The Culture shift
It has occurred to a lot of people within the MJ medical community that there has been a culture shift, along time ago; sounding as if I am a grandpa sitting by the fire with some youngsters… This plant for centuries has been used as a medicine that was once legal and free. It was never a way to boost fame or fortune. It is a shame that we live in an age when people feel obligated or see it as a necessity to educate fellow members within the MJ community about how the plant isn’t a magnet of fame, or financial aid. We all need to stay banned together and remember that this medicine is a fight that we participate in for the sick people that need it the most. These people cannot fight for themselves and they quite frankly shouldn’t have to, so the next time you spend money to see the next pot crazed movie that showcases cannabis smokers as dimwitted slow plagues on society. Please re think about what you would like to support.
Some where along the way of social media we have lost our interest in educating the public about the respect & medical value this plant deserves. It’s an interesting age when there is so much positive change happening for this plant but we are still stuck in a rut. We could also argue any attention is good attention but if shed in the right light you will always turn more heads and make more believers if you stick with the educational facts, teach that this plant has healthy, life saving principles and you might not get as many followers and fans as your favorite medicated celeb but you will definitely leave more of a everlasting impression, that will carry on to our youngsters and hopefully we can generate a culture shift so we can remain back on track fighting for a medicine that has no write being condemned in the first place.