As with life - we only need a tiny seed sometimes of hope. I have to say when I woke up this morning, it took so long (over 40 mins.) for my twitch to kick in I thought - It's gone!
It's gone! I got up - dressed, had coffee and still only a tiny little linger...
It is still good and I've been up for 3 hours. It is amazing what it does for the mind. HOPE. Then I read Germany is making it so seriously ill people can grow their own medicine and parents are seriously looking into Cannabis for Autism in record numbers -WHY- because they have seen how it is helping other children - Thank God to the parents who have shared their experience and live with it daily. I have seen some of the children Cannabis is helping and those parents have such a difficult road ahead of them. The last thing they should have to worry about is the politics of it all.
I have HOPE that Health Canada will recognize what the are doing to MMAR patients is WRONG. Compassion needs to be shown for those who need it - not added stress.
I have hope! I
I'm going to send my surgeon an e mail thanking him again - this is the best I have felt with this twitch is over 3 YEARS! Craft room - here I come! I have Hempy Stalkers to make! Already on order for the Treating Yourself EXPO. I HOPE everyone has a great day!
A Cannabis seed brings those who are hurting - HOPE!