I painted a little 'custom coffee' sleeve the other day- I am so excited for her to see it - the though of her and her expression make me smile... sure enough because i gave with TLC (as I do with all I paint) a package arrived (Storm and I jumping in the kitchen!! -lol) - the same day - American thanksgiving and it is from an American friend - Stephen Boehme!! Glass artist supreme - and I started laughing! I follow Stephen on PIN - he follows me and helps me! I know- every now and then he 'pins an octopus, bee or even something I'm working on- he an I, have the same eye, and it is enjoyable and inspiring to share with a fellow artist.
I made Stephen a Daurma doll egg- when I noticed he was 'pinning them' and sent it last Easter, I also made many for friends - NOW- I have my very own Glass buddy -
EYES wide open- reminding me to achieve my goals and keep going! You know it!
And RED for Luck & Good fortune! ;) I make my own luck, from now on! We all do.
Bring it on! I'm going to keep him on my desk.. and have name for him already - hee hee
it a secret between me and my Daruma Doll
Inspired by love you can not fail.
I am grateful for my friends- I've never met Stephen- he's been warned he's in for a HUG supreme-when we do meet! lol - His wife is also aware! Haha! To live in this time and make friends over the internet- is incredible. I've blogged about Stephen before - if you are a collector of glass art - you will thank me. I do feel very "?' special? lol not in that way- a bit emotional, really that Stephen took the time to make this and sent it to me.
I feel honoured - as an artist and friend and it does the heart good.
Thank you.
I am going to do the same in 2017 - a year to give.
I've been painting every day- I have so many little pieces- I don't know what to do with.. Im giving some away! yes, to those who have been faithfully following Georgia Toons on FB for years. Why not.. so if I 'message you' asking for your address you might want to provide it.
GIVE your talent, your time... you friendship.
Love makes the world Go round.
Have Faith!
:) Check out my doll: