It was a teen on the side of the road - I forget what it was even about - I saw it in the paper. Since, I have seen a few that I don’t really agree with and wonder like everything else, has it crossed the line?
One man’s shame is another’s funny?
I did see one that upset me, It was a little girl - perhaps 3, looking really sad - Pee’d the bed again. ;-( Wow. Compassion has left the building in that house. 3 Years old! Not everyone is a Beethoven. Come on, how is that gong to help the child?
I felt sorry for the little girl.
Poor parenting skills ? Sometimes we do things that we think are funny but others don’t - I can’t justify it in my mind. The image was not well received so I hope the person that shared it realized.
I do giggle at most pet shaming. I know because I have my girls' and they know when they are bad, NOT because I beat them - because I don’t. Some dogs I worried might be frightened. But you cannot assume that.
I have one the second I see her in the morning if she meets my glance - terrific!
If not - I look for pooh, and usually I find it! Some of the images are very cute and amusing. I love dogs.
Not fond of the public shaming of anyone or anything now; usually we feel ashamed enough when we disappoint a loved one. Pets included.
I did NOT like the one where the dog was put in the bucket for vomiting. That can’t be helped if the dog was ill and the dog did not look comfortable in the bucket.
Anyhow - Good thing I’m not into public shaming although I have thought about it!
My kitty “ I like to lick the gecko when no one is looking.”
Tequila “ I don’t share balls and I hide them so no one else can play”
Scruffy “I eat cat food”... “I beat on Daisy”
Daisy “I chase squirrels and dirty my moms floor several times a day”
Norm “I ate all the cookies, again.”
^Time to go bake.
xox <><