I have blogged about Todd before. I believe everything and everyone for a reason. I first met Todd at an EXPO and he 'called me' on something - something I offered in my newsletter- to make a long story short - he got my attention, we struck up a conversation and today I am honored to call him and his family friends.
Todd GREW Cannabis legally in the united states.
By paying for tax stamps! I have one right here on my desk to remind me daily of the injustise my friend faces (in the image above) Tennessee Department of Revenue -UNAUTHORIZED SUBSTANCE STAMP(s).. and guess what friends, they don't come cheap. Todd has been playing by the rules, openly goes & pays for his stamps and they know what he has been growing. Todd even has a website he promotes- In other words...
*** IT'S BEEN NO BIG SECRET - BUT not too long ago they still busted his door in and held a gun to his daughters head and arrested Todd. You can research it all yourself or contact Todd, he has nothing to hide.
Shortly after being busted, his younger daughter Ariel was rushed to hospital with pain in her abdomen only to find out she had cancer. She has undergone extensive surgeries and cancer treatments.
Todd has much going on.. His court date is July 14th. 2014.
He does not know if he will go to jail very soon and what his he doing - he is MARCHING! We are close, when this bust happened and I first spoke with Todd, he was frightened (how can one not be), now, I am witnessing a different Todd, one who knows he did nothing wrong and is tired of being pushed around and is tired of watching everyone being pushed around - for what? NOW - A substance only a couple of states away is celebrated.
It is ridiculous!
I am sure people who know Todd are thinking, why did'nt she draw Todd walking...
-one of the reasons why I love my friend Todd, his letter starts off with this:
"On June 6, 1966, James Meredith started a solitary March Against Fear for 220 miles from Memphis, Tennessee, to Jackson, Mississippi, to protest against racism. Ordinary people both black and white came from the South and all parts of the country to participate."
All I could think is 'that is so Todd'. He does not have a racist bone in his body, he is a good hard working guy who simply wants to do what he does, raise a family and help end some of this Cannabis madness! This walk won't be easy, on Todd or his 'ladies', and what a great way to think! African Americans are the hardest hit by Cannabis prohibition and private USA prisons, - don't believe me - look it up. It's NOT just about Todd & h- and Todd understands that. Todd played by all the rules and STILL he is being punished. PLEASE support him on his walk. Black, white, asian, hispanic.. time to do something and this is a great start!
More at:
When he asked if I'd draw I said yes, of course, I am asked Daily - and it's Todd's suggestion that gave me the idea, If anyone wants to use this drawing - all they have to do is add their information to the space now and they can share, print, post, anything.
I hope some do use the template, especially if it helps get out a message.
For a better quality image to add your information - e mail me and I will send you a better quality to use. Or try this. Jpeg image ;)