but many other plants as well like tomoto's and herbs that make vitamins. Monsanto - has designed seeds that self destruct after a harvest so that they become no good to the farmer.
Imagine the seriousness of all of this. Some 'one/company' being in control of all seeds. Seeds = plants= vegetables+ fruit = FOOD.. And suddenly it is illegal to have seeds or grow your own vegetables. Well like it or not - all of you who believe Cannabis (a plant) is illegal and should be controlled you are setting precedence for a very grim future for your own family and children. You can't say it's o.k. to do one plant and not another. Think .. it's not JUST about Cannabis. Remember this the next time you slice that beautiful tomato for that perfect BLT or green peppers and see the seeds. The seeds OF hope..
The seeds that God provided for ALL of us!!!
$$$? Money - what will money mean when you can't buy food. What will money mean when you see the rest of the world starving and it eats at your insides to witness global suffering on an even bigger scale than it is now. So end this control. Stand up for what all humans are entitled to and deserve. SEEDS to grow and feed themselves.
xox <><