As amazing as the EXPO was I did have 2 encounters that did leave me feeling ... disappointed. Both times it was people I know and like complaining to me about something. The first a friend I had not seen is a LONG time and I was elated at just to see her! Only to go over and immediately be drawn into a negative conversation about seeds... ? My first thought - Yikes, welcome to the expo. I walked away and let it go. Later again I did not get my usual hello or even smile so, trying not to ‘assume’ I contacted once again via e mail when home* (In the past I felt nothing but joy when I see that person - so yes, I was confused and a bit hurt - silly me) That, then turned into bashing someone completely different even after I asked them not to. WTF?
The last day, I had someone come and complain about the painted boobies and how they should be ashamed, it’s Marco’s fault, blah blah blah... Oh my goodness GIVE me a BREAK! I was tired, people might forget that I’m sill not well - and that is awesome, it helped me just do what I felt I need to do, but I’m not and the last thing I needed or WANTED was a ‘friend’ pointing his finger and raising his voice at me (I will say my son was also there and ALSO did not appreciate it) because I did not share his opinion on painted boobies. I did tell him I thought he was wrong, he wanted to put the blame on someone not even associated with the girls. Just someone else to blame?
I don’t think so.
So yes, I quickly and abruptly ended the conversation and walked away.
THAT was not the time or place and why me? Really?
Once home and cooled off I made the attempt to talk about it - why? Because I actually care about the person I had words with.. but even then the messages turned from painted breast to $$$, marbles, and it appears someone was just plain miserable. He ended blaming me for his terrible experience at the EXPO.
I guess if you have to blame someone, why not. So be it.
But you know what... I get it. We are all struggling in many ways, some financial, mental and physical being the worst, IMO and relationships, live and online, everyone is dealing with something. EVERYONE.
It’s not always easy to stay positive. <3
It’s not necessary to be nasty either.
I am thankful for a conversation I had with my friend Ivan just earlier that day...
Don't Take Anything Personally
Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own beliefs.
When I read the message and saw that it went far beyond just painted nipples, I decided to let it go. I have no control of others anger or opinions. What I do have control over is my own actions and behaviors.
I don’t want to GOSSIP.
I don’t want to hear how much you ‘hate’ someone and I don’t want to hear about negative stuff when I am surrounded by awesome, positive and LOVE.
Why the heck would I?
I did not ruin his day. He ruined his own experience.
All this negative bashing is a distraction. No wonder Cannabis is still not legal when we are so easily distracted and determined to complain about something instead of focusing on the REAL problems.
I wanted to scream - “I really don’t give a flying Fu*k about purple nipples!!!“
Hee hee, looking back now glad I did not.
We forget people are dying for this plant. Going to jail over this plant and yes in our own country - soon to be made criminals for growing this plant that people were told they could grow in the first place. So really, I don’t care, and why do you? They are just breasts- we see much worse every day on television! I met the artist - super talented and to him it is just a canvas - much like to a Dr. it is a Body. I even met the girls in the bathroom. Nice girls. Compared to ALL the AMAZING people and things I saw - they (boobies) never even crossed my mind. Storm, well they made him smile. Made my son smile just to see boobies. LOL Why not. I know he was not alone.
So go ahead complain about boobies and marbles and lack $$$, and even how I ruined the EXPO for you if it makes you feel better. I know it is not true.
Me - I shall stick to trying to remain positive and focus on the PLANT.
xox <><