'Don't try to guess what YOU think it represents.. you might be wrong. lol
It was fun, I needed it - got me through the 'TRUMP hump'.. I hope.
Sorted out some stuff in my mind and now it is DONE. over. time to move on.
back to focusing on work, cannabis cartons, painting and having some pleasurable moments in between - moving forward.
Thats' how 'I' do it. No wonder I asked for 2 more canvas for the weekend.
How do YOU do it? Everyone must have a hobby. ;)
I was conversing with a friend who reminded me 'this is not a dress rehearsal..." a cliche coming from most - not in this case, I shall respect and indeed heed the advice.
Paint!!! Because that is what I am here to do. I know.
I have NEW ideas and want to get into more serious painting, 'Nude even!
;) Seriously!
Dream (paint my new slogan) hee hee & get back to this cute little 'lady bud'!
Enjoy "Tell me no lies.." if you do, I will know and I have no time for bull. ;D
I read a quote yesterday by Georgia O'keefe that has resonated with my soul btw..
“I do not wish to try to live among many people – they tire me more than anything...” Georgia O'Keefe
*for any that are reading I am closing my 'alias' Fb. If I want news I will go to the source- trying to figure out FB bullshit is too time consuming. I will continue the Georgia Toons page. In recent days - the level of hatred, negative remarks and so forth also has convinced me- I don't need to read others 'anger' others with nothing 'better' to do. I have better control of what I am viewing on IG. believe it or not - this DRAMA in the USA right now IS what the political powers want. More of the poor will be thrown in jail. ;(
Anyone who wants to read 'me' can still message me via- 'Georgia Toons'... or here.
***ABOUT the 'kids & medicine' cartoon, its really 'hit a nerve researching this terrible, EVIL fucking PILL PUSHING, greedy Arrrrrrggghh!!!!! Must calm down, breath, think of being in caves... looking at art. Back to my 'happy place' so I may focus.
Thank you God.
Time to medicate & paint my 'Miss CannaBud!!!
Have Faith