What a imprudent comment to make. (above in toon)
I took it directly from the article.
Read it yourself:
Health Canada plans to treat marijuana like other medicines
Yes, it plans on treating Marijuana (*CANNABIS - *sigh* own government -does not address it by it's official/correct name) like other medications - Charging ridiculous prices and making it harder to get!
Not to mention limiting strains and options. People will have no choice but return to the more harmful - cheaper and easier to obtain prescribed pills/opiates.
Every time I read something about this It makes me angry, sad, disappointed and worried.
Everyone that I have spoke with, be it someone who uses Cannabis or not, does NOT agrees with these changes.
It is taking a situation for many - were they are able to supply themselves with their own quality medicine and say - now stop and pay someone else for what you have been successfully doing on your own.
???????????????????????? How is this o.k.? Does this make sense to anyone?
* Don't forget - people were told from Health Canada that they could in fact grow their own medicine. I know people who have invested THOUSANDS of dollars to properly set up and grow their own medicine. They have been producing it for years. One friend told me - he will continue to grow after they try to take away personal licenses, if he is arrested - he is prepared to fight. He is ill. He still works from home and has not had to apply for any gov. assistance. IF he loses his license he will NOT be albe to afford the SUGGESTED price increase! How can they do this?
THEY can't if we don't let them.
Among its proposals, the MMPR suggests the price of medical marijuana should rise to $8.80 per gram. It currently ranges from $1.80 to $5 per gram.
WTF? HOW dare they 'suggest' anything, let alone a price for something many people have been able to provide for themselves for much less than the 'SUGGESTED' price! I am sure all other growers (especially the ILLEGAL ones) are thrilled at the price increase! Read a comment made by someone on Fb:
When you think about it, all they're doing is shooting themselves in the foot.
A majority of people who have an exemption are also on disability because they're severely disabled or ill. If they choose to- on the tax payer's dime they have to pay to arrest these people, then pay for their lawyers with legal aid, while also paying court costs. Then should they become imprisoned, they must pay MORE to care for them with monthly transportation to doctors/hospitals, special diets and so on. Don't think because you're in jail you don't receive care anymore. In Canada, they pay to drive you to your doctor's appointments, MRIs, tests and so on while two guards making $30/hr have to baby sit you and drive you around since most prisons are not equipped with this. So really, the government wants to pay millions of more dollars, so a private company can make more money, and the 100 people abusing the MMAR out of 20,000 won't be able to anymore.
I'm so worried about people not having their medicine I never even started to think about that! What bothers me most right now is, why so many already sick and hurting are even having to think or deal with this BULL and added STRESS is beyond me.
Oh Canada ;-( Focus your attention on crimes THAT HURT- Sex trafficking, child pornography, rape, murder...
ALL this over a fucking plant. Take a LOOK around the wold!
A Plant that saves lives.