We rented it via Apple T.V., Apparently it can be found on youtube.
We watched the first of these documentaries a few times, I did, it is very educational and the producers story very honest. IMO. BUT the second documentary shares also the story of Cashy Hyde. & his beautiful family.
The bullshit that family had to endure on top of everything else. From medicine to police abuse. That is exactly what it was . OVER A FUCKING PLANT.
Does anyone deserve this over a plant that has never been responsible for a death? Parents who only want to do everything they possibly can to help their child?
I really do think when they said for Storm no treatment, no cure was a blessing in disguise some days. Well, I might think that now, I did NOT then.
What Cashy endured... my one fricken surgery (miniscule in comparison) and I am still reeling ;-( Cashy died the day after my surgery - I did not find out until a few days later.. maybe even a week I don’t remember, I just remember no one wanted to tell me. Which I am now thankful for. It was a direct blow to my heart. How could it not be? It was for MILLIONS.
Cashy was a miracle, you have no idea and yes he was here for a reason. We are all blessed because of him. Yes, he was a ‘weed warrior,’ sadly we now have a few. A few little warriors who are suffering with pain, disease as their parents stand and watch helplessly.. and then to fear for your life because a plant you give your child and eases their pain is ILLEGAL? Alcohol, pills and tobacco are all easily attainable and all deadly?
Is there any wonder I feel I am going mad? How crazy is all of this?
Innocent children are being punished and made to suffer over $$$
We all are. OVER the next big money maker! Imagine if it was YOUR child.
Google Children on Cannabis I dare you.
I KNOW. I have living proof and I love him very much. I am doing this for more than my own son.
Imagine if it were your child and you knew you could not get him enough medicine, MEDICINE that you KNOW has helped him, eased his pain and could possibly be what is saving his life and although it is something you should be able to GROW in your back yard. THEY COULD NOT.
IT needs to be acknowledged for what it is A VEGETABLE.
A MIRACLE plant! Prohibition is not the problem any longer, it is lack of education.
Once more people become educated on the subject, and get away from reefer madness it will only be a matter of time.
My son says I am naive. ;( I’d like to say I STILL believe in US. ❤
Please take the time to watch something that will educate you.
The American government is educated on the subject of cannabis don’t forget - that’s why they took out the patent on it. FOR its medicinal values.
xox <><
Rest in Peace Cashy. xox
Dr. confirms Cannabis cures tumor.