I have had a terrible past few days, almost as bad as just after surgery. My twitch waking me up at 4 a.m., so powerful it has me crying before I'm out of bed. And it does not stop. It takes on average 3/5 bong hits JUST to get it under control this past few mornings. JUST to get it to start to give me a break.
When it is as bad as it is.. I can not walk properly, I can not read, I can not use the computer, I can not function. The shots of pain I get instantly stop you in your tracks! Right from the top of my head down now to my chest. The several days, I've hardly been able to function past 3 in the afternoon. Exhausted, mentally and physically. What do I worry about - seeing my son and husband watch this. I know it breaks their heart every time. My days consist of moving from one seat to another - thank GOD, I can draw, or I don't know what I'd do :( I pray a lot too.
I have to go and see my Dr. I have decided NOT to renew my license to use cannabis.
HEALTH Canada is killing me.
The past few months we have been bullied, lied to, outed, insulted and threatened.
Until HEALTH Canada shows its patients, Canadian Citizens some respect, I wont be showing them any! I will continue to use my medicine.
Our son was born with a terminal bone disease. Cannabis - prescribed by a Dr. at 14 has allowed him to finally gain SOME control over his life and pain. At 14, Storm was told he "could not grow his own medicine because he was too young, but a 'Designated Grower' could!" Imagine if it was your child? We have invested blood, sweat and tears and $$$. Because we were told we could - yes, even encouraged.
Now even with the court cases, still they can not provide proof - of all these 'dangers'.
I have yet to read about them. If it is as dangerous as they say - we would be reading about it every day, in neighborhoods everywhere. We are NOT.
ALSO this BULLSHIT from Health Canada and Doctors has GOT to end:
They don't know enough about cannabis to approve or sign for patients....
BULLSHIT! What about the drugs they do approve - posted today - read this:
"Take the Vioxx (rofecoxib) scandal, for example, where tens of thousands of people died from taking a Health Canada approved painkiller. It should serve as a vivid reminder that policies that thwart data transparency pose a very real threat to the health of patients."
It is all lies! Excuses and putting patients in harms way. If your Dr. refuses to even think about it send him a copy of WEEDS and suggest he educate himself on the subject. I have no problems doing this. Free to watch here: http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/weed/
I am done.
FUCK you Health Canada, you are killing me and I refuse to be bullied by you any further.
xox <><