After my surgery (photo - my badass mama bear scar! - lol no longer visible with hair) I got SICK. It was a concern before going in- they don't want you heaving etc. when the fluid has just been drained from the brain. They had warned me about anti nausea medication that I would be on after surgery as well as some pain medication.
I reminded my surgeon I was already on what I believe to be the best nausea medication - (Cannabis) to which he said something along the lines - yeah but we can't have it in the hospital and can't get into that now..
One needs to remember that I was sick- I was not about to argue with a brain surgeon, I just wanted him in and out and it fixed. LOL - if only!
You might not 'get that' until you are in my shoes.
There are times to pick you battles and that was not one of them.
Anyhow - he did just that - soon after I woke in the recovery room it started. Vomit.
I could not stop and I was wondering the 3rd day, where the heck is this coming from!? They had me on intravenous, that and the occasional attempt at a sip of juice was all I had in me... I went from those USELESS, little, liver, shaped spit bowls to my own batch (stack) of recycled compost-able vomit bowls.
I remember the nurse looked just as upset when she told me yet again - "o.k. were going to try this medication - this one the 'cadillac" of chemo anti-nausea medication! It should work!!!" It did NOT. I was still twitching, and now worried about the nasty head ache from vomiting all the time and sore insides I was also getting from all the heaving.
The 4th day they said I could go - I still had not eaten anything solid - but I nibbled and I wanted OUT of there. Storm brought me a Booster juice - banana - it was perfect I sipped the long drive home. Once home and in bed, vomit. Then I was frightened, at home and still sick... Norm picked up 2 prescriptions they sent me home with for nausea- I took a couple but still felt sick and then "groogy" from the pills. NOTE: They were also $$$ (we do not have a drug plan)
Storm came up stairs with a full volcano bag and I won't lie to you - he said to me
"MOM, stop being a hypocrite - here vaporize!"
I was worried! Nothing else worked, my head spinning, vomiting for 4 days, still recovering from major surgery - I took it and inhaled.
That was it. I was never sick again. Never took a Pill again - I am giving them to a friend who's hubby is suffering with terrible sickness from Chemo.
My surgery was not the success I had hoped but I can say that thankfully - for now I appear to be getting breaks when I medicate and when it gets to be too much I can medicate and go nap- try napping with something poking you in the every second... Cannabis lets that happen. Thank God.
The Dr. mentioned another surgery in the future, I would not consider it unless I could have my plenty with me when I woke up. I did use my plenty steady as I recovered - I never had to have any pain pills either!! ;D I must say - I dropped that plenty a few times - I am very pleased with it as a product. I still have some pain and am waken by the twitch very early so I just turn on the switch, inhale and usually If Im lucky I drift back off.
Cannabis is medicine. Recognized in this country, prescribed by my Dr.,
But I could not use it in the hospital! ? WTF?
CHANGES need to be made!
xox <><
Now Is that not the perfect cartoon!!? I wonder if he was thinking of me ;-)
Ivan is a friend and mentor and has been since I first started all of this. He was one of the very first people to ever encourage me on my Cannabis mission ;-) I am forever grateful.
He has an awesome book out : Hempathy!
You can find his page on FaceBook @
A little bird tells me he also might actually make it to the next TY EXPO!
I hope so I just love to watch him draw!
Time to go medicate.