Recently someone commented "you're different since your surgery." It was directed in a negative sense.
It got me thinking of course, and yes, I am different since surgery.
A surgery that was not a success, I am still not well, struggling, get exhausted very easily and frankly - tired of things I could seem to tolerate 'before'. Before I lost faith in modern medicine, before I started to research, before I had time to ponder 'the little stuff'. Before I took the small things, like going for a walk for granted...
I am different since I let them open me up and go inside.
I feel different in every sense of the word.
How can something so extreme NOT change your life?
I know life is short, I am reminded of it several times a day.
I am reminded that the most important words are words like: I LOVE you!
WE ALL want & need to hear it! IF not from a stranger then ourselves! Reminded that someone LOVES us THIS MUCH! Even if that someone is no longer with us....
I am human, I get disappointed, I have bad days I may seem different but my love is still there for those I choose to share it with... THIS MUCH!!
I AM different but my love is even stronger for those that I care about.
Today tell someone
I know we forget and they forget... to say it, REMIND them and yourself!
xox <><