2016 was I believe a good year for Cannabis - As in ending the insanity and sending less humans to prison/court for it! More states in the USA became legal, recreational (i think they like to call it ‘Adult’) and more medical, more lives helped. Advances are being made, although the DEA still wants some way to convict and control. I think this will always be the case, and IF you are doing something you should not- then you have to prepare for the possibility of still being prosecuted and going to jail.
What can I say? I don't agree with the ‘drug war’ at all, anymore. I am just stating what I see & read happening. We all understand BIG pharma will also want a piece of the Cannapie, still less will be in jail because of cannabis! Fewer minor possession charges, and in Canada- wow- legalization in 2017 - fewer lives ruined for possession & growing. Everyone eventually able to grow 4 plants- I hope they do, it is such a beautiful plant!
You then will also see fresh cannabis appearing at the super market- for those that wish to juice and add some peppery bud to a fresh salad! It will be all the rage! Nom Nom Nom! The times are changing. Thank God
Fellow Canadians, please let us not forget how terrible it was under Stephen Harper, the constant harassment, serious insults and more. Patients never knowing which way to go- PRIVATE classified information being given out for everyone to see & note. THREATENING Canadians (patients, many very sick & terminally ill) to destroy OUR medicine in with ‘kitty litter’ - or we would be persecuted - raided by the police- shoot our dogs? YES, a reality for some.
I felt an incredible weight lifted off my heart when Justing became prime Minister. Breath.
It takes time, he said he would. He will. A new era has arrived in Canada - a healthier one IMO.
2016 brought positive change for cannabis but some countries are still struggling.
We can not make them change their minds but we can educate by example.
Less Alcohol, lower addiction rates for tobacco as well- If you believe what you read. Research it. People are puffing more bud, with far less harmful results- as for brain damage- long term- careful- if that were the case we would see it amongst all those that did ‘inhale- back in the day, and pretty much calling the shots NOW.
& More revenue going to go to our schools, hospitals and cities & towns etc. because of CANNABIS. I seriously hope the Indian reserves in Canada are researching growing as well.
I just bought a tube of ‘Brilliant green’ gouache, for more Brilliant Bud painting!
Now, it’s a few days of painting & praying for me.. no social media.
What do you want in 2017? I hope you get all you desire.
So - SMILE as we get set to burn the last bud of 2016 & turn over he new leaf of 2017!
Give Thanks!
Fill your bowl and hold up your BONG with a cheer!
2017 is going to be a BETTER YEAR!!
Have faith