Drug War clock : http://www.drugsense.org/cms/wodclock
And this is after 40 YEARS -- COME on ! Time tested obvious results.
Put some of that money to better use! EDUCATION show kids what will happen when they make poor choices. Teach them about how what they do now will affect them when they are older. MAKE them aware so that they just might make the right choice. TEACH them to read! So they can educate themselves, the sooner the better. Schools are suffering, children are hungry and the law keeps throwing people in jail instead of being helped & treated - they are released only to fall into the same pattern as before. Worse , they go to jail for a crime like smoking cannabis and come out criminals.
Find out how some other places in the world have treated the problem and are SUCCESSFUL!
"Ten Years After Decriminalization, Drug Abuse Down by Half in Portugal
Drug warriors often contend that drug use would skyrocket if we were to legalize or decriminalize drugs in the United States. Fortunately, we have a real-world example of the actual effects of ending the violent, expensive War on Drugs and replacing it with a system of treatment for problem users and addicts."
Ten Years After Decriminalization, Drug Abuse Down by Half in Portugal. Fact are facts.
So WHY if anything is Canada following in the footsteps of the American Government and it's failed war. Hmmmmm?? I wish I knew. What I do know is we should be investing in our future, our children. Not kill them with fast food and lies.
xox <><