Celebrate woman's day? I couldn't.
WTF do we (women) have to celebrate when bullshit like this is permitted to happen!?? OVER AND OVER AGAIN.
We should've celebrated it by throwing Al Rawi in jail. He was literally caught with his pants down by police. A young woman passed out drunk in the back seat, he also had her underwear, she was raped. A Halifax a judge ruled he's not guilty... so I guess I shouldn't draw this- F*CK THAT!! Today, I read he's been investigated before under a different name & if I had to GUESS -I'd bet it's not the only victims. Drunk, ashamed - not wanting to report this low life scum. Raped-for getting drunk?
That appears to be the only 'Crime'. For having a few too many.
This could be your sister, mom, wife, daughter, grand daughter, all she wanted was a SAFE RIDE home. Which they PAID for, BIG TIME!!
Partying, bars, drinking- ALL NORMAL stuff MILLIONS do- thank GOD I did not get this parasite or someone like him to safely take me home in one of the many taxi rides I took.
AL RAWI or Bassam Adbullatif:The search warrant application in the May 2015 case notes that a crime analyst mentioned a file from 2012 related to a cab driver called Bassam Abdullatif. Abdullatif and Al-Rawi are the same person, according to the application.
In the 2012 case, the woman reported being intoxicated and driven to an apartment where she was sexually assaulted.
"I was approached by his cab when I was walking alone on a street in Halifax," the 32-year-old woman told CBC News in an interview. She is not being identified given the nature of her allegations.
"He offered to take me where I needed to go. I eventually got in his cab. He didn't start the meter."
Hailing a cab - drunk' is NOT an invite for SEX from a TAXI driver.
One bad apple don't spoil the whole bunch- I say it- in this case too bad, I want every young woman- any woman to try to end this now. SUSPECT every taxi driver- if that is what it takes to be safe.
Do you really think this problem only happens in Halifax? I highly doubt it.
What can we as women do? Tell me, I'll share!
How about as friends- take a photo of the taxi driver when your drunk friend gets in the cab and tell them, 'you know how long it takes for them' to get home and will be checking with their roommate - EVEN if this is not true- you have planted the seed.
Ladies- take a photo of him yourself before you get into the cab and SEND it to a friend.
Set this up before hand so perhaps get a system can get in place.
'No judgement 'call a cab' agreement. ;)
CAB/Taxi companies- investigate! WE are not paying you to be raped.
He took advantage of the condition the women were in. "Clearly".
I wonder if the judge was drunk- to the point he clearly where he pee'd his pants and was passed out - if someone say- robbed him - "Clearly, Drunks can consent..." right?
The judge stated & has opened pandoras box, if you ask me.
The case has been appealed. Go figure.
A petition to have the judge removed has been started. Go figure.
I put love into his drawing, as I do with all... for the women.
More love than you can imagine.
Have Faith