They are in Hallmark stores in Canada (my husband saw it at the Walmart sore-also carry Hallmark) in the shoebox collection area from now until February 2013. I must admit it is NEAT! It was fun with my first card and equally fun with this one! Now, who do I send it to!? Drawing this card was easy I just had a mental flash back of roller skating at the terrace in my red sequin tube top and LOVED my clackers- until they almost broke my fingers.
There is no greater feeling being a cartoonist than to see your stuff in print.
I feel blessed to be in so many quality magazines -some of the BEST available! Now Hallmark cards! I am excited and inspired to set a new goal. 3 cards!
To think I almost did not enter the contest but then I said what I say to others
- What have you go to lose? Nothing. Nothing if you don't try!
I had a friend recently tell me he has had "his story rejected 3 times so - oh well..."
I laughed in my head - I have a -2- I have 2 duotangs full of rejection letters!! I kept them because I knew one day I would be published and I can look back and see that they were just pieces of paper. Even the rejection letters got better as time went on, with comments and encouragement from publishers. I will never give up again when there is something I want to accomplish.
I might not accomplish it but I know I will have tried and given it my best.
That is ALL we can do. Our best. Over and over and over again - until we get it right.
xox <><