Perfect timing, visiting a friend and she was reading this article, I love it when everything literally falls into place.
This article in national geographic is one of the best at explaining sugar, IMO.
Sugar is considered as dangerous as the tobacco industry and as ruthless.
I personally had no idea sugar was in so much and for years fell into the fat free frenzy.
I believe the best blessings come in disguise - it was not until I became ILL that I started to eat healthier, fresh, organic and now, after I eat this last peanut butter cup- more sugarless!
When Storm was little I was guilty of sugar ignorance. Now addicted, mostly for the foods I Introduced into his life and diet (shitty gatekeeper) all I can do now is make all our meals healthier, shop for the best ingredients and educate. Storm is great he is the most health conscience of all of us.
NORM, now there is the serious addict.
ASK anyone. We still argue weekly, over his eating habit, he will go an entire day eating only candy - HIS choice. Only last week I said it quite simply - “If at the age of 51 knowing all we know about food, health, etc, - and if he lives in this house - HE DOES, yet he still will choose to consume an entire bag of twizzlers for lunch - Oh well. I have no control over him or his choices. Twizzle away. Make sure the insurance is paid.”
What else can one do? Generations have been brain washed and force fed without even realizing it.
EVEN with what I know I STILL WILL have this peanut butter cup. I am addicted.
For anyone that might be confused...
I am NOT saying: give your kids cannabis! Sugar is worse!
I am saying Wake up! Pay attention! Research and HELP your children!
I believe there is some serious fear mongering still continuing to go on today - and it is a wonderful distraction- while we continue to put toxins in our children, creating a future generation dependent on medicine. <$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Seriously, before cannabis your child will probably be introduced to these other common Highs and you are not even aware: Sugar high - Cake, Pop, cookies, cereal
Children’s cough medicines - sugar and chemical high, prescribed medications - more children are on a prescription medication now than ever in history, children as young as 2 have been diagnosed and prescribed antidepressants designed for ADULTS. Alcohol, either from being introduced for a celebration or kids ‘sneaking’ alcohol is a common practice in many households. Alcohol addiction is one of the worst in the world. Tobacco, as with alcohol is usually first introduced by a family member.
Don’t forget Coffee, energy drinks, glue & solvents...
What example are you setting for your child today?
WE are the original gatekeepers. How are your kids getting high?
Please STOP being distracted by fear mongering. Take control.
xox <><