NOW Health Canada says they will be taking away that right - and no one will be allowed to grow their own medicine - they will be once again have to rely on others - encouraging (once again) crime that comes with prohibition, growers who will not care and will only be looking out for money and themselves. Many will no longer be able to afford their medicine. A PLANT.
Not to mention access medicine - the stain that best helps their symptoms. THE reason Heatlh Canada and the Police say for this is SAFETY.
To which I say .. BULLSHIT!
Put it into perspective... Are you worried you might have someone growing next to you? Chances are you have a much more serious SAFETY hazard living next door. Hoarding. We have all seen it - it was one reason I decided to get rid of cable!
Hoarding is a disease. It is very sad, STUFF. Stuff everywhere, it robs people of their lives, consumes them- often add food and animals to this disaster and the results are horrendous.
"There is no question that the effects of hoarding are tragic: animals wallow in their own waste, are denied food and water for long periods of time, do not get necessary veterinary care, are sometimes crammed into cages and do not receive walks or regular exercise, all of which results in tremendous suffering and death. Hoarding is cruel, painful, and abhorrent." <Taken from a animal shelter that deals with hoarding daily.
Ask any repair man if he has been in a hoarder home? If Safety was an issue then we should be helping hoarders first. They live in death traps. Rodents, bugs and fire hazards.
I know a few myself. Stuff that they never use, stuff in most cases - no one wants. After all that is what the government really wants us to do - buy stuff - not get healthy.
So OPEN your eyes. Before you get caught up in the Safety issues of grow rooms - just think about how common hoarding has become.
If I had my choice I'd live beside a grower before a hoarder.
I'd much rather a little bud than a little bug come my way... bed bugs.
* I am NOT talking about those that destroy homes by turning them into grow ops.
I do NOT agree with that either. But as for patients growing their own medicine
Let it Be.
We watched this documentary of hoarding - like no other I've seen. Well done and very interesting. Watch it and see what hoarding does to a family, to a life.
WARNING it is called + 7 dumpsters and a corpse - we watched it on netflix. No cable ;-)
xox <><