Oh well... I'm not changing anytime soon Santa, so I guess I won't see you for a while.
I love who I am right now.
Frankly, I'll be glad when today is over.
I love Jesus. I give thanks everyday and I ask for forgiveness, every day.. lol
I celebrate him daily.
I did get one gift, from Storm and it made me cry.
I Thank God for Storm. He said he does not need any gifts: “I need what’s sitting in that chair breathing” he remarked to me while I was at my desk drawing last night.
I do hope people enjoy a good Christmas.. for those that get right into it (and can afford it) I hope your day is perfect!!
I hope one day to feel the “christmas Spirit” again, I certainly do not feel ‘it’ this year.
I also realize how many people feel the same as I do & do not have anyone in their life to even spend today with- that is who my Christmas Wishes go out to today.
Feel loved. Love yourself. Jesus loves you, no gifts required. No attending mass required.
If you do not believe, that’s fine- enjoy this day of PEACE.
Instead - 2017.. I’ll focus on that today.
It’s going to be different. Big change.
On a positive Note -I have a bulletin board in my office - I put postcards on it *I love snail mail! As you might be aware. lol
I put all that people send me during the year- and it becomes full as the year goes on! Postcards Cards from around the world, drawings, stickers, letters people write to thank me. It blows my mind & warms my heart. lol
For what? For expressing my love? Trying to help bring an awareness to a injustice - isn’t that why we are here? I wonder sometimes if I make a difference. .. then I glance up- right above my desk and I see your wishes, cards and LOVE. Thank you.
I had one letter, putting it all away that brought me to tears, Patrick from Conspiracy Culture wrote me a letter after Jamie died. That gave me the 'Feeling of Christmas' of love.
I cleared it of 2016 - all goes into an envelope marked 2016’ & now it is ready to welcome 2017! The first thing on it my gift from my son, a drawing of cannabis from Todd I received this week and a reminder to myself : You did not wake up to be mediocre today.
Have a wonderful day.
I hope Santa was good to you, if not - join the club. ;)
Have faith
*I already drew '2017 Bud'- & it is super cute!!! lol If I do say so myself...
Tomorrow, a bit of love into the universe.
Back to dreaming.
www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOX3YQMIkU8 check out this incredible artist!