Read More here: It is now legal for legal patients of cannabis as their medicine to use and have with them edibles/medibles: Items that can be eaten with cannabis in them = cookies, brownies, tootsie rolls and teas to name ONLY a FEW. How I first preferred Storm to medicate - especially when at school, for several reasons * all of which have been covered in this blog over the years - lol So - to me it was an obvious decision. medicine that tastes good- Rona Ambrose Our Minister Health - here in Canada "is OUTRAGED!" Which has me shaking my head for several reasons.
Outraged? Really and to whom does she direct this rage? Canadians that she is supposedly to be concerned of our health and welfare, safety?
WHO is she to feel or direct rage at anyone - including a judge of the Supreme Court of Canada? A unanimous decision. Had the decision went in the other direction - Rona would EXPECT us to show only respect for such a judges decision! Wouldn't she?
This woman represents Canada and ALL the Canadian people, No?
Not just the 'conservative ones'? Am I wrong? Please correct me if i am.
Not just this decision but the Canadian people - becoming more aware - are opting for legalization/decriminalization- and we should be - what ever it takes to stop sending out people to jail! These ARE not hard core criminals I am referring to, they ARE non- violent offenders. Growing a plant, smoking a plant - if for medicinal or recreational use should not be putting people in prison!
I was angry yesterday. I purposely posted - so I would not post until today - after I had time to process. Process before Posting. < lol I'll try to listen to that more often. Rona is most concerned about the children - then do the right thing and EDUCATE them - on all drugs. NOT fear MONGER. What government rules by fear - a weak one and that is what is happening - it's nothing but fear mongering lately. ;( I'm not afraid. I told Marie this case would be won weeks ago.
I believe we (Canadians as ONE) won't HURT our children and we have proven it by making sure edibles are available!!!
Cookies and brownies for our babies! WHY NOT!?
If they are ill enough for cannabis - let them enjoy every BITE.
PLEASE remember - Our son Storm was in fact, diagnosed by 'two teams' of Dr.s, one at the hospital for sick children and then again in Montreal at the shriners hospital - IT was only after years of watching our child suffer that we chose cannabis as an option. Thank God it WAS available.
I am NOT telling any parent to make this decision on their own. I AM begging EVERY parent - IF your child is ill - do your research about Cannabis and make it one of your first choices! It IS one of the safest, compared to our other options available.
Rona is worried about the children... Rona, what about he thousands of children who are being HELPED by cannabis, do our children not matter?
Are we expected to believe that Rona Ambrose - Health Minister of Canada, mother, < (just a word), professional - who is well aware of Cannabis in Canada - a mistake in HER mind made over 10 years ago - is NOT aware of what cannabis is doing to help save people around the world? Doe she not have cable ? lol
Does she not ever watch the news or read the paper? Let me guess, or in a few months will she be Canada's Dr. Gupta and tell us "I was wrong about Cannabis" we'll all be expected to 'forgive' her and move on.
The stress added to sick individuals in this country over cannabis - a plant, is the only real crime being committed. Rona Amrose - our Minister of Health (oxymoron)
the outrage you feel is simply a reflection of what you have provided to so many others.
The next court case will be for Canadians who were granted permission to grow their own medicine - will be permitted to continue to do so. I have no fear regarding this case, it too will be won. Why? It is wrong.
I no longer have faith in our Government to look out for our welfare - I do have faith in each other.
I'm going to go and BAKE to celebrate! I'm going to go and make some sweets for my sweet- made it TCL and THC by me - MOM! Here is one posted before that was a hit!
Storm still prefers homemade banana bread with chocolate chips and extra Cannabis!
good for his bones!! Also - some medicate chex mix is on the menu!
Have faith <>< xox