Every now and then it hits me, as the day goes on and I have several twitch attacks and a head ACHE since the moment my brain registers it is awake.. the fear disappears and I know this has to be done. I am getting my Zen Den ready!
Determined to surround myself with all things I love and keep it simple I have a few key essentials:
- my ipod with meditation music - lots of Om mani padme hum going to be happening ;D.
-T.V. & DVD player and of course my box sets of Warner Brother cartoons! Watched a few of my favs. last night! Has made me feel good since I was a kid!
-I made a 'positive vibes board' & complimentary pins (can't tell you too much about it, as it is a very cool and up coming craft)!! I hope to stick it with ideas, photos and more to keep me inspired & focused.
-A book that I have read before (I'm not going to strain my brain in any way) Our Lady of the Lost and Found < click to read more. It is inspiring, fun, interesting and I find the entire concept pretty cool. I love a good book and have found that reading this one - I am easily drifting off on inspired ideas.. I also have The Pot Book and am expecting Hempology 101 in the mail by Ted Smith any day ! So I will have some material for CC Cartoons - Not that I ever seem to be a at a lack for material;-) Also the Bible ♥
-OF course - I have my supply of pencils, paper, note pads and ink! Ready to rock!
Buddha & beside him my hemp ball, my mini ROOR, my Plenty by my bedside and a dish of healing herb - without it I do not know how I'd have got through these past few years!
So I'm ready! Storm has been -as always fantastic, from helping mop to more <3 The only think I'm 'upset' about is I have to keep the girls locked out of my bedroom for 2 weeks. Should be interesting. I am so ready for this healing process to begin. * after a difficult day yesterday - this toon came to me last night and made me giggle so I drew it to give to my Dr. before surgery - Note* Right side please! LOL I hope he has a sense of humor.
Last Post tomorrow for 2 weeks peeps. I am shutting down. <3