I am exhausted physically and mentally, this is all very upsetting, degrading and it's NOT over. Today I share a post from another ( a stranger really- I just saw this comment and asked If I could share) so you have an idea. Until you live this HELLTH Canada - you have no idea. I'm done.
Bring it on and yes Health Canada - Should I have a home invasion, I too will hold Health Canada responsible.
She has asked I don't share her name.. Unlike Health canada I will RESPECT her wishes:
Health Canada has sent out notices to medical marijuana patients with "Medical Marijuana Program- Health Canada" in bold print on the front of the envelope. Up to this point all correspondence from Health Canada has been sent from "Health Canada" by registered mail. This was obviously a letter to a person who is part of the program. Some patients have had their postal workers comment about the program. I live in a small gossipy community, I know the post office gossips. My mail carrier is a close neighbour who can not be trusted with private information.
I feel that Myself and my family as well as my neighbours have been put at risk. It would seem like an easy hit for a criminal, a secluded house, only an ill woman home during the day.
In addition there is our reputation in this small community, my husband and myself are active in the church and the community. Many would not look fondly on us if it were known that I grew and used Marijuana, even as a medicine. My children and grand children are at risk of embarrassment. I could lose friends. My husband could have problems at work.
I feel this is a serious issue and I copied these point off your privacy list. They are all relevant to my and other patients situation.
1- information relating to the education or the medical, criminal or employment history of the individual or information relating to financial transactions in which the individual has been involved,
2- the address, fingerprints or blood type of the individual,
3- correspondence sent to a government institution by the individual that is implicitly or explicitly of a private or confidential nature, and replies to such correspondence that would reveal the contents of the original correspondence,
4- information relating to any discretionary benefit of a financial nature, including the granting of a licence or permit, conferred on an individual, including the name of the individual and the exact nature of the benefit,
It would seem that this was done purposely, with malice, perhaps it was stupidity or it could be that the Minister and her dept are just incompetent.
Whatever the reason, steps must be taken to satisfy the the anger and unease that patients now feel. I am personally very much afraid that the wrong person will find out about my license.
Thank you for your prompt attention. I look forward to your timely response.
More tomorrow - You bet!
It's far from over.
xox <><