The USA president put his hand on the bible... is this all for show? Have ye so little faith?
It says in the Bible, fist page:
11 And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.
12 And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
I do not recall anywhere in the bible where it states that one person, country, organization can take out a patent on one of God's creations. Is it just me? But here it is, BEHOLD...
USA Patent on Cannabis:
W.T.F? I also have watched several documentaries on companies like Monsanto trying to hold patent on plants in India- Until crops started to fail and EVEN MORE people started to starve and die & have since decided this is not a good thing.
IF you don't believe in God - then substitute in my drawing who ever you want!
Imagine Mother nature, Buddha or your friendly family farmer! What ever it takes for us to get it and help educate others before this continues to get out of complete control.
Consider it the religion of all humanity - One Love
WHY would we let any ONE person, government, country - hold a patent to a plant!
2 words should be popping into your mind...
Yesterday I watched a Doc., it was about beautiful Burma :
They Call It Myanmar: Lifting the Curtain. < click *Well worth the watch. I was touched at the comment if they have 3 meals a day (and I'm not talking Popeye's chicken or Swiss Chalet) they consider themselves rich. Their children lucky if they can go to school for one year. ;-( Then it's off to work - job's I cannot imagine doing. They are peaceful people with a great faith that have been neglected for far too long. They inspire.
You should watch it and see what happens when we lose control.
WE lose control when we let others have it, and to have it over what is most important to every single being on this planet - nutrition/food- is incredibly frightening and quite stupid of us. HOW many are we??? So this toon is about Cannabis and so much more- it is about every single plant and seed on this planet that we all MUST share.
I love plants as you can see below I have them on every window in my home , every room... what's next? I'm afraid to think of the possibilities if they continue the direction they are going.
Another few great Documentaries to watch..
^^ One of my favorites. There are SO many - I wonder why?
Watch or don't, Monsanto is hoping you don't.
xox <>< ❤☮☯