This is about a conversation I have had with several people.
I talk to everyone and that is a gift ‘to’ me. I learn all sides of the story. I have been blessed as a cannabis cartoonist - to be in a situation where I have got to know many people of all sorts, sizes, professions, incomes, ages, diseases and reasons.
I am becoming even more convinced you cannot judge anyone until you have lived their lives and if you don’t get why someone is miserable then the issue lies with-in. Lack of compassion? I don’t necessarily think so, but a lack of consideration perhaps and again - possibly just because how do you think of these things if you truly do not understand?
*Like a video today with two guys talking about child birth they were singing a new tune after having ‘electric contractions equal to a normal birth. Once you know - then you realize. Until then.. TRY to put yourself in others shoes. If only for a few moments.
I am having serious balance issues these days I nearly wipe out in my own back yard daily - causing much amusement for my girls who think mom’s playing a new game or is mom going in the pool!?? Hee hee hee - not funny when happening though. I couldn’t even consider attending the march. Many patients who use cannabis cannot physically attend these functions and that sucks. They want to participate as much as anyone else if not more!
Cannabis would not be where it is today if not for the awareness of medical Cannabis and patients that are speaking up. I first learned from Documentaries with patients, I thank God for them. Patients are now getting angrier as some light up, wake and bake, and stay STONED’ and become legal -yet other places continue to struggle for their MEDICINE and all the issues surrounding it from political, social etc...
I guess I am trying to say is have a little more consideration, perhaps parades everywhere would organize a double decker bus for those that cannot walk!! O.k.perhaps thats pushing it just yet but if you are planning an event give those in wheelchairs, those who need crutches and others that just need to rest some serious consideration please. We all want and deserve the same happiness. We all want to celebrate this powerful plant! & give thanks. Physically and mentally.
ONE love xox