman at this stage - or long skirts in the summer - can't wait. So I'm saving them for the EXPO - LOL - NOT! I'm going to the Dr.s today and will wear my new fancy pants! Why not!? We had a wonderful day- lunch, I also found a pretty 'Peace top' - my son also treated me too - I was not permitted to spend a penny! It was awesome! LOL As always it was not the stuff but the company. I have usually spent the past few birtdays with friends, it was such a pleasure to spend the day with my handsome son. The best gift any mom would ask for. I was beaming. I do have to say, Face Book was is overwhelming, still is today 100's of messages - people messaged because I do not allow posts on my wall (people use to post all sorts of bull, much I did not agree with, back when..) and I WANT to read and respond to each one. To see birthday wishes from all over the world - Germany, Japan, Indonesia, ALL over the USA, I FELT special! Birthday vibes from all over - I felt loved. I feel loved and I do not know how I will ever be able to say thank you. BTW - the wishes from in and around town and the GTA are as equally appreciated. ;-) I was inspired once home to 'spring' up my office. ;-) I can't wait till 50! xox <>< ![]() I really enjoyed the following article, I hope they do not mind I share. What would Jesus do! He would not be letting his people suffer over a plant - that is for sure. Christians say “No” to cannabis? 01 March 2013, 14:01 Not all Christians are the same. This I understand and appreciate as it would be wrong to generalize based on religion. Christian scripture (aka The Bible) contains a lot of conflicting and sometimes scary information, much of which simply cannot be applied in today’s world. Yet I respect that one be allowed the freedom to practice their religion privately and not harm others in the application of their religion, even if there are aspects of it which I may not personally agree with. The crunch comes through when political parties perch upon their religion as if makes them morally superior to others and then feel that their personal beliefs entitle them to make unfounded, ignorant and otherwise deliberately misleading statements to the public. Statements that are severely at odds with their religion which they have based their political tenants on. Sure, you cannot be expected to kill your neighbor because he or she worked on a Sunday or be entitled to sell your daughter. But what about a defining aspect of your religion, an aspect on which your very religion is named? The sweet and short on the origination of the word “Christian” is that it means followers of the anointed one (aka The Messiah or Jesus). But as we all know, the devil is in the details. What do you think was a key ingredient of this holy anointment oil? I’ll give you three guesses. You probably only need one though. Did you guess that the magic ingredient was cannabis? Then you are correct. So here we have a religion which is based on cannabis being a part of the many pivotal aspects of their Messiah’s good deeds. Throw in the aforementioned origination of the word Christian and we see how relevant cannabis was to the foundations of Christianity. Do I think that this means Christians should therefore by default support and promote the use of cannabis? No I do not. Just because Jesus also made booze out of water, does not mean that I would expect them to support the consumption and promotion of the stuff. .. even though they do by teaching kids about the holy relevance of wine. A recent article of mine highlighted how absurd it was for the some groups to continue supporting the prohibition of cannabis, as it is becoming increasingly clear that cannabis prohibition does not work and creates more problems than it attempts to resolve. Unlike their views on the matter, I have long provided supporting objective studies regarding the need for an end to this failed and expensive social burden. But what help is it playing study poker with an organisation that prides itself on putting its personal beliefs before facts and ignores the very foundations of these personal beliefs on its mission to have its bible buttered on both sides. I only hope that this political party does not continue to reflect so negatively on its fellow Christians. Besides, judging by the longstanding religious violence that continues to plague our planet it would appear that smoking some grass is not as bad for your health as it is to be Christian, Muslim, Jewish, etc. Yet people are afforded the freedom to subscribe to a religion without being considered criminals, even if it costs them their lives. A fundamental mistake in thinking that the cannabis legalization movement is about promoting cannabis use when it is in fact a movement that is against the persecution of responsible adult cannabis users and intends on ending the damage done by a law that’s harm far exceeds its intentions. The discussion is being had one way or another, will others continue to make themselves completely irrelevant by spouting cherry picked and outdated news stories or will they face the facts and help in the discussion towards a legal, regulated and constructive South African cannabis industry? What would Jesus do? For more info on the cannabis culture or the fight to free the weed, please visit www.belowthelion.co.za Thank you! ^^^ Wow! I found it really interesting to check out that website just now, after the post I made earlier on FB- I'd say it's a sign ;-) Oh, and then I found that image of Jesus and yes, It made me giggle... still giggling. Ah, God is Good. It is REALLY a WORLD WIDE problem and it has to end. ONE LOVE. WORK TOGETHER! <>< xox |
Georgia (me)Georgia... On My Mind. Archives
March 2017
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