There is $$$ to be made obviously- imagine if it were all legal - not only would all those businesses who already thrive do better, people would want to grow properly - not 1/2 assed in a tiny closet. PEOPLE are passionate about growing. For many it brings not only Cannabis/Medicine but it brings them PEACE.
It makes me angry that you can go and spend $1000's on all the supplies, do all the work - and do not kid yourself - IT IS a lot of work. If you do not do it right - it can be an expensive lesson, but in an instant it can all be taken from you and you can be charged as a criminal for ROOTS.
If it were legal - the new level that it could be taken to- MONEY to be made, taxed, quality medicine available for all, a safer alternative to BOOZE, eliminate the gate keeper - making it safer for our children.
I have heard some growers say they don't want it legalized - it will put them out of business. I believe like anything else if you go out of business it is because you are doing a crappy job. Be the best, provide superior product and you will not be going out of business. Ending on a positive note, all the rest is legal - it is not going away, more and more people are researching, educating, growing every day - determination, persistence - like those darn dandy lions in the grass, this persistent weed called Cannabis is not going anywhere but UP! Up to face the sunshine. Glorious growing!
ROOTS nice and strong and getting deeper every day! Have faith! <>< xoxox